IBM Webcam GC34 5557 00 User Manual

MQSeries® for AS/400®  
Quick Beginnings  
MQSeries® for AS/400®  
Quick Beginnings  
Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under  
First edition (March 2000)  
This edition applies to MQSeries for AS/ 400, Version 5 Release 1, and to all subsequent releases and modifications  
until otherwise indicated in new editions.  
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000. All rights reserved.  
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract  
with IBM Corp.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
iv MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
vi MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
viii MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Welcome to MQSeries for AS/400  
This book describes IBM® MQSeries for AS/ 400, Version 5.1. It explains how  
to plan for, install, and begin to use the product. For latest information about  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, refer also to the readme file on the publications  
CD-ROM, and to the MQSeries family Web site at:  
Knowing the conventions used in this book will help you use it more  
v Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select.  
v Italic type indicates new terms, book titles, or variable information that you  
must replace with actual values.  
v Monospace type indicates an example (such as a fictitious path or file name)  
or text that is displayed on the screen.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 1. About MQSeries  
This chapter introduces IBM MQSeries and describes its relationship with  
other products. It contains basic explanations of the following topics:  
For more detailed explanations of these topics see the MQSeries Planning  
Message Queuing  
MQSeries enables applications to use message queuing to participate in  
message-driven processing. Applications can communicate across different  
platforms by using the appropriate message-queuing software products. The  
applications are shielded from the mechanics of the underlying  
MQI – a Common Application Programming Interface  
All MQSeries products implement a common application programming  
interface (message queue interface or MQI), regardless of the platform on  
which the applications are run. The calls made by the applications and the  
messages they exchange are common. This makes it much easier to write and  
maintain applications than it is when using traditional methods. It also makes  
it easier to port applications from one platform to another.  
The MQI is described in detail in the MQSeries Application Programming  
Reference book.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Message Queuing  
Time-Independent Applications  
With message queuing, the exchange of messages between the sending and  
receiving programs is time independent. This means that the sending and  
receiving applications are decoupled; the sender can continue processing  
without having to wait for the receiver to acknowledge receipt of the message.  
In fact, the target application does not even have to be running when the  
message is sent. It can retrieve the message when it starts running.  
Message-Driven Processing  
On arrival on a queue, messages can automatically start an application by  
using a technique known as triggering. If necessary, the application can be  
stopped when the message or messages have been processed.  
Messages and Queues  
Messages and queues are the basic components of a message queuing system.  
What is a Message?  
A message is a string of bytes that has meaning to the applications that use it.  
Messages are used to transfer information from one application to another (or  
to different parts of the same application). The applications can be running on  
the same platform, or on different platforms.  
MQSeries messages have two parts; the application data and a message  
descriptor. The content and structure of the application data are defined by the  
application programs that use the data. The message descriptor identifies the  
message and contains control information, such as the type of message and  
the priority assigned to it by the sending application.  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Messages and Queues  
What is a Queue?  
A queue is a data structure that stores messages. The messages may be put on  
the queue by applications or by a queue manager as part of its normal  
Queues exist independently of the applications that use them. A queue can  
exist in main storage (if it is temporary), on disk or similar auxiliary storage  
(if it must be kept in case of recovery), or in both places (if it is currently  
being used, and must also be kept for recovery). Each queue belongs to a  
queue manager, which is responsible for maintaining it. The queue manager  
puts the messages it receives onto the appropriate queue.  
Queues can exist either in your local system, in which case they are called  
local queues, or at another queue manager, in which case they are called remote  
Applications use MQI calls to send and receive messages. One application can  
put a message on a queue and another application can retrieve the message  
from the same queue.  
MQSeries Objects  
An MQSeries object is a recoverable resource that is managed by MQSeries.  
Many of the tasks that are described in this chapter involve manipulating the  
following types of MQSeries object:  
v Queue managers  
v Queues  
v Process definitions  
v Channels  
v Namelists  
MQSeries creates default objects for you when you create a queue manager.  
Each object has a name associated with it. You can specify that name in  
MQSeries commands and MQI calls to refer to the object. Names must be  
unique within each of the object types. For example, you can have a queue  
and a process with the same name, but you cannot have two queues with the  
same name.  
