Shure DJ Equipment Model FP42 User Manual

Model FP42 User Guide  
Stereo Microphone Mixer  
The FP42 is a 4-input, 2-output, compact, self-contained stereo  
mixer for applications in broadcasting, recording and sound rein-  
forcement. The high-reliability FP42 integrates all the operating  
features of a professional stereo mixer in a single unit—small and  
lightweight enough for location use, but with the reliability of a stu-  
dio console.  
Power Off/On Switch: applies power to the FP42 circuitry.  
Channel Level/Cue Rotary Controls: adjust individual input  
channelsignal levels.Each channelcan becued bypulling thecon-  
trol knob outward, rotating the knob to the desired level, and push-  
ing the knob inward to activate the channel.  
Lo Cut Filter Slide Switches: reduce unwanted low-frequency  
signals such as wind noise by 6 dB per octave at 150 Hz.  
S Wide, flat frequency response, low distortion, and high  
Pan L--R Rotary Controls: assign each input channel signal to the  
left(L)orright(R)outputchannel, orequally to each outputchannel  
(center detent).  
output level  
S Reliable operation under all temperature and humidity  
Master Rotary Control: determines mixed output level at left (L)  
and right (R) output connectors. The control is “clutched”: both  
channel levels can be set simultaneously, or the left (inner knob) or  
right (outer knob) channel can be set individually. The control also  
sets the tone oscillatorlevel when the Tone Osc switch is turned on.  
S Protected against RF interference and damage from input  
overload and shorted outputs  
S Four transformer-coupled XLR inputs, each microphone-line  
switchable with low-cut filters and cuing function  
Mono/Stereo Slide Switch:selects eithermonophonic outputsig-  
nals (both left and right output connectors carry the same signal) or  
stereo operation (input channel signals are assigned to left or right  
output channels depending on Pan control positions).  
S Full-separation pan pots with center detent on each input for  
precise spatial positioning  
S Phantom power for condenser microphone operation  
Limiter In/Out Slide Switch: activates fast-acting, peak-respond-  
ing limiter circuit to cut overload distortion during loud program in-  
tervals without affecting normal program levels.  
S Built-in tone oscillator permits level checking and line testing  
S Left- and right-channel transformer-coupled XLR outputs,  
with microphone-line and mono-stereo switches  
Peak/Limiter LEDS: indicate limiter operation with the limiter in,  
and indicate approaching program overload with the limiter out.  
The LEDs are activated by the shortest transient peak, but remain  
on long enough to provide easy recognition.  
S Parallel stereo headphone jacks (1/4-inch and mini) with  
level control  
S Left and right mix bus jacks  
S Active, feedback-type input gain controls for high-level input  
L and R VU Meters: indicate 0 VU with a +4 dBm output (recom-  
mended for normal use to provide approximately 14 dB headroom  
from operating level to clipping level). Rear-panel VU Range +4/+8  
slide switch permits changing to 0 VU=+8 dBm. The VU meters are  
lit during ac operation only; therefore, the illumination serves as a  
visual alarm if the ac is interrupted and the unit has automatically  
switched to battery operation.  
signals without input attenuators  
S Adjustable-threshold limiter with left- and right-channel peak  
S VU meters with range switch and battery check function  
S Left- and right-channel master level controls and ganged  
headphone level control  
Batt Check Momentary Push-button Switch: operates in con-  
junction with the left-channel VU meter to indicate battery condi-  
tion. With the Power switch on and the switch depressed, a new set  
of batteries will give about a +2 VU indication. Battery condition is  
good if the reading is above 0 VU: a lower reading means that new  
batteries are required for proper operation.  
S Powered by ac (120 or 240V—internally selectable) or  
built-in battery pack  
S Low battery drain provides up to 10 hours operation under  
normal conditions  
S Noiseless and automatic switchover to and from battery  
Tone Osc Off/On Slide Switch: provides a highly stable, low-dis-  
tortion 1-kilohertz tone for line tests and level checks. The tone sig-  
nal level is controlled by the Master Level control. The tone signal  
appears on both the line and microphone outputs, as well as the  
Headphones and Mix Bus connectors. The tone oscillator should  
be switched off when not in use.  
S Rugged, durable construction  
S Compact and lightweight for field use and transporting  
S Rack-mountable with accessory rack mount kit  
S Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.;  
Headphones 1/4-inch Stereo Phone Jack and Miniature 3.5  
mm Stereo Phone Jack: permit monitoring mixer output through  
most stereo headphones. The Headphones rotary control adjusts  
listed by Canadian Standards Association as Certified  
2003, Shure Incorporated  
27A8795 (CD)  
Printed in U.S.A.  
Download from WwAw.lSolmeanguarlso.cSomo.uAlnl Mda.nucalos Smearch And Download.  
is recommended for normal use to provide approximately 14 dB of  
headroom from operating level to clipping level.  
0.4% or less THD, 30 to 20,000 Hz at + 15 dBm output; 0.5% or  
less IM distortion at +15 dBm output into 600 ohms  
The VU meters are illuminated by a single cartridge-type, 6.3V in-  
candescent lamp, operating well under its normal rating for a life ex-  
pectancy of greater than 10,000 hours. The lamp is only lit for ac  
operation. Consequently, the illumination serves as a visual alarm if  
the ac is interrupted and the unit has switched to battery operation.  
