Star Trac GPS Receiver NAV REPEATER User Manual

Thank you for choosing the Star NAV Repeater which will display all necessary  
data from your NMEA navigator.  
Power and NMEA data are connected on the reverse side of the instrument.  
The colour coded 4-pole jack plug makes the installation easy.  
1.1 Part specification  
Star SEA Data is delivered with all mounting material. Make sure all these parts  
are in the package.  
Instruction manual for use  
Warranty card  
Instrument SEA Data  
Instrument cover  
Back cover  
Drill template  
Mounting screws  
Rubber plugs  
Bag with wire protectors and  
silicon paste  
Screw connector  
The installation includes 6 major steps:  
1. Read the installation and operation manual.  
2. Plan where to install the transducer and instrument.  
3. Install the transducer, then the instrument.  
4. Run the cables.  
5. Take a break and admire your installation.  
6. Learn the functions and calibrate your instrument.  
Before you begin drilling... think about how you can make the installation  
as neat and simple as your boat will allow. Plan where to position the  
instrument. Think about leaving space for additiona instruments in the  
A few ”do not’s” you should consider:  
Do not cut cables too short. Allow extra cable length at the instrument so it  
can be removed for inspection without having to disconnect attached  
Do not place sealant behind the instrument. The instrument gasket  
eliminates the need for sealant.  
Do not run cables close to fluorescent light sources, engine or radio  
transmitting equipment to avoid electrical disturbances.  
Do not rush, take your time. A neat installation is easy to do.  
The following material is needed:  
Wire cutters and strippers.  
Large Philips and small flat head screw driver.  
Hole saw for the instrument clearance hole, 52 mm (2 1/16”).  
2.8 mm (7/64 ”) drill for the mounting holes in wood.  
3.2 mm (1/8 ”) drill for the mounting holes in fibre glass.  
Plastic cable ties.  
If you are doubtful about the installation, obtain the services of an  
experienced technician.  
2.1 Installing the instrument  
Place the adhesive drill template on the desired location for the instrument.  
Drill the four screw holes using a 2.8 mm (7/64”) drill for wood or 3.2 mm (1/8”)  
for fibre glass. Use a 52 mm (2 1/16”) hole saw to machine the clearance  
hole for the instrument connection socket.  
Note! Never drill through the instrument’s four mounting holes as the  
gasket may be damaged and thus cause leakage. The warranty is not valid  
for damage caused by drilling through the mounting holes.  
2.2 Electrical installation  
The connector is attached to the four pins on the reversed side of the  
instrument. The 4-pole jack plug is colour coded  
+12 V  
Own cable  
NMEA RETURN Own cable  
Own cable  
Own cable  
Ground : Ground (0 V)  
Important! Always connect both NMEA in and NMEA return. Connect NMEA  
return to ground if the GPS has no NMEA return.  
Connect a 3 Ampere fast fuse between power  
battery and instrument on the plus lead.  
Function overview  
The display is divided in two function groups: Position and Navigation. To  
change between them, press MODE. To scroll in function list, press UP or  
3.1 How to use the push buttons  
Mode / Light button  
This button is used to change between Position mode and  
Navigation mode. One short press changes between the two  
modes. To select light levels, press mode for more than two  
Down button  
This button is used to move down in the function list or to decrease  
a value in set mode.  
Up button  
This button is used to move up in the function list or to increase a  
value in set mode.  
KEY button  
This button is used to lock/unlock a value, to be able to change it.  
To clear a value or reset trip distance, press UP and DOWN  
Man Over Board  
To activate Man Over Board function, press MODE and KEY  
The position is displayed in latitude and longitude to three  
decimal places. If the NMEA Navigator just sends two  
decimals, the third will always read zero.  
3.2.1 Time and date  
To display date and time, press DOWN. Date and time is  
displayed in month, day, hour, minute and second. Some  
NMEA navigators does not send date. In that case, the  
text TIME is written instead of the date. To set the local  
time zone, press KEY. The ”underline” sign is flashing  
(underline is the same as plus), change with UP or DOWN,  
move to next character with MODE, change value with UP  
or DOWN. When you have entered the correct time zone,  
press KEY.  
3.2.2 Battery voltage  
To display battery voltage, press DOWN. Battery voltage is  
measured in the instrument. It can therefore be different to  
the voltage meter in your boat. That is due to voltage drop  
in cables.  
Navigation functions  
To change to combi steer, press MODE. The combi steer  
window provides you with information of five values at a  
time. The arrow at the top helps you to keep on track. This  
function is explained in section 3.3.7. The functions  
displayed are speed over ground, course over ground,  
distance to Waypoint and course to Waypoint. If no  
Waypoint is selected to navigate towards in the NMEA  
navigator, the bottom row will display dashes.  
