Grizzly Staple Gun T26416 User Manual

model t26416  
18-gauge 1/4" croWn stapler  
oWner's manual  
(For models manufactured since 10/13)  
Copyright © oCtoBEr, 2013 By grizzly industrial, inC.  
Warning: no portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape  
or form Without the Written approval of grizzly industrial, inc.  
#dM16015 printEd in taiWan  
table of contents  
section 1: safety.......................................................................................................2  
safety instructions for pneumatic tools.....................................................................3  
section 2: introduction .........................................................................................5  
section 3: set up........................................................................................................6  
loading staples..........................................................................................................7  
air deflection ..............................................................................................................7  
Compressed air system.............................................................................................8  
test run .....................................................................................................................9  
section 4: operations...........................................................................................10  
section 5: accessories.........................................................................................11  
section 6: maintenance ........................................................................................12  
lubricating ................................................................................................................12  
section 7: service...................................................................................................13  
replacing o-rings & piston assemblies .................................................................13  
parts .........................................................................................................................15  
Warranty ...................................................................................................................17  
section 1: safety  
For Your Own Safety Read Instruction Manual  
Before Operating This Equipment  
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attention to possible hazard-  
ous conditions. This manual uses a series of symbols and signal words which  
are intended to convey the level of importance of the safety messages. The  
progression of symbols is described below. Remember that safety messages by  
themselves do not eliminate danger and are not a substitute for proper accident  
prevention measures.  
Indicates an imminent hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, WILL result in death or serious injury.  
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.  
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if  
not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury.  
It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices.  
This symbol is used to alert the user to useful infor-  
mation about proper operation of the equipment.  
safety instructions for pneumatic tools  
Keep all safety devices in place Keep children and visitors  
and in working order.  
aWay. all children and visitors should be  
kept at a safe distance from work area.  
remove adJusting Keys and  
Wrenches. Form habit of checking to maKe WorKshop child proof by  
see that keys and adjusting wrenches are locking the shop and shutting off air  
removed from tool before operation.  
Keep WorK area clean. Cluttered do not force tool. it will do the job  
areas and benches invite accidents.  
better and safer at the rate for which it was  
do not use in dangerous  
environment. do not use pneumatic use the right tool. do not force tool  
tools in damp or wet locations, or where or attachment to do a job for which it was  
any flammable or noxious fumes may not designed.  
exist. Keep work area well lighted.  
do not use under the influence  
of drugs or alcohol.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
safety instructions for pneumatic tools  
use proper air hose for the tool. disconnect tools before servic-  
Make sure your air hose is in good condi- ing, changing accessories, or moving to  
tion and is long enough to reach your work another location.  
without stretching.  
use recommended accessories.  
Wear proper apparel. do not wear Consult this owners manual or the manu-  
loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings, facturer for recommended accessories.  
bracelets, or other jewelry which may get using improper accessories will increase  
caught in moving parts. non-slip footwear the risk of serious injury.  
is recommended. Wear a protective hair  
covering to contain long hair.  
never leave unattended tool  
connected to air. disconnect the  
alWays use safety glasses. also air hose and do not leave tool until it is  
use a face or dust mask if operation is relieved of any built up pressure.  
dusty. Everyday eyeglasses only have  
impact resistant lenses, they are not never  
safety glasses.  
users to use this tool While  
Wear approved  
protection. air escaping from pneu- if you are unsure of the  
matic tools can exceed safe exposure intended operation, stop using  
limits and may cause hearing damage tool. seek formal training or research  
with prolonged exposure.  
books or magazines that specialize in  
pneumatic tools.  
aWKWard positions. Keep proper  
footing and balance at all times when be aWare of hose location When  
operating tool. do not overreach! avoid using pneumatic tools. hoses can  
awkward hand positions that make  
easily become a tripping hazard when laid  
workpiece control difficult or increase the across the floor or spread out in a disorga-  
risk of accidental injury.  
reduce the  
unintentional firing. do not carry  
tool with hand on trigger and always dis-  
connect from air when not in use.  
nized fashion.  
secure WorK. When required, use  
clamps or vises to secure workpiece. a  
secured workpiece protects hands and  
frees both of them to operate the tool.  
maintain tools With care. Keep  
tools lubricated and clean for best and  
safest performance. Follow instructions  
for lubricating and changing accessories.  
checK for damaged parts.  
regularly inspect tool for any con-  
dition that may affect safe operation.  
immediately repair or replace damaged or  
mis-adjusted parts before operating tool.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
additional safety for staplers  
hand inJuries. do not place your hose usage. Make sure the air hose  
hands near the staple point of entry. a is designed for the tool in use, is in good  
staple can deflect and tear through the condition, and is long enough to reach  
surface of the workpiece, puncturing your the work without stretching. however, an  
hand or fingers.  
