Haier Refrigerator HDF05WNAWW User Manual

Two Door Auto Defrost  
Le Manuel de Deux Portes  
Dégivrent le Réfrigérateur  
El Manual de Dos Puertas  
Descongela el Refrigeradore  
User Manual-  
Model #  
Guide de l’Utilisateur- Modèle  
Manual del Usuario-  
Para Modelo de  
10) This refrigerator should not be recessed or built-in an enclosed cabinet. It  
is designed for freestanding installation only.  
11) Do not operate your refrigerator in the presence of explosive fumes.  
for future use  
Risk o f ch ild e n tra p m e n t. Be fo re y o u th ro w a w a y y o u r o ld  
re frig e ra to r o r fre e ze r, ta k e o ff th e d o o rs. Le a ve th e sh e lve s  
in p la ce so th a t ch ild re n m a y n o t e a sily clim b in sid e .  
As p e r UL 2 5 0 Sta n d a rd s  
Thank you for using our Haier  
product. This easy-to-use manual will  
guide you in getting the best use of  
Model number  
your refrigerator.  
Serial number  
Remember to record the model and  
serial number. They are on a label in  
back of the refrigerator.  
Date of purchase  
Staple your receipt to your manual. Yo u w ill n e e d it to o b ta in  
w a rra n ty se rvice .  
Table Of Contents  
Sa fe ty Pre ca u tio n s ...........................................................................1  
Pa rts An d Fe a tu re s ..........................................................................4  
In sta llin g Yo u r Re frig e ra to r............................................................5  
Unpacking Your Refrigerator ..................................................................5  
Adjusting Your Refrigerator......................................................................5  
Proper Air Circulation ............................................................................5  
Electrical Requirements............................................................................6  
Door Alignment......................................................................................7  
Reversing the Door Swing ......................................................................8  
Re frig e ra to r Fe a tu re s An d Use ....................................................1 0  
General Features..................................................................................1 0  
Refrigerator Interior Shelves ..................................................................1 0  
Crisper and Crisper Cover ....................................................................1 1  
Food Storage Information..................................................................... 1 2  
Normal Operating Sounds....................................................................1 3  
Pro p e r Re frig e ra to r Ca re a n d Cle a n in g ....................................1 4  
Cleaning and Maintenance ..................................................................1 4  
Light Bulb Replacement ........................................................................1 5  
Power Interruptions ..............................................................................1 5  
Vacation and Moving Care ..................................................................1 5  
Tro u b le sh o o tin g ..............................................................................1 6  
Wa rra n ty In fo rm a tio n ..................................................................1 8  
Parts And Features  
1. 1 Ice Cube Tray  
7. Clear Crisper  
2. 2 Full-Width Freezer Door Shelves  
3. “Dispence-A-Can” Storage  
4. 2 Half Width Door Shelves  
5. 1 Full Width Door Shelf  
6. Adjustable Front Leveling Legs  
(Not Shown)  
8. Clear Glass Crisper Cover  
9. 2 Adjustable Full-Width Shelves  
10. Adjustable Temperature Control  
11. Automatic Interior Light  
12. Freezer Shelf  
Installing Your Refrigerator  
Un p a ck in g Yo u r Re frig e ra to r  
1. Remove all packaging material. This includes the foam base and all  
adhesive tape holding the refrigerator accessories inside and  
outside. Slide out and remove plastic or foam guard used to  
secure the compressor from shipping damage due to vibration  
and shock.  
2. Inspect and remove any remains of packing, tape or printed  
materials before powering on the refrigerator.  
Ad ju stin g Yo u r Re frig e ra to r  
Le ve lin g Yo u r Re frig e ra to r:  
Your refrigerator has two leveling legs which are located in the  
front corners of your refrigerator. After properly placing your  
refrigerator in its final position, you can level your refrigerator.  
Leveling legs can be adjusted by turning them clockwise to raise your  
refrigerator or by turning them counterclockwise to lower  
your refrigerator. The refrigerator door will close easier when the  
leveling legs are raised.  
Pro p e r Air Circu la tio n  
To assure your refrigerator works at the maximum efficiency it  
was designed for, you should install it in a location where there  
is proper air circulation, plumbing and electrical connections.  
