HP Hewlett Packard Network Card 5300A User Manual

Release Notes –  
Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
Part Number: AV-RT16E-TE / 192268-003  
Sixth Edition (April 2004)  
These release notes provide supplemental and updated information for the Smart  
Array 5300A RAID controller product not available elsewhere. Smart Array  
5300A (SA5300A) controllers are modular in design and are shipped in one of two  
product configurations for use in supported Alpha systems. The  
3X–KZPDC–BE (SA5302A/128) is a two channel U3 SCSI controller with  
128MB of installed cache. The 3X–KZPDC–DF controller (SA5304A/256)  
provides four channels of SCSI device interconnect and includes 256MB of cache.  
Note: Be sure to review the product documentation and to check the Smart Array  
5300A product web site for updates before installing these controllers into your  
Alpha system.  
The Smart Array 5300A controller product home page is located at:  
Hewlett-Packard Company  
Intended Audience  
This document is intended for customers who install, use, or troubleshoot the  
KZPDC SmartArray 5300A controller product in Alpha systems. It describes  
KZPDC product updates and known issues or restrictions when using the  
controller within particular system configurations.  
KZPDC Product Updates  
This release announces several Smart Array 5300A product updates which are  
documented more fully later in these notes. These updates include:  
New controller firmware, version 3.40, is available for download from the  
Smart Array controller for Alpha systems home page.  
Updated versions of the Smart Array OpenVMS runtime utilities are available  
which resolve prior incompatibilities between the version 3 OpenVMS  
Management Agent kit and the Smart Array Configuration Utility.  
Full support up to platform controller limits is now provided in the OpenVMS  
Smart Array runtime utilities for KZPDC installations on ES47, ES80, and  
GS1280 systems.  
Introducing OpenVMS version 7.3-2 support for the KZPDC controller which  
provides FastPath functionality for improved performance.  
New KZPDC Alpha system support for OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX  
installations on the GS80, GS160, and GS320 platform.  
KZPDC Product Components  
Controller Firmware Support  
Smart Array 5300A controller firmware version 3.40 is available as an update for  
the KZPDC controller. Note that the KZPDC option kit presently ships with  
version 2.94 firmware.  
Controller firmware v3.40 is a recommended update for KZPDC controller  
installations on all supported Alpha system platforms under OpenVMS or Tru64  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 1  
The v3.40 firmware image may be obtained from the Smart Array 5300A product  
web site or on the V6.6 Alpha Firmware CD in the OPTIONS subdirectory. Two  
examples of the controller firmware update command syntax are presented below.  
Both examples employ the Loadable Firmware Utility (LFU) function of the  
Alpha SRM console.  
The first example will update controller instance PYA0 with the v3.40 image after  
booting the V6.6 Alpha Firmware CD in CD-ROM device DQA0 on any  
supported Alpha system:  
UPD> update pya0 -p iso9660:[OPTIONS]kzpdc340.sys/dqa0  
The second example employs the firmware image available on the Smart Array  
5300A web site and assumes that the update media is a floppy disk in device  
DVA0. After unpacking the .zip archive of the v3.40 firmware image place the file  
onto a MS-DOS (FAT) formatted floppy disk. Place the disk into your Alpha  
system floppy drive and execute the following command after entering the LFU.  
Note that it is required to specify the .bin file extension of the firmware image.  
The example updates KZPDC controller instance PYC0.  
UPD> update pyc0 -p fat:kzpdc340.bin/dva0  
Alpha System Firmware Support  
It is recommended that all Alpha system environments hosting the KZPDC  
product be updated using SRM firmware from the V6.6 (or later) Alpha Firmware  
CD release. The V6.6 release firmware for Alpha systems is downloadable from  
the following locations:  
Operating System Support  
Smart Array 5300A controllers may be configured for operation under Tru64  
UNIX version 5.1A or version 5.1B. OpenVMS support is available in versions  
7.3-1 and 7.3-2 of the operating system. The product may be employed either as  
the system boot controller or as a data only array controller in all supported OS  
environments. Installation requirements vary, however, depending on the system  
environment under consideration when the SA5300A product is first installed.  
2 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
Consult the guidance provided below to determine what software components are  
required for full support of the product in these two operating system  
environments. Patches for OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX customers may be  
obtained from the following URLs:  
The following software kits and patch updates are required for Smart Array 5300A  
controller installations:  
Tru64 UNIX Software Components  
New Installations:  
Customers creating new Tru64 UNIX installations that include the KZPDC  
controller should follow the installation procedures detailed in the specified New  
Hardware Delivery (NHD) kit.  