3.3.1 Cross track error (XTE)  
To display XTE, press DOWN. The XTE window displays  
the XTE numerical on the top row. Bottom row displays  
distance to and course to Waypoint. If no Waypoint is  
selected to navigate towards in the NMEA navigator, the  
bottom row will display dashes.  
3.3.2 Waypoint closure velocity (WCV)  
To display WCV, press DOWN. The WCV window displays  
the WCV numerically on the top row. Bottom row displays  
distance and course to Waypoint. If no Waypoint is  
selected to navigate towards in the NMEA navigator, the  
bottom row display dashes. If your boat is moving away  
from the Waypoint, WCV will display dashes.  
3.3.3 Time To Go (TTG)  
To display TTG, press DOWN. The TTG window displays  
the time to Waypoint. If no Waypoint is selected to navigate  
to in the NMEA navigator or if your boat is moving away  
from the Waypoint, TTG will display dashes.  
3.3.4 Select Waypoint  
In the navigation mode you can at any time set a Waypoint  
to go to. The NAV Repeater will then compute the distance  
and bearing to Waypoint and all other functions.The  
Waypoint is selected by pressing the KEY in any  
navigation mode. When the KEY is pressed the NMEA  
Waypoint number is displayed. To enter your Waypoint,  
press UP or DOWN, the text Lat/Lon is displayed. Press  
KEY and the present position is displyed, edit the  
latitudecoordinate for your Waypoint. To increase/decrease  
a value, press UP/DOWN, to move to next character, press  
MODE. When ready with latitude, press KEY to lock. Edit the  
longitude the same way as for the latitude and lock with KEY.  
3.3.5 Man Over Board (MOB)  
You can at any time press the MOB buttons, which will store  
a Waypoint called MOB WP. The display will show course,  
bearing and distance to MOB WP. To clear the MOB  
function, press UP and DOWN together. The MOB WP is  
stored in memory and can be selected again at any  
time. It will be erased when a new MOB is pressed or at  
power off.  
3.3.6 View the MOB position  
You can display the MOB position in latitude/longitude by  
pressing KEY in navigation mode, press UP/DOWN until  
MOB WP is displayed and press KEY again. The latitude  
and longitude cannot be changed for safety reasons.  
3.3.7 Top arrows  
At the top of the display there are four arrows and four text signs. The arrows  
tell you if you are on the ”road” or not and the text displays the status of your  
NMEA navigator .  
You are off  
the road, on  
the left side  
You are on  
the left side  
of the road  
You are on the  
right side of  
the road  
You are off  
the road, on  
the right side  
The NMEA  
The NMEA  
navigator is  
in aqusition  
The NMEA  
navigator is in  
navigator is in  
2D or 3D  
The width of the road can be adjusted, see calibration section 5.9. If you select  
the road to be 0.050 Nm wide, the arrow will jump to the rightmost position  
when the cross track error is greater than 0.050, Nm to the right. If the XTE is  
less than 0.050 the arrow will jump to the second position from the right. If XTE  
is zero, the two centre arrows will be displayed.  
NMEA input  
The NMEA is connected as explained in section 2.1. It is important to know that  
the Star NAV Repeater only can repeat what is sent from the NMEA navigator it  
is attatched to. Some NMEA navigators do not send all necessary data. It is  
also important to know that some information is present only after selecting a  
Waypoint in the NMEA navigator.  
The following NMEA sentences are red for displaying different data. The  
sentences are in priority order (i.e. if the NMEA navigater is sending more than  
one sentence, the information in the first sentence is displayed.)  
Date and time:  
1. GGA, 2. RMC, 3. RMA, 4.GLL  
1. ZDA, 2.RMC, 3.GGA, 4.GLL,  
5. BWC, 6.BWR  
Speed Over Ground:  
Course Over Ground:  
Bearing To Waypoint:  
Distance To Waypoint:  
Time To Go:  
1. RMC, 2. RMA, 3. VTG  
1. RMC, 2. RMA, 3. VTG  
1. BWC, 2. RMB, 3. BWR  
1. BWC, 2. RMB, 3. BWR  
1. Internally computed.  
To enter the calibration mode, press KEY for more than two  
seconds. To scroll in the calibration list, press UP or DOWN.  
To change a value or setting in the calibration, unlock with  
KEY, change with UP/DOWN and lock the value with KEY  
5.1 Damping  
The damping controls averaging time for computing speed  
and course over ground. d0 is minimum damping and d9 is  
maximum damping. Note! The minimum damping cannot be  
faster than the NMEA navigators transmission.  