The following are recommended clearances around the refrigerator:  
Sides……………3/ 4 "(19mm)  
Top....................1" (25mm)  
Back..................1" (25mm)  
Ele ctrica l Re q u ire m e n t  
• Make sure there is a suitable power Outlet (115 volts, 15 amps outlet)  
with proper grounding to power the refrigerator.  
• Avoid the use of three plug adapters or cutting off the third grounding in  
order to accommodate a two plug outlet. This is a dangerous practice  
since it provides no effective grounding for the refrigerator and may  
result in shock hazard.  
In sta ll Lim ita tio n s  
• Do not install your refrigerator in any location not properly insulated or  
heated e.g. garage etc. Your refrigerator was not designed to operate in  
temperature settings below 55˚ Fahrenheit.  
• Select a suitable location for the refrigerator on a hard even  
surface away from direct sunlight or heat source e.g. radiators,  
baseboard heaters, cooking appliances etc. Any floor unevenness  
should be corrected with the leveling legs located on the front bottom  
corners of the refrigerator.  
Do o r Alig n m e n t  
Fre e ze r Do o r: (see fig. # 1)  
1. Remove hinge cover screw.  
2. Remove the top hinge cover.  
3. Loosen the top hinge screws using a phillips head screwdriver.  
4. Adjust the door or put a spacer in between and then tighten the screws.  
5. Replace the top hinge cover.  
Hinge box  
fig. # 1  
Top hinge  
Re frig e ra to r Do o r: (see fig. # 2)  
1. Loosen and remove the bottom hinge using a  
phillips head screwdriver.  
2. Adjust the door, or put a spacer in between and  
then tighten the screws.  
bottom hinge pad  
lower bracket  
fig. # 2  
lower pivot pin  
lower pivot pin hole  
Re ve rsin g th e Do o r Sw in g  
Le ft/ rig h t d o o r o p e n in g m e th o d :  
This product provides the reversing of the left/ right door opening. You  
can select your preference of door opening by following the procedure to  
make the change.  
Dism a n tlin g : (see fig. # 1 and fig. # 3)  
1. Fix refrigerator and freezer door by sticking adhesive tape on both  
sides to hold doors in place.  
2. As shown in fig. 1, dismantle the hinge box cover on the upper part of  
freezer door with a phillips head screwdriver. Then remove the three  
screws from the hinge. Take out the hinge by pulling it vertically, and  
keep it in a safe place.  
3. Remove the adhesive tape on freezer door, lift and take the door down,  
and carefully put it aside.  
4. Dismantle two screws of the central hinge, lift and take down the central  
hinge, and keep them in a safe place. (see fig # 3)  
5. Remove the adhesive tape on refrigerator door, lift and take down  
refrigerator door, and carefully put it aside.  
screw holes  
fig. # 3  
middle pivot pin  
middle bracket  
(central hinge bracket)  
Re in sta lla tio n : (see fig. # 4 and fig. # 5)  
1. Remove the lower pivot pin from the bracket of the lower  
hinge by turning counter clockwise. Move the pin to the  
opposite hole and tighten.  
2. Loosen the screws holding the lower hinge bracket  
and remove the hinge.  
bottom hinge pad  
lower bracket  
fig. # 4  
lower pivot pin  
lower pivot pin hole  
3. Align the holes in the lower hinge bracket to the  
corresponding holes in the opposite side of the cabinet.  
Insert and tighten the screws.  
4. To install refrigerator door: make the left bottom hole of the  
refrigerator compartment door fall over the lower hinge axle, move  
door forward to make it straight and in alignment with central hinge.  
Install the central hinge again, turn the hinge axle until it  
completely enters the door body, then fix it with screws.  
screw holes  
fig. # 5  
middle pivot pin  
middle bracket  
(central hinge bracket)  
5. To install freezer door: make the left bottom hole of freezer door fall  
over the central hinge axle; raise upper hinge, so that hinge axle can  
be installed in the upper hole of the upper part of the freezer door;  
adjust door to make it straight and level.  