• V5.1B Tru64 UNIX  
-- Tru64 UNIX V5.1B base operating system kit  
-- Tru64 UNIX NHD7 kit for V5.1A and V5.1B  
NHD kit name: NHD7.tar.gz  
• V5.1A Tru64 UNIX  
-- Tru64 UNIX V5.1A base operating system kit  
-- Tru64 UNIX NHD7 kit for V5.1A and V5.1B  
NHD kit image name: NHD7.tar.gz  
Existing Installations:  
Users introducing the KZPDC controller into an existing V5.1A or V5.1B  
installation should first update their environment with the indicated patch kit and  
then install the hardware. Later versions of these patch kits may be substituted  
when available. Boot genvmunix and follow standard procedures for creating a  
customized kernel using doconfig(8).  
• V5.1B Tru64 UNIX  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 3  
-- Tru64 UNIX V5.1B Patch Kit 3  
Patch kit image name: T64V51BB24AS0003-20030929.tar  
• V5.1A Tru64 UNIX  
-- Tru64 UNIX V5.1A Patch Kit 6  
Patch kit image name: T64V51AB24AS0006-20031031.tar  
OpenVMS Software Components  
• OpenVMS V7.3-2  
Support for the KZPDC controller is present in the base OpenVMS V7.3-2  
release. OpenVMS V7.3-2 introduces Fastpath support in the Smart Array  
controller driver (PKRdriver). Consult the OpenVMS V7.3-2 Operating System  
Release Notes and New Features documentation for more information.  
-- OpenVMS V7.3-2 base operating system kit  
-- There are no patch files presently required for use of the KZPDC product  
under OpenVMS V7.3-2.  
• OpenVMS V7.3-1  
Support for the KZPDC controller is present in the base OpenVMS V7.3-1  
release. Customers should ensure the following patch kits (or version successors)  
are installed in the creation of new OpenVMS installations or as part of  
maintaining an existing V7.3-1 installation:  
-- OpenVMS V7.3-1 base operating system kit  
-- VMS731_UPDATE–V0100  
-- VMS731_FIBRE_SCSI–V0400  
-- VMS731_PTHREAD–V0200  
4 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
Runtime Utility Support  
Web based utilities are provided for monitoring and configuring the Smart Array  
5300A controller and attached storage under OpenVMS and Tru64 UNIX. The  
monitoring function is made available as part of the HP Insight Management (IM)  
Agents kit for the user’s selected OS environment.  
Online controller array configuration and maintenance functions are provided via  
the SA5300A Array Configuration Utility (ACU-XE). The ACU-XE utility is  
installed separately from HP Insight Management Agents kit but requires for  
operation the facilities provided by the Management Agent kit.  
Tru64 UNIX Utility Components  
HP Insight Management Agents for Tru64 UNIX  
The Tru64 UNIX Insight Management Agent kit version v3.2 provides  
KZPDC utility support for V5.1A and V5.1B Tru64 UNIX installations on all  
Alpha system platforms. This kit supersedes the Management Agent kit found  
on the software media CD-ROM supplied with the KZPDC controller.  
Customers are advised to update to the v3.2 kit if they have not already done  
The v3.2 Tru64 UNIX Management Agent kit and associated patches can be  
downloaded from the following location:  
Users are advised to check this site periodically for patches and updates to the  
Tru64 UNIX Insight Management Agents kit.  
Array Configuration Utility XE for Tru64 UNIX  
The current Array Configuration Utility kit version is v1.30.70.1a. This kit  
supersedes the ACU-XE kit for Tru64 UNIX found in the software media kit  
supplied with the KZPDC controller. The kit may be downloaded from the  
Smart Array 5300A product web site.  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 5  
OpenVMS Utility Components  
General Note  
New releases of the HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS and Array  
Configuration Utility XE are available which address prior incompatibilities  
between certain versions of the OpenVMS Management Agent kit and the Smart  
Array Configuration Utility. Version compatibility is detailed in the table below:  
Table 1: OpenVMS Insight Management Agents Kit - ACUXE Kit  
OpenVMS Management Agent Kit  
Version and Package Name  
Smart Array Configuration Utility Kit  
Version and Package Name  
Version 3.02, PCSI kit name:  
Version B0126, PCSI kit name:  
V3.0 and V3.01  
No support  
Version 2.4, PCSI kit name:  
Version B0105, PCSI kit name:  
HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS  
The new v3.02 release of the HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS  
provides full Smart Array utility support for the KZPDC controller under  
OpenVMS versions 7.3-1 and 7.3-2. This kit must be used in conjunction with  
Smart Array Configuration Utility kit version B0126 or later. Kit version  
B0105 of the ACU-XE utility is not supported with OpenVMS Management  
Agent kit version 3.00 or higher.  