Common Mode Rejection  
65 dB minimum with input of 20 dBV at 100 Hz  
Control Interaction  
Less than 1 dB with any control combination  
The VU meters are connected on the primary side of the output  
transformer to assure protection from any dc level on a telephone  
Overload and Shorting Protection  
Shorting outputs, even for prolonged periods, will cause no dam-  
age; microphone input will not be damaged by signals up to 3V  
Telephone interconnection  
Separation (left and right outputs)  
40 dB minimum at 10 kHz; 50 dB minimum at 1 kHz  
When using the FP42 connected directly to a telephone line, check  
to see whether the telephone company requires an interface cou-  
pler between the FP42 and the telephone line. If a coupler is re-  
quired, make certain the coupler selected and the wiring arrange-  
ment are in compliance with local telephone company regulations.  
Connect the telephone line to the left or right Output connector and  
turn the Pan controls so that the entire output signal is on the tele-  
phone-connected output, or switch to mono operation.  
Low-Cut Filters  
6 dB per octave rolloff at 150 Hz  
Threshold: Adjustable, +8 to +14 dBm  
Attack Time: 3 msec typical  
Recovery Time: 500 msec typical  
Telephone Line Surge Protection  
Peak/Limiter Indicators  
When using the FP42 connected directly to a telephone line subject  
to lightning-induced voltage surges, the following part (commer-  
cially available) can be installed across the output terminals to pro-  
vide additional protection for output circuit components: Metal Ox-  
ide Varistor, General Electric Co., Type No. V22ZA1.  
Limiter out: lights 6 dB below clipping  
Limiter in: lights at onset of limiter action  
All outputs in phase with all inputs. Pin 2 is highwith respect to  
pin 3; pin 1 is ground. Tip of mix bus jack in phase with pin 3. Tip  
and ring of headphone jacks in phase with pin 2 of left and right  
outputs, respectively.  
Frequency Response (ref 1 kHz)  
30 to 20,000 Hz, +1, 3 dB  
Tone Oscillator  
1 kHz; +18 dBm maximum at both outputs with Master level full  
Voltage Gain (at 1 kHz)  
Phantom Power  
30 Vdc nominal, 3.3k series resistance, automatically disabled  
with input switch in Line position  
90 dB  
40 dB  
55 dB  
40 dB  
25 dB  
25 dB  
100 dB  
50 dB  
85 dB  
35 dB  
10 dB  
Mix Bus  
5 dB  
62 dB  
Operating Voltage  
Ac Operation: 120 or 240 Vac 10% (internally selectable),  
50/60 Hz, 6W  
Dc Operation: 27 Vdc nominal at 30 mA typical no-signal, 32 mA  
typical at 0 VU (+4 dBm) output; 21.5 Vdc minimum; battery life  
approximately 10 hours with alkaline batteries at +4 dBm output  
in continuous use; three 9-volt batteries, type NEDA 1604A  
IMPEDANCE (at 1 kHz)  
(at 1 kHz)  
19600 ohms  
Less than 10k  
40 to 5 dBV*  
+10 to +45 dBV*  
0 dBV  
Mix Bus  
*Dependent on input control setting.  
Temperature Range  
Operating: 18° to 57° C (0° to 135° F)  
Storage: 29° to 71° C (20° to 160° F)  
IMPEDANCE (at 1 kHz)  
(at 1 kHz)  
33 dBV min. across150  
79.5 mm H x 310 mm W x 230 mm D  
(31/8 in. x 127/32 in. x 91/16 in.)  
150 ohms  
600 ohms  
<1 ohm  
+18 dBm min. across 600  
185 ohms  
Mix Bus  
15 dBV min. across 3.5k  
82000 ohms  
100 ohms  
+6 dBV min. across 200 ohms  
Net: 2.95 kg (6 lb 8 oz)  
Packaged: 3.45 kg (7 lb 10 oz)  
Equivalent Input Noise: 129 dBV (low-impedance micro-  
phone, 150 ohms, 300 to 20,000 Hz) into 600-ohm load at full  
Equivalent Input Hum and Noise: 127 dBV (low-impedance  
microphone, 150 ohms, 20 to 20,000 Hz) into 600-ohm load at  
full gain  
Output Noise: 70 dBV maximum (output control full counter-  
clockwise [off]), 55 dBV maximum (output control full clockwise  
[on]) (input control down, 300 to 20,000 Hz)  
Output Hum and Noise: 62 dBV maximum (output control  
down), 53 dBV max. (output control up, input control down, 20  
to 20,000 Hz)  
Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.; listed by Canadian  
Standards Association as Certified  
The Model A16R Rack Panel Kit consists of a 19 in. x 31/2 in.  
(483 mm x 89 mm) precut rack panel and necessary hardware for  
rack-mounting the FP42 with its cover in place and end caps re-  
moved in a standard 19(483 mm) rack panel.  

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