6. As shown in Fig. 1, install the upper freezer hinge to the left  
corresponding position. (tighten the screws of upper hinge)  
7. Replace the hinge cover as shown in Fig. 1.  
Refrigerator Features And Use  
Ge n e ra l Fe a tu re s  
(N o te : If th e re frig e ra to r h a s  
b e e n p la ce d in a h o rizo n ta l o r  
tilte d p o sitio n fo r a n y p e rio d  
o f tim e w a it 2 4 h o u rs b e fo re  
p lu g g in g th e u n it in .)  
Ad ju sta b le te m p e ra tu re d ia l:  
Your refrigerator will automatically  
maintain the temperature level you  
select. The temperature control dial has  
7 settings plus off. 1 is the warmest. 7  
is the coldest. Turning the dial to OFF  
stops cooling in both the refrigeration  
and freezer sections. At first, set the  
dial to 4 and allow 24 hours to pass  
before adjusting the temperature to your  
Re frig e ra to r Se ctio n  
In te rio r Lig h t:  
Your refrigerator is equipped with an  
automatic interior light in the fresh  
food section for you to easily locate  
your food.  
Re frig e ra to r In te rio r Sh e lve s  
The refrigerator shelves of your refrigerator were designed with you in  
mind. Their varied adjustability allows you to satisfy your personal  
storage needs.  
To re m o ve o r a d ju st a fu ll-w id th  
slid e -o u t sh e lf: (see fig. # 6)  
1. Gently tilt the shelf up and slide forward until the shelf has been  
completely removed.  
2. To replace the shelf, select the desired setting and gently slide the  
shelf back until it rests in the locking position.  
fig. # 6  
Crisp e r a n d Crisp e r Co ve r  
To re m o ve a n d in sta ll th e crisp e r: (see fig. # 7)  
1. Grip the crisper firmly and slide out completely.  
2. Replace the crisper by placing the crisper properly in position and  
gently sliding it back into place.  
fig. # 7  
Re m o vin g o r re p la cin g th e crisp e r co ve r: (see fig. # 8)  
1. Carefully grasp the crisper cover and slide out to remove.  
fig. # 8  
2. To replace, slide the rear of the crisper cover into the right and left slots  
above the crisper area and gently slide back into place.  
Fo o d Sto ra g e In fo rm a tio n  
Fre sh Fo o d  
• When storing fresh food, which is not prepackaged, be sure to wrap or  
store food in airtight and moisture proof material unless otherwise  
noted. This will ensure proper shelf life and prevent the transfer of  
odors and tastes.  
• Wipe containers before storing to avoid needless spills.  
• Eggs should be stored in an upright position in their original carton to  
maximize shelf life.  
• Fruit should be washed and dried then stored in sealed plastic bags  
before storing in the refrigerator.  
Vegetables with skins should be stored in plastic bags or containers.  
Leafy vegetables should be washed and drained and then stored in  
plastic bags or containers.  
• Hot food should be allowed to cool before storing in the refrigeration.  
This will prevent unnecessary energy use.  
• Fresh seafood should be used the same day as purchased.  
• When storing meats in the fresh food section, keep in the original  
packaging or rewrap as necessary. Follow the suggestions below for  
safe storage:  
• Chicken  
1-2 Days  
1-2 Days  
3-5 Days  
3-5 Days  
7-10 Days  
1-2 Days  
• Ground Beef  
• Cold Cuts  
• Steaks/ Roasts  
• Smoked/ Cured Meats  
• All others  
If longer periods of storage are required, store immediately in the freezer  
Fro ze n Fo o d  
• Proper freezer storage requires correct packaging. All foods must be in  
packages, which do not allow the flow of air or moisture in, or out.  
Improper storage will result in odor and taste transfer and will result in  
the drying out of the improperly packaged food.  
• Follow package or container instructions for proper storage.  
Pa ck a g in g Re co m m e n d a tio n s:  
Plastic containers with air tight lids  
Heavy duty aluminum foil  
Plastic wrap made from saran film  
Self-sealing plastic bags  
• Do not refreeze defrosted/ thawed foods.  
It is recommended that the freezing date be marked on the packaging.  