Chapter 1. About MQSeries  
MQSeries Objects  
Queue Managers  
A queue manager provides queuing services to applications, and manages the  
queues that belong to it. It ensures that:  
v Object attributes are changed according to the commands received.  
v Special events such as trigger events or instrumentation events are  
generated when the appropriate conditions are met.  
v Messages are put on the correct queue, as requested by the application that  
makes the MQPUT call. The application is informed if this cannot be done,  
and an appropriate reason code is given.  
Each queue belongs to a single queue manager and is said to be a local queue  
to that queue manager. The queue manager to which an application is  
connected is said to be the local queue manager for that application. For the  
application, the queues that belong to its local queue manager are local  
queues. A remote queue is simply a queue that belongs to another queue  
manager. A remote queue manager is any queue manager other than the local  
queue manager. A remote queue manager may exist on a remote machine  
across the network, or it may exist on the same machine as the local queue  
manager. MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 supports multiple queue managers on  
the same machine.  
A queue is an MQSeries object that can store messages. Each queue has queue  
attributes that determine what happens when applications reference the queue  
in MQI calls. The attributes indicate:  
v Whether applications can retrieve messages from the queue (get enabled)  
v Whether applications can put messages onto the queue (put enabled)  
v Whether access to the queue is exclusive to one application or shared  
between applications  
v The maximum number of messages that can be stored on the queue at the  
same time (maximum queue depth)  
v The maximum size of messages that can be put on the queue (maximum  
message size)  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
MQSeries Objects  
Process Definitions  
A process definition object defines an application that is to be started in response  
to a trigger event on an MQSeries queue manager.  
A trigger event is a logical combination of conditions that is detected by a  
queue manager. For example, a trigger event may be generated when the  
number of messages on a queue reaches a predefined level. This event causes  
the queue manager to put a trigger message on a specified initiation queue.  
This trigger message is retrieved by a trigger monitor, a special application that  
monitors an initiation queue. The trigger monitor then starts up the  
application program that was specified in the trigger message.  
If a queue manager is to use triggering, at least one initiation queue must be  
defined for that queue manager.  
See the MQSeries Application Programming Guide for more information about  
A channel provides a communication path. There are two types of channel;  
message channels and MQI channels.  
A message channel provides a communication path between two queue  
managers on the same, or different, platforms. The message channel is used  
for the transmission of messages from one queue manager to another. It  
shields the application programs from the complexities of the underlying  
networking protocols.  
A message channel can transmit messages in one direction only. If you require  
two-way communication between two queue managers, you need two  
message channels.  
An MQI channel connects an MQSeries client to a queue manager on a server  
machine. It is for the transfer of MQI calls (for example, MQPUT) and  
responses only and is bidirectional. A channel definition exists for each end of  
the link. On some platforms, some types of MQI channel can be defined  
For more information about channels see the MQSeries Intercommunication  
Chapter 1. About MQSeries  
MQSeries Objects  
A namelist is an MQSeries object that contains a list of other MQSeries objects.  
Typically, namelists are used by applications such as trigger monitors, where  
they are used to list a number of queues. The advantage of using a namelist is  
that it is maintained independently of applications. You can update a namelist  
without having to stop any of the applications that use it. Also, if one  
application fails, the namelist is not affected and other applications can  
continue using it.  
Clients and Servers  
MQSeries supports client/ server configurations for MQSeries applications.  
An MQSeries client is a part of the MQSeries product, which is used to accept  
MQI calls from an application and pass them to an MQI server machine. The  
calls are processed by a queue manager on the server machine. Typically, the  
client and server reside on different machines, but equally they may exist on  
the same machine.  
An MQI server is a queue manager that provides queuing services to one or  
more clients. All the MQSeries objects, for example queues, exist only on the  
queue manager machine, that is, on the MQI server machine. A server can  
support local MQSeries applications as well.  
The benefits of using an MQSeries client include:  
v Reduced hardware requirements.  
v Reduced system administration requirements.  
v Small installation footprint.  
v Alternative channels using different transmission protocols may be used.  
For more information about clients, client support, and creating channels for  
clients and servers, see the MQSeries Clients book.  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Instrumentation Events  
Instrumentation Events  
You can use MQSeries instrumentation events to monitor the operation of  
queue managers.  
Instrumentation events cause special messages, which are called event  
messages, to be generated whenever the queue manager detects a predefined  
set of conditions. For example, the following conditions give rise to a Queue  
Full event:  
v Queue Full events are enabled for a specified queue, and  
v An application issues an MQPUT call to put a message on that queue, but  
the call fails because the queue is full.  