The v3.02 kit can be obtained from the HP Insight Management Agents for  
OpenVMS home page located at:  
The HP Management Agents for OpenVMS kit version v3.02 supersedes the  
kit found in the software media kit supplied with the KZPDC controller.  
Users are strongly advised to review the instructions in the v3.02 kit  
Installation Guide before attempting to update system/cluster environments  
6 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
that have or have had a pre-v3.02 Management Agent kit installed. Failure to  
adhere to the guidance with respect to ensuring no WBEM or CPQ$ACUXE  
processes are running within the system or OpenVMS cluster environment can  
result in incomplete Management Agent kit component delivery.  
Array Configuration Utility XE for OpenVMS  
The new B0126 release of the Smart Array Configuration Utility XE is fully  
compatible with the HP Insight Management Agents for OpenVMS beginning  
with Agent kit version 3.02.  
ACUXE kit version B0105 is not supported with OpenVMS Management  
Agent kits versions 3.00 and higher.  
The B0126 kit supersedes the B0105 Array Configuration Utility kit found on  
the software media CD-ROM supplied with the KZPDC controller. The PCSI  
kit version is B0126 and when extracted is entitled:  
The B0126 kit is supported under OpenVMS versions 7.3-1 and 7.3-2.  
Installation of the B0126 ACUXE kit should be performed after first installing  
or updating the system or cluster environment with the v3.02 (or later)  
Management Agents kit.  
Users installing the B0126 kit into a system or cluster environment that has or  
has had the ACUXE kit version B0105 previously installed must use an  
installation support script, ACUXE_CLEANUP.COM, to perform the utility  
installation. This script will ensure that pre-installation conditions are  
appropriate before kit component delivery is initiated and prepare the  
system/cluster environment for cluster-wide installation of the kit.  
The ACUXE_CLEANUP.COM script is packaged as part of the  
ACUXE126.EXEself-extracting archive containing the B0126 ACUXE PCSI kit  
and is available from the Smart Array 5300A web site.  
After downloading the B0126 kit distribution file and placing it in  
SYS$UPDATE, extract the B0126 PCSI kit and the accompanying  
ACUXE_CLEANUP.COM script with the following command:  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 7  
This will result in creation of two files,  
the indicated target directory.  
Install and upgrade the ACUXE utility by following the instruction provided  
after launching the ACUXE_CLEANUP.COM script as follows:  
Web Browser Support  
Consult the Release Notes for the Insight Management kit you have installed for  
supported WEB browsers and known browser issues. In general, a web browser  
must provide the following capabilities for successful interaction with the Smart  
Array 5300A runtime utilities:  
HTML Tables  
HTML Frames  
Accept all cookies  
Full Java Development Kit v1.1 (JDK 1.1) or later support  
Dynamic HTML  
KZPDC Event Translation Support  
WEBES kit version 4.3.1 or later provides KZPDC event translation of OpenVMS  
and Tru64 UNIX system error logs. The System Event Analyzer (formerly known  
as Compaq Analyze), is the WEBES component which permits translation of  
KZPDC controller events.  
WEBES kits are available from the following URL for more information:  
8 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
Supported HP Alpha Systems  
Smart Array 5300A controllers are supported on the following Alpha systems:  
DS20E EV68, EV67 p2.6  
ES40 EV68  
GS80, GS160, GS320  
ES47, ES80, GS1280  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 9  
KZPDC Product Issues and Restrictions  
Platform Specific Issues and Restrictions  
Note: Consult the QuickSpec for the Alpha system on which the KZPDC  
controller will be installed for numbers of controllers supported and other platform  
specific information.  
DS20E System Issues  
Smart Array 5300A controllers are not supported in DS20E systems in Hose 0.  
GS80, GS160 and GS320 System Issues  
KZPDC controller support under OpenVMS on the GS80, GS160, and GS320  
system platform is available beginning with version 7.3-2 of the operating  
system. The KZPDC controller is not supported under OpenVMS version  
7.3-1 on GS80, GS160, and GS320 systems.  
OpenVMS Galaxy system environments on the GS80, GS160, and GS320  
platform must be updated with a forthcoming release of the Alpha System  
console version 6.7 (or later) prior to installing the KZPDC controller. System  
environments which are not partitioned or which employ only hard  
partitioning are supported with a minimum SRM console version  
corresponding to the v6.6 Alpha Firmware release.  