N o rm a l O p e ra tin g So u n d s Yo u Ma y He a r  
The fan circulating air inside the interior of your unit to maintain the  
temperature you have selected.  
Boiling water, gurgling sounds or slight vibrations that are the result of  
the refrigerant circulating through the cooling coils.  
The thermostat control will click when it cycles on and off.  
Proper Refrigerator Care and Cleaning  
Cle a n in g a n d Ma in te n a n ce  
Wa rn in g : To avoid electric shock always unplug your  
refrigerator before cleaning. Ignoring this warning  
may result in death or injury.  
Ca u tio n : Before using cleaning products, always read and  
follow manufacturers instructions and warnings to  
avoid personal injury or product damage.  
Ge n e ra l:  
• Prepare a cleaning solution of 3-4 tablespoons of  
baking soda mixed with warm water. Use sponge or  
soft cloth, dampened with the cleaning solution, to  
wipe down your refrigerator.  
Rinse with clean warm water and dry with a soft cloth.  
• Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasives, ammonia,  
chlorine bleach,concentrated detergents, solvents or  
metal scouring pads. SOME of these chemicals may  
dissolve, damage and/ or discolor your refrigerator.  
Do o r Ga sk e ts:  
• Clean door gaskets every three months according to  
general instructions. Gaskets must be kept clean and  
pliable to assure a proper seal.  
• Petroleum jelly applied lightly on the hinge side of gas-  
kets will keep the gasket pliable and assure a good  
Lig h t Bu lb Re p la ce m e n t  
1. Switch off power to refrigerator.  
2. Remove the highest shelf.  
3. Allow light bulb to cool before removing.  
4. Pinch the plastic cover between fingers and  
thumb and gently pull to the left.  
5. Remove the bulb by screwing it counter-clockwise.  
6. Always replace with appliance type light bulb rated at 15 watts  
or lesser wattage.  
7. Do not exceed the 15 watts rating at any time.  
8. To replace cover, insert rear clips in first and gently push front  
clip in until the cover snaps into place.  
Po w e r In te rru p tio n s  
Occasionally there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or  
other causes. Remove the power cord from AC outlet when a power  
outage occurs. When power has been restored, replug power cord to  
AC outlet. If outage is for a prolonged period, inspect and discard  
spoiled or thawed food in freezer and refrigerator. Clean  
refrigerator before reusing.  
Va ca tio n a n d Mo vin g Ca re  
• For long vacations or absences, empty food from refrigerator and  
freezer, move the temperature DIAL to the OFF position and clean the  
refrigerator and door gaskets according to "General cleaning" section.  
Prop doors open, so air can circulate inside.When moving always move  
the refrigerator vertically. Do not move with the unit lying down. Possible  
damage to the sealed system could occur.  
Re frig e ra to r Do e s N o t O p e ra te  
• Check if thermostat control is not in the “OFF” position.  
• Check if refrigerator is plugged in.  
• Check if there is power at the ac outlet, by checking the circuit breaker.  
Fo o d te m p e ra tu re a p p e a rs to o w a rm  
• Frequent door openings.  
• Allow time for recently added warm food to reach fresh food or  
freezer temperature.  
• Check gaskets for proper seal.  
• Adjust temperature control to colder setting.  
Fo o d te m p e ra tu re is to o co ld  
If temperature control setting is too cold, adjust to a warmer setting  
and allow several hours for temperature to adjust.  
Re frig e ra to r ru n s to o fre q u e n tly  
This may be normal to maintain constant temperature during  
high temperature and humid days.  
• Doors may have been opened frequently or for an extended  
period of time.  
• Check gasket for proper seal.  
• Check to see if doors are completely closed.  
Mo istu re b u ild u p o n in te rio r o r e x te rio r  
o f th e re frig e ra to r:  
This is normal during high humidity periods.  
• Prolonged or frequent door openings.  
• Check door gaskets for proper seal.  
Re frig e ra to r h a s a n o d o r:  
Interior needs cleaning.  
• Foods improperly wrapped or sealed are giving off odors.  
Re frig e ra to r lig h t d o e s n o t w o rk :  
• Check power supply.  
Tighten bulb in socket.  