Other conditions that can give rise to instrumentation events include:  
v A predefined limit for the number of messages on a queue being reached  
v A queue not being serviced within a specified time  
v A channel instance being started or stopped  
If you define your event queues as remote queues, you can put all the event  
queues on a single queue manager (for those nodes that support  
instrumentation events). You can then use the events that are generated to  
monitor a network of queue managers from a single node.  
Types of Event  
MQSeries events are categorized as follows:  
Queue manager events  
These events are related to the definitions of resources within queue  
managers. For example, if an application attempts to open a queue  
but the associated user ID is not authorized to perform that operation,  
a queue manager event is generated.  
Performance events  
These events are notifications that a resource has reached a threshold  
condition. For example, a queue has reached its queue-depth limit  
following an MQGET request, or a queue has not been serviced  
within a predefined period of time.  
Channel events  
These events are reported by channels as a result of conditions they  
detect during their operation. For example, a channel event is  
generated when a channel instance is stopped.  
Chapter 1. About MQSeries  
Transactional Support  
Transactional Support  
An application program can group a set of updates into a unit of work. These  
updates are usually logically related and must all be successful for data  
integrity to be preserved. If one update succeeded while another failed then  
data integrity would be lost.  
A unit of work commits when it completes successfully. At this point all  
updates made within that unit of work are made permanent or irreversible. If  
the unit of work fails, all updates are instead backed out. Syncpoint coordination  
is the process by which units of work are either committed or backed out  
with integrity.  
A local unit of work is one in which the only resources updated are those  
belonging to the MQSeries queue manager. Syncpoint coordination is  
provided by the queue manager itself, using a single-phase commit process.  
A global unit of work is one in which resources that belong to other resource  
managers, such as a DB2/ 400® database, are also updated. Here, a two-phase  
commit procedure must be used and the unit of work is coordinated  
externally by the operating system commitment controller.  
Global units of work make it possible to integrate database updates within  
MQSeries units of work. That is, you can write an application that makes  
updates to MQSeries queues and to databases. You can issue commands to  
commit or roll back the changes to both the queues and the databases.  
This is achieved using a two-phase commit protocol. When a unit of work is  
to be committed, the operating-system commitment controller first asks each  
resource owner whether it is prepared to commit its updates. Only if the  
database manager and the queue manager are both prepared to commit, are  
all of the queue and database updates committed. If the database manager  
cannot prepare its updates, the unit of work is backed out instead.  
Full recovery support is provided if the queue manager loses contact with the  
database manager during the commit process. If the database manager  
becomes unavailable while it is in doubt (that is, it has been called to prepare  
but the commitment controller has yet to receive a commit or backout  
decision) the commitment controller remembers the outcome of the unit of  
work until it has been successfully delivered. Similarly, if the queue manager  
terminates with incomplete commit operations outstanding, these are  
remembered over queue-manager restart.  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 2. What’s New in MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 is an update to MQSeries for AS/ 400, V4.2.1.  
However, it is more than just an upgrade to the features of that product. It  
includes significant new function and a redesign of the product base, to bring  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 to the same level of function as other version 5.1  
products. MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 now offers platform consistency with the  
other products at the 5.1 level, which are:  
v MQSeries for AIX®  
v MQSeries for OS/ 2®  
v MQSeries for HP-UX  
v MQSeries for Sun Solaris  
v MQSeries for Windows NT®  
The features of this release include:  
MQSeries queue manager clusters  
You can connect MQSeries queue managers to form a cluster. Within a  
cluster, queue managers can make the queues they host available to  
every other queue manager. Any queue manager can send a message  
to any other queue manager in the same cluster without the need for  
explicit channel definitions, remote queue definitions, or transmission  
queues for each destination. The main benefits of MQSeries clusters  
v Fewer system administration tasks  
v Increased availability  
v Workload balancing  
Clusters are supported by all MQSeries Version 5.1 products, and also  
by MQSeries for OS/ 390®, Version 2.1.  
See the MQSeries Queue Manager Clusters book for a complete  
MQSeries Administration Interface (MQAI)  
The MQSeries Administration Interface is an MQSeries programming  
interface that simplifies manipulation of MQSeries PCF messages for  
administrative tasks. It is described in the MQSeries Administration  
Interface Programming Guide and Reference book.  