overly long air hose in the work area may  
be a tripping hazard.  
safe handling. never point the sta-  
pler at others! do not keep the trigger maintenance. always disconnect air  
pulled when loading fasteners, carrying, from the stapler when servicing or install-  
or holding tool. Carry the stapler only ing staples. during maintenance, a stapler  
by the handle, never by any other part. connected to air may fire accidentally,  
do not carry the stapler by the air hose. causing serious personal injury.  
disconnect the stapler from the air hose  
when going up and down ladders.  
checK valve. do not use a check valve  
or any other fitting that allows air to remain  
modifications. do not modify this in the tool.  
tool or bypass the safety nose mecha-  
cleaning. never use gasoline or other  
flammable liquids to clean the stapler;  
vapors in the stapler will ignite by a spark  
and cause it to explode.  
combustible gases. never connect  
the stapler to pressurized oxygen or other  
combustible gases as a power source.  
only use filtered, lubricated, and regu-  
lated compressed air.  
operating Questions. if you are not  
sure about the intended operation, stop  
using the stapler. seek formal training or  
research books or magazines that spe-  
cialize in pneumatic tools.  
compressed air rating. do not  
connect the stapler to compressed air that  
exceeds 120 psi.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 2: introduction  
contact info  
We are proud to offer this manual! We've  
made every effort to be exact with the  
instructions, specifications, drawings,  
and photographs we used when writing  
this manual. however, sometimes we still  
make an occasional mistake.  
We stand behind our tools. if you have  
any service questions, parts requests or  
general questions about the tool, please  
call or write us at the location listed below.  
grizzly industrial, inc.  
1203 lycoming Mall Circle  
Muncy, pa 17756  
also, owing to our policy of continuous  
improvement, your stapler may not exactly  
match the manual. if you find this to be  
the case, and the difference between the  
manual and stapler leaves you in doubt,  
check our website for the latest manual  
update or call technical support for help.  
phone: (570) 546-9663  
We want your feedback on this manual.  
if you can take the time, please email or  
write to us at the address below and tell  
us how we did:  
For your convenience, we post all avail-  
able manuals and manual updates for  
free on our website at  
any updates to this model of tool will be  
reflected in these documents as soon as  
they are complete.  
grizzly industrial, inc.  
C/o technical documentation Manager  
p.o. Box 2069  
Bellingham, Wa 98227-2069  
operating pressure ............................................................................................ 70–120 psi  
staple size ............................................................................................................. 18 gauge  
staple length ................................................................................................................12"–1"  
staple Crown...................................................................................................................... 14  
Magazine Capacity.............................................................................................. 100 staples  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 3: set up  
this stapler was carefully packaged for  
safe transportation. remove the packag-  
ing materials from around this tool and  
inspect it. if you discover the tool is dam -  
aged, please immediately call Customer  
Service at (570) 546-9663 for advice.  
model t26416 inventory  
a. Crown stapler ....................................1  
b. hex Wrench 3mm..............................1  
c. hex Wrench 4mm..............................1  
d. Bottle for oil.......................................1  
save the containers and all packing mate-  
rials for possible inspection by the car-  
rier or its agent. otherwise, filing a freight  
claim can be difficult.  
When you are completely satisfied with  
the condition of the shipment, inventory  
the contents.  
if any non-proprietary parts are missing  
(e.g., a nut or a washer), we will gladly  
replace them; or for the sake of expedi-  
ency, replacements can be obtained at  
your local hardware store.  
figure 1. inventory.  
this stapler presents serious  
injury hazards to untrained users.  
read through this entire manual to  
become familiar with the controls  
and operations before starting the  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
3. With the stapler pointing up, insert a  
stick of staples (pointing outward) into  
the magazine, as shown in figure 3.  
loading staples  
use the following specifications when  
obtaining staples for this stapler:  
length............................................ 12" to 1"  
Crown .....................................................14  
to load the stapler:  
1. disConnECt staplEr FroM air  
figure 3. Example of inserting staples into  
2. grip the stapler firmly, unlock the quick  
release latch and pull the pusher back  
(see figure 2).  