Replace burned out bulb.  
Re frig e ra to r/ Fre e ze r d o o r d o e s n o t sh u t p ro p e rly :  
Level the refrigerator.  
Re align refrigerator/ freezer door.  
• Check for blockages e.g. food containers, crisper cover,  
shelves, bins etc.  
Limited Warranty  
W h a t is co ve re d a n d fo r h o w  
lo n g ?  
only parts are covered in the remain-  
ing warranty. Labor is not provided  
and must be paid by the customer.  
This warranty covers all defects in work-  
manship or materials for a period of:  
3. Contact your nearest authorized  
service center. For the name of the  
nearest service center please call  
1 2 m o n th s la b o r (In -Ho m e Se rvice )  
1 2 m o n th s p a rts  
Damages from improper installation.  
Damages in shipping.  
Defects other than manufacturing.  
Damage from misuse, abuse, accident,  
alteration, lack of proper care and  
maintenance or incorrect current or  
5 y e a rs se a le d sy ste m  
The warranty commences on the date  
the item was purchased and the original  
purchase receipt must be presented to  
the authorized service center before  
warranty repairs are rendered.  
EXCEPTIO N S: Co m m e rcia l o r  
Re n ta l Use w a rra n ty  
9 0 d a y s la b o r (ca rry -in o n ly )  
9 0 d a y s p a rts  
N o o th e r w a rra n ty a p p lie s  
W h a t is co ve re d .  
Damage from other than household use.  
Damage from service by other than an  
authorized dealer or service center.  
Decorative trims or replaceable  
light bulbs.  
1. The mechanical and electrical parts,  
which serve as a functional, purpose  
of this appliance for a period of 12  
months. This includes all parts except  
finish, and trim.  
Transportation and shipping.  
Labor (after the initial 12 months).  
2. The components of the sealed system  
e.g. hermetic compressor, condenser  
and evaporator from manufacturing  
defects for a period of 5 years from  
the date of purchase. Any damages  
to such components caused by  
mechanical abuse or improper  
handling or shipping will not be  
The remedy provided in this warranty is  
exclusive and is granted in lieu of all  
other remedies.  
This warranty does not cover incidental  
or consequential damages, so the above  
limitations may not apply to you. Some  
States do not allow limitations on how  
long an implied warranty lasts, so the  
above limitations may not apply to you.  
W h a t w ill b e d o n e ?  
1. We will repair or replace, at our dis-  
cretion any mechanical or electrical  
part which proves to be defective in  
normal usage during the warranty  
period so specified.  
This warranty gives you specific legal  
rights, and you may have other rights,  
which vary, from state to state.  
2. There will be no charge to the  
purchaser for parts and labor on any  
covered items during the initial 12  
month period. Beyond this period  
Haier America Trading L.L.C.  
New York, NY 10018.  
Do N o t Re tu rn Th is Pro d u ct To Th e Sto re  
If y o u h a ve a p ro b le m w ith th is p ro d u ct, p le a se co n ta ct th e "Ha ie r Cu sto m e r  
Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r" a t 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .  
N e p a s Ré e x p é d ie r ce Pro d u it a u Ma g a sin  
Po u r to u t p ro b lè m e co n ce rn a n t ce p ro d u it, ve u ille z co n ta cte r le se rvice d e s  
co n so m m a te u rs ‘Ha ie r Cu sto m e r Sa tisfa ctio n Ce n te r ’ a u 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 .  
N o re g re se e ste p ro d u cto a la tie n d a  
Si tie n e a lg ú n p ro b le m a co n e ste p ro d u cto , p o r fa vo r co n ta cte e l "Ce n tro d e Se rvicio a l  
Co n su m id o r d e Ha ie r" a l 1 -8 7 7 -3 3 7 -3 6 3 9 (Vá lid o so lo e n E.U.A).  
1 1 5 V, 6 0 Hz  
Ma d e in Ch in a  
Fa b riq u é e n Ch in e  
He ch o e n Ch in a  
Ha ie r Am e rica Tra d in g , L.L.C.  
N e w Yo rk , N Y 1 0 0 1 8  
Issued: July-01  
Prin te d in Ch in a  

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