The ADFU v1.00A shipped on a CD with the Smart Array 5300A option kit  
does not support GS80, GS160 and GS320 platforms. A future release of the  
ADFU utility is planned which will provide the necessary support for these  
platforms. ADFU utility updates can be downloaded from the Smart Array  
5300A web site when available.  
10 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
ES47, ES80 and GS1280 System Issues  
KZPDC controller placement and configuration in model ES47, GS80, and  
GS1280 systems is governed by the guidelines included in the associated  
platform QuickSpec.  
ES47, ES80, and GS1280 system environments are now fully supported with  
the Smart Array 5300A runtime utilities under OpenVMS. This support is  
provided with OpenVMS Management Agents kit version 3.02 and the Smart  
Array Configuration Utility XE version B0126. The previous restriction has  
now been removed which limited support of the KZPDC product on the ES47,  
ES80, and GS1280 platform to a single controller instance per partition when  
the Smart Array 5300A utilities are installed.  
The ADFU v1.00A shipped on a CD with the Smart Array 5300A option kit  
does not support ES47, ES80 and GS1280 platforms. A future release of the  
ADFU utility is planned which will provide the necessary support for these  
platforms. ADFU utility updates can be downloaded from the Smart Array  
5300A web site when available.  
The SRM console environment variable “HEAP_EXPAND” does not exist on  
ES47, ES80, and GS1280 platforms. Customers may disregard any  
requirement to set this variable when the KZPDC product is installed on these  
system types.  
Alpha System Firmware Issues and Restrictions  
Smart Array 5300A logical volumes configured as operating system dump  
devices must be resident on the KZPDC controller which is specified by the  
BOOTBIOS console environment variable.  
See the ES47, ES80, and GS1280 platform specific section of this document  
for considerations in setting the console environment variable  
‘HEAP_EXPAND’ on those platforms.  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 11  
Tru64 UNIX Issues and Restrictions  
Smart Array 5300A volumes are not supported as shared storage devices in  
TruCluster environments.  
OpenVMS Issues and Restrictions  
Prior restrictions as noted in the Smart Array 5300A Product Release Notes on  
the use of KZPDC logical volumes in Volume Shadowing environments are  
removed. Users should consult the Volume Shadowing documentation  
accompanying their specific OpenVMS release for guidance in configuring  
this feature.  
Smart Array 5300A volumes are not supported as shared storage devices in  
OpenVMS Cluster environments.  
KZPDC controller support under OpenVMS on the GS80, GS160, and GS320  
system platform is available beginning with version 7.3-2 of the operating  
system. KZPDC controller support is not available under OpenVMS version  
7.3-1 on GS80, GS160, and GS320 systems. Consult the platform specific  
section of these release notes for more information.  
Runtime Utility Issues and Restrictions  
The following items are known issues with the online utilities provided with Smart  
Array 5300A controllers.  
Users are referred to the cautionary advice elsewhere in this document  
concerning compatibility of the B0105 ACUXE kit with the version 3.xx  
OpenVMS Management Agents kit.  
Resizing (dragging the border of) the Netscape "HP Array Configuration  
Utility XE" window, causes the ACU-XE session to end. A new session of  
ACU-XE will have to be started. This issue will be fixed in a future release of  
Netscape for Tru64 UNIX.  
The GIF shown for an Array with a degraded Logical volume is the same as a  
GIF for an Array with a failed Logical volume.  
In some Tru64 UNIX systems with large configurations and large numbers of  
SA5300 logical drives, starting up or exiting the ACU-XE utility might take  
an extra long time (up to 20 minutes.) The user might get an impression that  
12 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
the utility is “hung” since no indications of what is actually happening are  
To check if the utility is still in startup or shutdown mode, you can put your  
cursor in the bar at the top of your window. If the utility is still active, then the  
cursor will change to an hour glass. This problem will be corrected in a future  
release of the ACU-XE utility.  
With cpqim310 installed, if you try to resize the windows between the disks  
(middle pane) and the detailed info (right pane), the data goes away and both  
panes turn dark brown/grey. A Netscape reload brings the data back. This  
issue will be fixed in a future release of Netscape for the Tru64 UNIX.  
Critical errors on the Smart Array 5300A controllers are accompanied by red  
status messages within the Array Configuration Utility. The last statement in  
each of these messages, "For more information, run the Array Diagnostics  
Utility.", should be disregarded. Please use Compaq Analyze to obtain further  
information about the reported errors.  
