Disney Interactive Studios Video Games Toy Story Mania User Manual |
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
The World of Toy Story Mania…………………. 2
Controls…………………………………………… 2
Getting Started…………………………………… 2
Main Menu…………………………………………2
Story Mode……………………………………….. 3
Free Play Mode………………………………….. 4
Scores and Prizes……………………………….. 4
Collect and Unlock!……………………………….5
Games…………………………………………….. 6
Options……………………………………………. 7
Hints and Tips……………………………………. 7
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
—Story Mode
Choose the open storybook and you will be in Story Mode. This allows you to
play-through the games in different arrangements with specific themed bonus
games at the end.
—Free Play Mode
Enter the ticket booth for Free Play Mode. This allows you to play any games that
you have already unlocked in Story Mode.
The present box represents your Prizes. It includes Ticket Exchange, Sticker
Book, and High Scores. Collected tickets awarded end up here.
The hammer and gear of the Options space allow you to set up Toy Story Mania!
just the way you want.
HINT: You can always return to the Main Menu screen by pressing the B Button.
Story Mode
The open storybook takes you to Story Mode.
You will play the Pie Shoot tutorial, the five main Shooting Gallery Games and
the final Bonus Game.
After you have played the Introductory Gallery Arrangement for the first time, you
will receive your first set of Tickets.
The hub in the middle of the Story Menu features a selection of Gallery Games.
After the Introductory Gallery Arrangement has been played at least once, the
Themed Arrangement Spaces become available. These give you access to a
collection of all the games associated with a particular theme and a special
bonus game at the end (see below for more details).
Themed Arrangement Spaces
Western Gallery: Woody’s Lasso Trick Ropin’, Jessie’s Sarsaparilla Slide,
Woody’s Gold Rush
Space Gallery: Hammer Launch, Space Hoops, Space Pinball
Army Gallery: Mine Field Maze, Army Air Raid
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
Tea Party Gallery: Butterfly Picnic, Tea Cup Switch, Frog Hop
Animal Gallery: What’s Shakin' Bacon?, Gone Fishin’
After each individual game, you will be shown your score as well as your ticket
Story Mode is the only mode in which you can unlock additional games for Free
Play. There are two methods for doing this:
1: Completing all objectives in the game will unlock the game in Free Play.
2: Save up tickets which are awarded each time you complete a Story
Mode arrangement. You can collect, save and trade in tickets for
additional Free Play content in the Prize Redemption Booth.
Free Play Mode
Enter the ticket booth for Free Play Mode.
Free Play mode uses unlocked content from the Story Mode, allowing you to mix
and match games into different arrangements for a completely customizable
Quick Play
You can choose one unlocked game and play it on its own.
You can create a custom arrangement of games using the base game
Play All
Spaces will be filled with the games that have been unlocked.
Scores and Prizes
Between each game, the curtains close and you are taken to the Scoring Screen.
The Scoring Screen comes up at the end of the game after all players have had
their turns. Each player’s score is added up and they are shown the tickets
awarded for that game.
The Prize Scene comes up after all players have completed the full arrangement
of games being played. Here, all the scores are added together and a final prize
is awarded.
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
Toy Story Mania! supports up to 4 players and features 2-player simultaneous
A new player can be added in the Start-Up Menu on the Paint Set or between
The pairing of players is determined randomly. Also, in a 4-player game, if player
1 and 3 are paired up on the first round then the second round will be 2 and 4.
Each player will play each game once. In 3-player games, two players will be
randomly chosen to play first, then the third player plays the remaining round by
himself or herself.
If you are playing the game in Story Mode, all the players in multiplayer are
actively helping you unlock more content (stickers, prizes and unlockables) as
they play!
Player 1 can add or remove other players between games in the Results screen.
Collect and Unlock!
Each player collects tickets after each play-through of any game. These tickets
are the currency used to unlock Free Play Games or can be used to buy stickers
or sticker book pages.