4. slide the magazine pusher and the  
stick of staples towards the nose of  
the stapler until the quick-release latch  
air deflection  
this stapler is equipped with an air deflec-  
tor that rotates 360 degrees. prior to using  
the stapler, adjust the deflector to direct  
released air away from yourself and others  
(see figure 4).  
figure 2. Example of unlocking quick  
release latch.  
air deflector  
figure 4. air deflector.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
this filter/lubricator/regulator unit will  
protect your tool from damaging water  
build-up, allow you to adjust and maintain  
constant air pressure to your tool, and  
save you the inconvenience of having to  
manually lubricate your tool every time  
you use it.  
compressed air  
the Model t26416 is designed to be oper-  
ated at 70-120 psi using clean, dry, regu-  
lated, compressed air. do not exceed  
the 120 psi maximum operating pres-  
sure for your model.  
Check the current grizzly catalog for avail-  
ability of this unit. if you plan on install-  
ing a filter/lubricator/regulator unit in your  
compressed air system, always follow the  
connection instructions that come with  
the unit.  
Before using your new stapler, regulate the  
air pressure on your air compressor to the  
minimum psi for your model.  
an in-line filter/lubricator/regulator unit,  
depicted in figure 5, can be installed and  
should be located as close to the stapler  
as possible.  
Air Hose  
figure 5. installed filter lubricator  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
5. pull the trigger on the stapler.  
test run  
6. inspect scrap piece to ensure staple  
was driven correctly.  
prior to using the stapler for regular opera-  
tions, perform this test run procedure on  
a scrap workpiece at least 112" thick to  
ensure it functions properly.  
7. as a one time test of the safety mecha-  
nism, pull the stapler back from the  
scrap piece until the safety probe is no  
longer depressed. angle the stapler so  
the ricochet trajectory is away from you  
and others, then pull the trigger.  
to test run stapler:  
1. insert staples into stapler, following  
directions in loading staples section.  
— if the stapler did not fire then the  
safety mechanism is working cor-  
2. Firmly holding stapler with nose point-  
ing away from you and others, connect  
stapler to air supply.  
— if the stapler did fire, the safety  
mechanism is not working correctly.  
Carefully disconnect the air supply  
and contact tech support to resolve  
the problem before using the stapler  
any further.  
3. Clamp the scrap workpiece to a work-  
4. press the stapler against the scrap  
workpiece and fully depress the safety  
probe (see figure 6).  
figure 6. safety probe depressed.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 4: operations  
the purpose of this overview is to pro-  
vide the novice tool operator with a basic  
understanding of how the tool is used.  
to perform a typical operation:  
1. disConnECt staplEr FroM air  
2. Check to ensure there are enough  
staples in the magazine and reconnect  
to air supply.  
eye inJury hazard!  
Wear safety glasses when using  
this tool.  
3. drive a staple into a scrap piece of the  
same material, and inspect the depth of  
the driven staple.  
inJury hazard!  
Wear protective  
equipment when  
using this tool.  
if the staple was not driven in the cor-  
rect depth, use the depth adjustment  
wheel to properly set the staple depth  
(see figure 7). rotating the wheel  
clockwise (from the backside) increas-  
es the depth, while rotating counter-  
clockwise decreases the depth.  
start hazard!  
disconnect before  
service or staple  
air pressure  
never exceed max  
psi rating for tool.  
figure 7. depth adjustment wheel.  
4. align workpieces to be stapled.  
5. place safety probe 18" above the staple  
insertion target, and push down the sta-  
pler until it is butted up against and per-  
pendicular with the bottom workpiece.  
6. Before pulling the trigger, make sure  
your free hand and other body parts  
are out of staple trajectory or deflection  
deflection due to material irregulari-  
ties can cause puncture injuries to  
improperly placed hands or body  
parts. always position hands and  
body away from staple trajectory  
and deflection paths.  
7. pull the trigger.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 5: accessories  
t22456—bostitch pneumatic lubricant  
this premium grade pneumatic tool  
lubricant is specially formulated for pneu-  
installing unapproved accessories  
matic tools and blended using premium  
may cause stapler to malfunction,  
grade turbine oil. Contains rust and oxida-  
resulting in serious personal injury  
tion inhibitors to prevent degradation of  
or tool damage. to reduce this risk,  
tool components.  
only install accessories recom-  
mended for this tool by grizzly.  
refer to our website or latest  
catalog for additional recommended  
g6052—18 gauge 4" crown galv. - 12  
g6053—18 gauge 4" crown galv. - 58  
figure 9. pneumatic tool lubricant.  
g6054—18 gauge 4" crown galv. - 34  
g6055—18 gauge 4" crown galv. - 78  
h4979—twin cup hearing protector  
optime iii is a super-muff, and has been  
developed for use in extremely noisy envi-  
ronments. the hearing protection is based  
on a technology with a double casing that  
minimizes resonance in the holder casing.  
g6056—18 gauge 4" crown galv. - 1"  
stay stocked up on staples with these  
5000 piece packages.  