When a condition occurs, such as a hardware fault, there may be data that  
needs to be flushed from cache.To perform the actual cache flush, run the  
BIOS from the SRM console on the affected controller.  
Firmware Issues and Restrictions  
The maximum possible number of logical drives that can be configured on a  
Smart Array 5300A controller is thirty two.  
Logical volume capacity extension is not supported.  
The maximum logical volume size supported by the firmware is 2 Terabytes.  
If a Hot Spare has replaced a failed physical drive within a redundant array,  
the ACU-XE may show a logical volume having another volume below with  
"???" as the spare capacity. Replacing the failed drive will cause the array to  
return to the original configuration.  
In the event of a SCSI bus failure, all logical devices on this bus might become  
failed. There is a way these devices can be made available to the user (data  
integrity cannot be guaranteed, however). You have to shutdown your Alpha  
Server and run BIOS on the controller housing these devices, i.e:  
>>run bios pya0  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 13  
You will be presented with a choice of either recovering (making optimal)  
these devices or leaving them in the failed state. There is no default option  
under this scenario, and mandatory ‘user intervention’ is required.  
Storage Enclosure Issues and Restrictions  
Users are advised to follow the power sequencing rules below to avoid  
possible array volume state changes affecting the availability of user data:  
When removing power to a storage enclosure attached to a Smart Array  
controller, first remove power to the host system, followed by powering off  
the storage enclosure.  
When powering a system on, ensure all storage enclosures attached to a Smart  
Array controller first receive power before applying power to the host system.  
The BA610-6D internal disk cages are only supported with Nile logic cards  
P/N 3R-A1629-AA/010615-001 of rev. 0B. Cards with P/N 3R-A1629-  
AA/010615-001 of rev. 0A are not supported with Smart Array 5300A  
controllers. Customers who own BA610-6D modules with logic cards of P/N  
3R-A1629-AA/010615-001 of rev. 0A and want to take advantage of internal  
RAID must contact HP Field Service to have their 3R-A1629-AA/010615-001  
rev. 0A cards replaced.  
When configuring a Smart Array 5300A controller attached to a storage  
enclosure configured with a dual bus I/O module, each of the enclosure’s SCSI  
bus segments may be attached to a Smart Array controller instance.  
Connecting a controller or adapter other than another Smart Array controller  
to the second SCSI bus segment of the enclosure is however unsupported.  
If a Smart Array 5300A controller loses communication with a storage  
enclosure, then all physical drives in this enclosure are seen via SNMP Agent  
as located in an enclosure Bay 255. This typically means there is a hardware  
problem with the enclosure. You should contact HP Services for the enclosure  
14 Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers  
Hardware and Connection Details  
The StorageWorks 4400 (MSA30) series of storage enclosures are supported  
for use with the KZPDC controller at up to U3 (Ultra160) SCSI data transfer  
All supported external enclosures ship with U3 SCSI compliant cables. See the  
QuickSpec for your HP StorageWorks storage enclosure for the list of  
supported cables.  
The model 4254 P/N 138151-001 (DS-SSL14-RS) contains an Ultra2 capable  
I/O module which is dual bus only.  
The model 4354 P/N 190211-001 (DS-SL13R-BA) contains an Ultra3 capable  
I/O module which is dual bus only.  
The model 4214 P/N 103381-001 (DS-SSL14-RM) contains an Ultra2 capable  
I/O module which is single bus only.  
The model 4314 P/N 190209-001 (DS-SL13R-AA) contains an Ultra3 capable  
I/O module which is a single bus only.  
For the models 4254 and 4354, the device ID's on each bus segment will be 0  
through 5 and 8. ID's 6 and 7 are reserved.  
For the models 4214 and 4314 the device ID's on each bus segment will be 0  
through 5 and 8 through 15. ID's 6 and 7 are reserved.  
Also contained in the 4254, 4354, 4214 and 4314 is an EMU P/N 70-40064-03  
with fault bus support.  
HP StorageWorks Enclosure 4200 (models 4254 and 4214) or 4300 (models  
4354 and 4314) device shelves cannot be daisy chained together.  
With Tru64 UNIX, depending on the particular system configuration, using  
the MC2 page jumper set for 512MB may cause errors similar to  
"ciss_map_data"to appear in the system logs. If this happens, change the  
jumper to the 128MB position.  
All of the cluster members need to have the jumper configured the same way.  
Release Notes – Smart Array 5300A Backplane RAID Controllers 15  

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