Support for Windows 98 clients  
You can connect a Windows 98 client to the MQSeries for AS/ 400,  
V5.1 server.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
What’s New  
Java support  
MQSeries classes for Javainclude support for MQSeries for AS/ 400,  
New calls  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 supports the following new calls:  
v MQCONNX, which allows you to specify queue-manager  
connection options.  
v MQCMIT, MQBACK, and MQBEGIN, which allow MQSeries to  
coordinate a local unit of work.  
Two-phase commit  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 participates as a two-phase commit  
resource in global units of work (UOW) managed by OS/ 400®.  
Automatic object creation  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 creates default objects automatically when  
you create a queue manager.  
Conversion of the EBCDIC new-line character  
You can control the conversion of EBCDIC new-line characters. Thus  
you can ensure that data transmitted between EBCDIC systems and  
ASCII systems is unaltered by the ASCII conversion.  
Multiple queue managers  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 now supports multiple queue managers. You  
can nominate one queue manager to be the default queue manager.  
You can perform actions on a default queue manager without  
specifying its name on the commands.  
Job priority control  
Users can set independent priority for individual MQSeries jobs - for  
example, channel agents.  
MQSeries subsystem  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 has its own subsystem. Previous releases  
used QSYSWRK.  
Euro support  
MQSeries supports new and changed code pages that use the euro  
currency symbol. Further details of code pages that include the euro  
symbol are provided in the MQSeries Application Programming Reference  
Multithreaded channels  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 supports multithreaded channels.  
Multithreaded applications  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 supports multithreaded applications.  
10 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
What’s New  
Message queue size  
A message queue can be up to 2 GB.  
Message size  
A single message can be up to 100 MB.  
Administration application  
The administration application is not supported in MQSeries for  
AS/ 400, V5.1.  
Chapter 2. Whats New in MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 11  
What’s New  
12 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/400  
This chapter provides a summary of the requirements for running MQSeries  
for AS/ 400. It discusses the network protocols and compilers supported, the  
delivery media, and the various components of the product.  
The information in this chapter applies to the server environment only. For  
information about client environments, see “Chapter 6. Planning to Install  
Hardware Requirements  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 runs on any machine that is capable of running  
OS/ 400 V4R4, and that has sufficient storage to meet the combined  
requirements of the programming prerequisites, MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1,  
the access methods, and the application programs, whether from IBM or other  
The installation requirements depend on the components you install and how  
much working space you need. This, in turn, depends on the number of  
queues that you use, the number and size of the messages on the queues, and  
whether the messages are persistent. You also require archiving capacity on  
disk, tape, or other media.  
Disk Space Required  
For the MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 base code and server you should allow  
approximately 60 MB of storage.  
Software Requirements  
This is the minimum supported software level. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
OS/ 400 Version 4 Release 4  
The network protocols supported by MQSeries for AS/ 400 are:  
v TCP  
v SNA LU 6.2  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
AS/400 Install Libraries and Directories  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 installs into the AS/ 400 library structure and also uses  
directories in the IFS root file system.  
AS/400 Library Structure  
Installation of MQSeries for AS/ 400 creates the following libraries:  
The MQSeries base product library.  
The MQSeries samples library (if you choose to install the samples).  
A library containing a message file that is specific to your national  
language. This message file is automatically copied into the  
appropriate QSYS29xx library when the product is installed.  
The following language versions are available for MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1:  
Table 1. National-language versions of MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1  
Language ID  
Belgian English  
Belgian French MNCS (Multi-National Character Set)  
Canadian French MNCS  
English Uppercase  
English Uppercase and Lowercase  
English Uppercase DBCS (Double-Byte Character Set)  
English Uppercase and Lowercase DBCS  
French MNCS  
Italian MNCS  
Simplified Chinese  
Note: The Japanese language version of this product does not run correctly if  
your job CCSID is 5026. For details of supported CCSIDs to use with  
this language version, see the readme file.  
QMxxxx Library  
Each time you create a queue manager MQSeries automatically creates an  
associated library. This library contains objects specific to the queue manager,  
including journals and associated receivers. The name of this library is  
14 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
derived from the name of the queue manager prefixed with the characters  
QM. For example, for a queue manager called TEST, the library would be  
called QMTEST.  
You can use the WRKLIB command to list all the libraries that MQSeries for  
AS/ 400 has created. Against the queue manager libraries, you will see the text  
QMGR: QMGRNAME. The format of the command is:  
These queue manager-associated libraries are retained when the product is  
IFS Root File System  
The integrated file system (IFS) provides a common interface to the different  
systems on the AS/ 400. When you install MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 two  
directories are created in the root file system. They are:  
Subdirectories below this contain all the product data - for example,  
C++ classes. Data in this directory is deleted and replaced each time  
the product is installed.  