t20451—"Kirova" clear safety glasses  
h7194—bifocal safety glasses 1.5  
h7195—bifocal safety glasses 2.0  
h7196—bifocal safety glasses 2.5  
figure 10. hearing protection.  
figure 8. safety glasses.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 6: maintenance  
disconnect the stapler from the air supply  
before cleaning. use a good solvent to  
clean the nose assembly of the stapler.  
always be sure that the stapler is dry  
before using it again.  
place two to six drops of pneumatic tool oil  
in the nailer air inlet (as shown in figure  
11) every 2 hours of continuous use. Wipe  
off any excess oil near the nailer exhaust  
to avoid dust build-up.  
do not allow dust, chips, sand, etc. into the  
air connectors or into the body of the sta-  
pler; this may result in leaks and damage  
to the stapler and the air couplings.  
figure 11. lubricating stapler via air inlet.  
another option to manual oiling would be  
to simply install a lubricator in your air  
compressor line. if your air compressor  
line already has a lubricator, then regular  
lubrication of your nailer will not be neces-  
sary. Just make sure there is always oil in  
the lubricator.  
never use gasoline or other flamma-  
ble liquids to clean this tool. vapors  
in the tool may ignite, causing the  
tool to explode. ignoring this warning  
may lead to serious personal injury  
or even death!  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
section 7: service  
6. Being careful not to scratch the sides of  
the driver guide, insert a slim and stur-  
dy piece of metal through the hole at  
the top of the magazine compartment  
(see figure 12), and push the piston  
assembly out the back of the cylinder.  
to piston  
always disconnect air from stapler  
whenever servicing! during mainte-  
nance, a stapler connected to air  
may fire accidentally, causing seri-  
ous personal injury!  
figure 12. piston assembly access  
through magazine compartment.  
replacing o-rings &  
piston assemblies  
7. place a thin film of the stapler lubri-  
cating oil on the o-ring of the piston  
if you use your stapler frequently,  
replacement piston assemblies (part  
pt26416112a) and o-ring kits (part  
pt26416428) are cheap insurance against  
wasted down time and lost profits, in  
the event that the piston assembly or an  
o-ring becomes worn out.  
8. insert the new piston assembly into  
the cylinder. Make sure that the end  
of the driver on the piston assembly  
lines up with the slit at the bottom of  
the cylinder. the new piston assembly  
should easily slide into the cylinder.  
do not force the piston assembly  
into the cylinder! if it is not easily  
inserted, double-check the alignment of  
the driver end with the slit.  
to replace piston assembly:  
1. disConnECt staplEr FroM air  
9. after the piston assembly is inserted  
correctly, close the magazine pusher.  
replace the cylinder cap assembly and  
tighten the 4 cap screws.  
2. remove all staples from the magazine  
3. remove the four cap screws on the  
cylinder cap of the stapler, near the  
exhaust port.  
10. For more assistance, or to install a  
complete o-ring set, refer to the appro-  
priate breakdown diagram in the back  
of this manual for component locations.  
4. remove the cap.  
5. pull back the pusher revealing the  
magazine compartment.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
possible cause  
air leaking at trig-  
ger valve area.  
1. o-rings in trigger valve housing 1. o-rings must be replaced  
are damaged.  
& operation of safety probe  
must be checked.  
air leaking  
between housing  
and hose.  
1. loose screws in housing.  
2. damaged o-ring.  
3. loose air fitting.  
1. tighten screws.  
2. replace o-ring.  
3. tighten air fitting & use tef-  
lon tape.  
air leaking  
1. damaged seal.  
1. replace damaged seals.  
between housing  
and cap assembly.  
tool skips staples  
while discharging.  
1. air leaks.  
2. dirt in nose.  
1. tighten screws and fittings.  
2. Clean nose.  
3. dirt or damage prevents sta- 3. Clean  
ples from moving freely in mag-  
inspect/repair damage.  
4. inadequate air flow to tool.  
4. Check fitting, hose, com-  
pressor & air pressure.  
5. Worn o-ring on piston or lack 5. replace piston o-ring.  
of lubrication. lubricate.  
6. damaged o-rings on trigger 6. replace  
7. Cap seal leaking.  
7. replace cap seal.  
tool runs slowly  
or has a loss of  
1. stapler is not sufficiently lubri- 1. lubricate stapler.  
2. Broken spring in cap assem- 2. replace spring.  
3. Exhaust port in cap is blocked. 3. Clean or replace damaged  
internal parts.  
Fasteners frequent- 1. staples are the wrong size.  
ly jam the stapler. 2. staples are bent or dirty.  
1. use correct staples.  