5.2 Unit for distance  
The unit for distance can be selected as nautical miles (NM),  
kilometres (KM) or miles (MI).  
5.3 Unit for speed  
The unit for speed can be selected as knots (KTS),  
kilometres/hour (KMH) or miles/hour (MPH).  
5.4 Seconds ON/OFF  
Select the position to be displayed in seconds or hundreths of  
minutes. If seconds is set to OFF, hundreths of minutes is  
5.5 Magnetic bearing ON/OFF  
Select the bearing to display magnetic or true bearing. If  
magnetic bearing is set to ON, all bearings will be computed to  
magnetic using the magnetic variation set in 5.6.  
5.6 Magnetic variation  
Enter the local magnetic variation. The variation will be noted  
in the sea chart. This function will have no effect if magnetic  
bearings is set to OFF.  
5.7 Circle alarm  
The Star NAV Repeater has a built in arrival alarm. When  
the boat is closer to the Waypoint than the setting in this  
calibration mode, the alarm is activated. You can select the  
radius of the circle. To turn off the alarm, set the value to  
Note! Circle alarm limit is always in nautical miles.  
5.8 Cross track error alarm  
The Star NAV Repeater has a built in cross track error (XTE)  
alarm. When the boats XTE is more than the setting in this  
calibration mode, the alarm is activated. You can select the  
XTE limit. To turn off the alarm, set the value to zero.  
Note! XTE limit is always in nautical miles.  
5.9 Road width  
In this calibration mode you select the width of the road. This  
is the setting for the arrows at the top.  
Note! The road width is always in nautical miles  
Fault finding  
The instrument has three fault messages. No INPUT, NO DATA and  
No power supply  
1. Check fuse.  
2. Check connections.  
No signals are  
registrated by the NAV 2. Check if your NMEA  
1. Check connections  
No input  
navigator is sending  
Signals are recived but 1.Check connections  
No data  
non recognisable by  
the NAV Repeater.  
2.Change polarity of  
NMEA out A and B  
3.Check baudrate  
Wrong type of NMEA  
are received  
1.Check the manual  
for NMEA output  
All our products are designed and built to comply to the highest class industry standards. If the products  
are correctly installed, maintained and operated, as described in the installation and operation manual,  
they will provide long and reliable service. Our international network of distributors can provide you with the  
information and assistance you may require virtually anywhere in the world.  
Please read through and fill in this warranty card and send it to your national distributor for  
product registration.  
The warranty covers repair of defective parts, due to faulty manufacture and includes labour when repaired  
in the country of purchase. The warranty period is two years, and commences from the date of purchase.  
The above warranty is the Manufacturers only warranty and no other terms, expressed or implied, will  
apply. The Manufacturer specifically excludes the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a  
particular purpose.  
The supplied warranty card and receipt with proof of purchase date, must be shown to validate any  
warranty claim. Claims are to be made in accordance with the claims procedure outlined below.  
The warranty is non-transferrable and extends only to the original purchaser. The warranty does not  
apply to Products from which serial numbers have been removed, faulty installation or incorrect fusing,  
to conditions resulting from improper use, external causes, including service or modifications not  
performed by the manufacturer or by its national distributors, or operation outside the environmental  
parameters specified for the Product.  
The Manufacturer will not compensate for consequential damage caused directly or indirectly by the  
malfunction of its equipment. The Manufacturer is not liable for any personal damage caused as a  
consequence of using its equipment.  
The manufacturer, its national distributors or dealers are not liable for charges arising from sea trials,  
installation surveys or visits to the boat to attend to the equipment, whether under warranty or not. The  
right is reserved to charge for such services at an appropriate rate.  
The manufacturer reserves the right to replace any products returned for repair, within the warranty  
period, with the nearest equivalent, if repair within a reasonable time period should not be possible.  
The terms and conditions of the warranty as described do not affect your statutory rights.  
Equipment should be returned to the national distributor, or one of its appointed dealers, in the country  
where it was originally purchased. Valid claims will then be serviced and returned to the sender free of  
Alternatively, if the equipment is being used away from the country of purchase, it may be returned to the  
national distributor, or one of its appointed dealers, in the country where it is being used. In this case valid  
claims will cover parts only. Labour and return postage will be invoiced to the sender at an appropriate  
Common sense must be used at all times when navigating and the manufacturer’s navigation equipment  
should only be considered as aids to navigation.  
The manufacturers policy of continuous improvement may result in changes to product specification  
without prior notice.  

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