Subdirectories below this contain all user data relating to queue  
managers. Three subdirectories, / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm/ errors,  
/ QIBM/ UserData/ mqm/ qmgrs, and / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm/ trace,  
are also created when the product is installed.  
When you install the product, an mqs.ini file is created in directory  
/ QIBM/ UserData/ mqm/ (unless it is already there from a previous  
installation). When you create a queue manager a qm.ini file is created  
in the directory / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm/ qmgrs/ QMGRNAME/  
(where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager.) The qm.ini  
file is the equivalent of the QMINI file in previous releases of  
MQSeries for AS/ 400.  
Data in this directory is retained when the product is deleted.  
The IFS file structure is shown in the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System  
Administration book.  
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/ 400 Server 15  
User Profiles  
When you install MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, a number of user profiles are  
created. These include QMQM, QMQMADM, and NOBODY. These three  
objects are central to the correct running of MQSeries for AS/ 400. Under no  
circumstances should you alter or delete them. If you do, IBM cannot  
guarantee correct behavior of your product.  
These profiles are retained when the product is deleted.  
Compilers Supported for MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Applications  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 supports the following compilers:  
v IBM ILE C for AS/ 400 compiler (5768-CX2)  
v IBM ILE C++ for AS/ 400 compiler (5799-GDW)  
v IBM VisualAge® for C++ for AS/ 400 compiler (5769-CX4)  
v IBM ILE COBOL for AS/ 400 compiler Version 3 (5769-CB1)  
v IBM ILE RPG for AS/ 400 compiler (5769-RG1)  
v AS/ 400 Developer Kit for Java (5769-JV1)  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 is supplied on CD-ROM.  
There are three CD-ROMs.  
v One contains the MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 base product and sample  
v Another contains the client products that you can use with MQSeries for  
AS/ 400.  
v The third contains MQSeries for AS/ 400 publications.  
Java support is supplied on the MQSeries Web site, at:  
MQSeries for AS/400 Components  
The components are as follows:  
Support to enable you to create and support your own applications.  
This includes the run-time component that provides support for  
external applications. It also includes support for client connections  
from other MQSeries products.  
16 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
MQSeries for AS/400 Components  
Sample application programs. The source is supplied in the  
QMQMSAMP library and executables are supplied in the QMQM  
MQSeries online documentation  
HTML and PDF versions of the books are supplied on the  
publications CD-ROM. They are not installable. You can read them  
directly from the CD-ROM or you can copy them to your system. For  
example, you could copy them to your PC hard drive, or store them  
in the AS/ 400 IFS and then access them using a network drive.  
Each book is supplied in U.S. English and also in some or all of the  
following national languages:  
v French  
v German  
v Italian  
v Japanese  
v Korean  
v Spanish  
v Simplified Chinese  
more information.  
Readme file  
Latest information about the product, which became available after  
publication of this book. You can find the readme file on the  
publications CD-ROM and should review it before starting to install  
MQSeries for AS/ 400.  
more information.  
Creating the System-Default Objects  
System-default objects are created automatically when you issue the  
CRTMQM command to create a queue manager.  
You can refresh them using the STRMQM command. Refer to the online help  
for information about using this command.  
Chapter 3. Planning to Install the MQSeries for AS/ 400 Server 17  
18 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries  
for AS/400  
This chapter describes installation of and migration to MQSeries for AS/ 400,  
V5.1. It covers the following topics:  
In addition to reading the information in this chapter, you should refer to the  
readme file on the publications CD-ROM, and also to the latest information  
available on the MQSeries Web site at:  
Before Installation  
If you are migrating from an earlier release of MQSeries for AS/ 400, refer to  
You must have the OS/ 400 V4R4 operating system installed on your machine  
in order to run MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1. If you have OS/ 400 V4R2 or V4R3  
operating system installed, you can use only MQSeries for AS/ 400 V4R2M1.  
Setting System Values  
Before installing MQSeries for AS/ 400, you should use the DSPSYSVAL  
command to check that the following system values are set to the  
requirements of your enterprise:  
You can change these values, if necessary, using the CHGSYSVAL command.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Before Installation  
Every message has a coded-character set identifier (CCSID) in its header. The  
CCSID tag identifies the code page and character set of the source. For  
CCSIDs that are supported on the AS/ 400 see the AS/400 National Language  
Support book.  