2. use undamaged, clean sta-  
3. Magazine or nose screws are 3. tighten magazine.  
4. driver or driver guide are worn 4. replace worn or damaged  
or damaged.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
please note: We do our best to stock replacement parts whenever possible, but we cannot  
guarantee that all parts shown here are available for purchase. Call (800) 523-477 or visit  
our online parts store at to check for availability.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
parts list  
101 PT26416101 DEFLECTOR  
401 PT26416401 CAP SCREW M5-.8 X 20  
402 PT26416402 FLAT WASHER 8MM  
403 PT26416403 RELIEF PLATE  
102 PT26416102 CYLINDER CAP  
105 PT26416105 O-RING 13.8 X 2.4 P14  
106 PT26416106 O-RING 31.8 X 2.4  
107 PT26416107 PISTON VALVE  
108 PT26416108 O-RING 22.1 X 3.5 P22.4  
110 PT26416110 CAP SCREW M4-.7 X 20  
111 PT26416111 PISTON RING  
404 PT26416404 CAP SCREW M4-.7 X 18  
405 PT26416405 FLAT HD CAP SCR M4-.7 X 16  
407 PT26416407 GASKET  
408 PT26416408 PUSHER  
409 PT26416409 SPRING SHAFT  
411 PT26416411 REAR PLATE  
112 PT26416112 PISTON W/DRIVER  
113 PT26416113 O-RING 21 X 2  
413 PT26416413 CAPTIVE PIN  
114 PT26416114 O-RING 46.76 X 2.5  
115 PT26416115 CYLINDER  
414 PT26416414 TORSION SPRING  
415 PT26416415 STOPPER  
116 PT26416116 CYLINDER RING  
117 PT26416117 BUMPER  
416 PT26416416 E-CLIP ETW-3  
417 PT26416417 CAP SCREW M4-.7 X 25  
418 PT26416418 LOCK NUT M4-.7  
419 PT26416419 SAFETY PROBE  
420 PT26416420 WHEEL CLIP  
118 PT26416118 DRIVER GUIDE  
201 PT26416201 O-RING 7.5 X 1.5 S8  
204 PT26416204 PLUNGER  
424 PT26416424 SAFETY GUIDE  
205 PT26416205 O-RING 2.5 X 1.5 S3  
206 PT26416206 O-RING 11 X 1.6  
207 PT26416207 PLUNGER CAP  
208 PT26416208 ROLL PIN 3 X 22  
210 PT26416210 TRIGGER  
425 PT26416425 MAGAZINE BOTTOM  
426 PT26416426 MAGAZINE TOP  
427 PT26416427 TAP SCREW M3 X 6  
429 PT26416429 ID LABEL  
211 PT26416211 ROLL PIN 2.5 X 22  
212 PT26416212 ROLL PIN 2.5 X 14  
301 PT26416301 GUN BODY  
430 PT26416430 WARNING LABEL  
432 PT26416432 BOTTLE FOR OIL  
433 PT26416433 HEX WRENCH 3MM  
434 PT26416434 HEX WRENCH 4MM  
302 PT26416302 BODY END CAP  
303 PT26416303 O-RING 37 X 3  
304 PT26416304 VALVE CAP  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  
Grizzly Industrial, Inc. warrants every product it sells for a period of 1 year to the original purchaser from  
the date of purchase. This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse,  
negligence, accidents, repairs or alterations or lack of maintenance. This is Grizzly’s sole written warranty  
and any and all warranties that may be implied by law, including any merchantability or fitness, for any par-  
ticular purpose, are hereby limited to the duration of this written warranty. We do not warrant or represent  
that the merchandise complies with the provisions of any law or acts unless the manufacturer so warrants.  
In no event shall Grizzly’s liability under this warranty exceed the purchase price paid for the product and  
any legal actions brought against Grizzly shall be tried in the State of Washington, County of Whatcom.  
We shall in no event be liable for death, injuries to persons or property or for incidental, contingent, special,  
or consequential damages arising from the use of our products.  
To take advantage of this warranty, contact us by mail or phone and give us all the details. We will then issue  
you a “Return Number,’’ which must be clearly posted on the outside as well as the inside of the carton. We  
will not accept any item back without this number. Proof of purchase must accompany the merchandise.  
The manufacturers reserve the right to change specifications at any time because they constantly strive to  
achieve better quality equipment. We make every effort to ensure that our products meet high quality and  
durability standards and we hope you never need to use this warranty.  
Please feel free to write or call us if you have any questions about the machine or the manual.  
Thank you again for your business and continued support. We hope to serve you again soon.  
Model T26416 Crown Stapler  

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