Free Play Stamps
These stamps represent unlocked content in Free Play mode.
Game Stamps
Each game has a stamp associated with it. You can collect additional game
stamps in Story Mode.
Stickers can be purchased with the tickets earned in-game.
All the stickers can be purchased from the Ticket Exchange for the right amount
of tickets.
Ticket Exchange
Access the Ticket Exchange from the Prizes Menu to trade tickets.
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
Album Pages
There are a total of 10 Sticker Album pages. Each page represents a scene
relevant to the Gallery theme, with two per theme. The Sticker Album starts with
5 pages, one per theme. The remaining pages are unlockable.
You turn the pages of the Sticker Album by pointing at arrows and pressing the A
Button. If you put too many stickers on one page you will run out of room.
3D Gameplay
You can only unlock 3D games by redeeming tickets at the Ticket Exchange.
They will then be unlocked and available for Free Play in the Stamp Machine. All
players will need the 3D glasses to play these levels.
HINT: Don’t forget you can also trade tickets for the pages in the Ticket
WARNING: When playing this game in 3D mode some people may experience
temporary discomfort such as eyestrain, blurry vision, headache or nausea. If
you are experiencing any discomfort, please take a break from the game or
switch to 2D mode. For those players who are prone to discomfort in 3D mode,
we recommend playing in 2D mode only.
The games are where the fun is at in Toy Story Mania! There are two types to
choose from or to add to your own custom arrangements.
Gallery Games – shooting gallery games.
Mini Games – other carnival games.
The following games can be found in these specific Galleries:
Pie Shoot Warm Up
Tutorial Gallery
Hamm and Eggs
Bacon and Eggs
Animal Main Gallery
Animal B Gallery
Bo Peep’s Baaa-Loon Pop
Bo Peep’s Pop Party
Green Army Men Shoot Camp
Green Army Men Plate Break
Tossed In Space
Tossed In Deep Space
Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’
Woody’s Rootin’ Tootin’ Targetin’
Tea Party Main Gallery
Tea Party B Gallery
Army Main Gallery
Army B Gallery
Space Main Gallery
Space B Gallery
Western Main Gallery
Western B Gallery
Disney/Pixar Toy Story Mania! Manual
Bonus Gallery Games
The Bonus Gallery Games are extensions to each of the main Gallery Games.
As in the theme park rides, where Woody’s Desert Race transitions into the Mine
Cart Gallery, each main Gallery Game will transition into its own special Bonus
Bonus Galleries are faster-paced and place a greater emphasis on scoring points
than normal Galleries.
Animal Bonus Gallery
Tea Party Bonus Gallery
Army Bonus Gallery
Space Bonus Gallery
Western Bonus Gallery
Hot Air Balloon Show
Army Skeet Shoot
Flying Discs…In Space!
Mine Cart Spelunk
Mini Games
Mini Games resemble traditional games found at carnival or boardwalk midways
that tend to be very quick to play. These games each have custom controls.
Hammer Launch
Space Hoops
Space Pinball
What’s Shakin’ Bacon?
Gone Fishin’
Tea Cup Switch
Frog Hop
Butterfly Picnic
Mine Field Maze
Army Air Raid
Space Mini Game
Space Mini Game
Space Mini Game
Animal Mini Game
Animal Mini Game
Tea Party Mini Game
Tea Party Mini Game
Tea Party Mini Game
Army Mini Game
Army Mini Game
Jessie's Sarsaparilla Slide
Woody’s Lasso Trick Ropin’
Woody’s Gold Rush
Western Mini Game
Western Mini Game
Western Mini Game
You can exit the Options screen and return to the Main Menu at any time by
pressing the B Button.
Hints and Tips
There are many hidden bonuses and secrets in the shooting galleries. Try
shooting everything, even if it looks like it can’t be hit!
Woody and his friends will occasionally pop up and give you hints in the game.
Take note if you want to unlock everything.
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