The CCSID information is obtained, when a queue manager is created, from  
the job CCSID. If this does not contain a valid value in the range 1–65534, the  
information is obtained from the default CCSID value for the job.  
Note: The CCSID must be either Single-byte character set (SBCS), or Mixed,  
that is SBCS and DBCS. It must not be DBCS only.  
You can change the CCSID used by the MQSeries queue manager by using  
MQSeries for AS/ 400” on page 43 for more information.  
You should check that the coordinated universal time offset (QUTCOFFSET)  
system value has been set, to indicate the relationship between the system  
time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You do this by working with the  
CHGSYSVAL command.  
If QUTCOFFSET is not set, it takes the default value of zero. MQSeries for  
AS/ 400 then assumes that the local system time is universal time coordinated  
(UTC) - that is, GMT - and time stamps the MQSeries for AS/ 400 messages  
Ensure that QSYS2 is included in the list of libraries that make up the system  
part of the library list.  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 uses programs in this library for data conversion and  
SNA LU 6.2 communication.  
Ensure that the QALWOBJRST system value is set to *ALL or *ALWPGMADP  
before you install MQSeries for AS/ 400. If it is set to *NONE, the installation  
will fail.  
After installation, reset QALWOBJRST to its original value to maintain system  
20 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installation Procedure  
1. To install the MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 base product, issue the  
RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733A38) DEV(install device) OPTION(*BASE)  
v 5733A38 is the product identifier for MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, and  
v install device is the device from which the product is to be loaded,  
typically a CD-ROM - for example, OPT01.  
2. To install the sample applications, issue the command:  
RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733A38) DEV(install device) OPTION(1)  
Note: You can install only one instance of MQSeries for AS/ 400 in each  
partition of your AS/ 400 machine.  
Installation of Translated Versions  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 is installed in the language that is the primary language  
on your system.  
You can install additional versions of the product in any of the languages  
shown in Table 1 on page 14. To do so, issue the following command  
specifying the appropriate language ID:  
RSTLICPGM LICPGM(5733A38) DEV(install device) RSTOBJ(*LNG) LNG(language ID)  
This will install the commands, message file, and panel groups into the  
relevant QSYS library for the language. For example, library QSYS2928 is used  
for French.  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 21  
Verifying the Installation  
Verifying the Installation  
To ensure that the product has loaded correctly, issue the Display Software  
Resources (DSPSFWRSC) command and check that the licensed program  
5733A38 is listed. If you have installed the base and the optional samples, you  
should see:  
Option Feature Description  
MQSeries for AS/400  
MQSeries for AS/400  
MQSeries for AS/400 - Samples  
If you press F11 while viewing the Display Software Resources screen, you  
will see the library and version number of the products installed:  
Option Feature Type  
If you have installed additional language versions, you will also see entries  
for these. For example, if you have installed the French version, for which the  
language ID is 2928, you will see:  
Option Feature Description  
*BASE 2928 MQSeries for AS/400  
and when you press F11:  
Option Feature Type  
*BASE 2928 *LNG  
Post Installation Tasks  
When you have correctly installed MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 on your system:  
1. Refer to the MQSeries family Web site at:  
for latest product information, and install and apply all PTFs that are  
2. Start the MQSeries subsystem, by issuing the command:  
You are now ready to start using MQSeries for AS/ 400. See “Chapter 5. Using  
22 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Quiescing MQSeries  
Quiescing MQSeries  
The orderly shutdown of MQSeries for AS/ 400 is called quiescing. You may  
need to quiesce MQSeries for AS/ 400, for example, to:  
v Take a backup of the system, or  
v Update MQSeries for AS/ 400  
Quiescing previous releases of MQSeries for AS/400  
To quiesce one of the previous releases of MQSeries for AS/ 400:  
1. Use F12 (Cancel) to return to your initial MENU  
Note: If you have MQSeries Commands (CMDMQM) as your initial  
menu, change the initial menu in your user profile, sign off and  
sign back on.  
2. Ensure that you have:  
v *ALLOBJ authority, or object management authority for the QMQM and  
QMQMADM libraries.  
v *USE authority for the following programs:  
a. If you use QMQM/AMQIQES4 any user signed on to MQSeries, even if that  
user is not running the product, will be logged off.  
b. The QMQMADM library exists only if you have installed the MQSeries for  
AS/ 400 Administration utility.  
3. Warn all users that you are going to stop MQSeries for AS/ 400.  
4. Warn users not to start Message Queue Interface applications while  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 is being quiesced. To ensure that they cannot start,  
you should revoke users’ authorities to MQSeries for AS/ 400 by issuing  
the RVKMQMAUT command.  
5. Exit the Administration utility, if it is running.  
6. Quiesce the queue manager by running program AMQSTOP4:  
where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager and 15 is a time-out  
value in seconds.  
7. If this fails, you can force the queue manager to stop by issuing:  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 23  
Quiescing MQSeries  
Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries for AS/400  
To quiesce MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1:  
1. Use F12 (Cancel) to return to your initial MENU  
Note: If you have MQSeries Commands (CMDMQM) as your initial  
menu, change the initial menu in your user profile, sign off and  
sign back on.  
2. Ensure that you have:  
v *ALLOBJ authority, or object management authority for the QMQM library.  
v *USE authority for the following programs:  
3. Warn all users that you are going to stop MQSeries for AS/ 400.  
4. Warn users not to start Message Queue Interface applications while  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 is being quiesced. To ensure that they cannot start,  
you should revoke users’ authorities to MQSeries for AS/ 400 by issuing  
the RVKMQMAUT command.  
5. Quiesce all queue managers by running program AMQSTOP4:  
where 15 is a time-out value in seconds.  
6. If this fails, you can force queue managers to stop by issuing:  
7. End the MQSeries subsystem, by entering:  
Migrating to MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1  
You can migrate to MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 from MQSeries for AS/ 400  
V3R7, MQSeries for AS/ 400 V4R2, or MQSeries for AS/ 400 V4R2M1.  
You must pay particular attention when migrating to MQSeries for AS/ 400,  
V5.1. The product has been altered and enhanced significantly since previous  
This section outlines the steps involved in migrating to MQSeries for AS/ 400,  
V5.1 from an earlier release. You may find additional, important information  
that became available after publication of this book if you refer to the readme  
file on the publications CD-ROM, or to the MQSeries family Web site at:  
24 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Migrating MQSeries  
What are the Differences  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 provides significant new function over previous  
releases, including support for multiple queue managers, queue manager  
clusters, and substantially increased message and queue sizes. Enabling this  
new function has involved some changes to the internal architecture of  
MQSeries. For example this release makes substantial use of the Integrated  
File System whereas, previously, all MQSeries data was stored in OS/ 400  
objects in libraries.  
Another significant change with this release concerns security. To increase  
compatibility with the other V5.1 MQSeries platforms and also to provide  
authorization to individual MQI calls, the OS/ 400 object-based security model  
used in previous releases has been replaced by one using the MQSeries OAM  
(Object Authority Manager).  
As a consequence of these, and other changes, migration to MQSeries for  
AS/ 400, V5.1 from a previously installed release requires special consideration  
and careful planning. Areas to which you should apply close attention  
v Existing RPG, COBOL, and C applications using the MQI (MQSeries  
Interface) should work successfully without the need for recompilation.  
There have been some changes in detail in the way some CL commands are  
implemented. CL programs using these commands might need to be edited  
and recompiled.  
v All user exits including channel and data conversion exits must be  
recompiled using ILE compilers, bound to the threaded MQSeries libraries,  
made thread-safe and enabled for teraspace memory. Details can be found  
in the MQSeries Application Programming Guide and the MQSeries  
Intercommunication book.  
v MQSeries authorizations continue to be administered through the  
GRTMQMAUT (Grant MQM Authority) and RVKMQMAUT (Revoke MQM  
Authority) commands, but there are substantial changes:  
– Authorization lists and reference objects are no longer supported.  
– Authorizations that may be given to a user for MQSeries objects are now  
grouped into four categories: MQI, Context, Administration, and Generic.  
There are additional security considerations to take into account. For details  
see the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System Administration book.  
Overview of Migration Process  
There are two possible migration scenarios:  
v Either you are migrating from a previous version of MQSeries on the same  
machine, or  
v You are transferring MQSeries to a new machine.  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 25  
Migrating MQSeries  
The process is the same except that:  
v If you are moving to a new machine, there is one additional step, which is  
to transfer data from the old machine to the new.  
v If you are upgrading the system on the same machine, you must save your  
MQSeries data because the migration process completely deletes your old  
version of the product.  
To help you migrate, MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 includes a utility program  
called MIGRATEMQM. This program migrates your MQSeries configuration  
and objects to MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1. It also creates a new queue  
manager with the same name as the original one. (This queue manager will  
act as the default queue manager on your new system unless you have  
already defined a default queue manager). The migration program reads  
information from the earlier release and creates a matching queue manager at  
the new level. It also creates all the MQSeries objects such as queues and  
channels. It copies messages held on the old queue managers queues to the  
new queue manager. It does not, however, migrate your authority definitions.  
In MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, each queue manager has its own library  
containing that queue managers journals and journal receivers. In earlier  
versions of MQSeries for AS/ 400, all the journals were in QUSRSYS and all  
the receivers were in QMQMDATA. The migration program obtains the  
configuration and message data from the journals and data library of the  
earlier release.  
Before Migration  
Before migrating to MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, carry out the following  
procedure on the version of MQSeries for AS/ 400 that is currently installed:  
1. Stop all applications that are using the existing version of MQSeries for  
AS/ 400.  
2. End all MQSeries channels. To do this, use the WRKMQMCHL command  
and select option 15.  
3. Exit the administration utility if it is running.  
4. End the MQSeries command server. To do this, enter the command:  
where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager.  
5. Remove any unwanted messages from your MQSeries queues. To do this,  
use the WRKMQMMSG command and select option 4.  
6. Resolve any in-doubt messages that are held by sender or server  
channels. To do this, use the WRKMQMCHST command and select  
option 17.  
7. Reset the media recovery point. To do this, enter the command:  
26 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Migrating MQSeries  
8. Save details of your existing MQSeries authorities. To find these details,  
issue the DSPMQMOBJN command to list the queue manager and all the  
MQSeries queues and processes that you have. Then issue the  
DSPMQMAUT command to list the access that users have to each of  
these objects.  
9. Quiesce the product. To do this, refer to “Quiescing previous releases of  
10. Copy your MQSeries CL and MQSC files to a suitable save library such  
as QGPL.  
11. Save your MQSeries data:  
v Create a save file for the libraries QMQMDATA and QMQMPROC. To  
do this, issue the commands:  
v Save the libraries QMQMDATA and QMQMPROC into these save files.  
To do this, enter the commands:  
v Create a save file for your journals. To do this, issue the command:  
v Save the journals into the save file:  
12. If you are transferring MQSeries to a new machine, transfer the save files  
to the new machine.  
13. Do not start this step until you have saved all your MQSeries data.  
When you have completed this step your data will be recoverable only  
from your saved images.  
Delete your old version of MQSeries for AS/ 400. To do this, use the GO  
LICPGM menu and select option 12 (Delete licensed program). Select all  
the installable options of MQSeries for AS/ 400 and delete them.  
To migrate to the new release of MQSeries for AS/ 400, follow this procedure.  
Note that you need *ALLOBJ authority to complete the procedure.  
a. Install MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1. See “Installation Procedure” on  
page 21 for details.  
b. Verify the installation. See Verifying the Installation” on page 22 for  
c. Perform the tasks described in “Post Installation Tasks” on page 22.  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 27  
Migrating MQSeries  
2. Restore the MQSeries objects for libraries QMQMDATA and QMQMPROC  
using the following commands:  
3. Restore the MQSeries local and remote journals using the following  
4. Associate the journal receivers by:  
a. Issuing the command WRKJRN, specifying the journals  
b. Using option 9 to associate the journals  
5. Invoke the migration program MIGRATEMQM. To do this, issue the  
This command may be issued from the command prompt, or may be  
submitted as a batch job. Depending on the number of MQSeries objects  
and the number of messages on queues, the program may take some time  
to complete. The program creates a default queue manager that matches  
the one on your previous release.  
When the program has completed, check the job log for errors. If any  
errors were encountered during channel-definition migration (for example,  
no channel-definition file was found) or during the migration of  
channel-synchronization information (for example, no synchronization file  
was found), you can rerun these steps individually. To rerun  
channel-definition migration, enter:  
where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager.  
To rerun the migration of channel-synchronization information, enter:  
6. If you wish to set up your work management environment, job  
descriptions, and pools, see the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System  
Administration book for guidance. Otherwise, use the default setup.  
7. Migrate and recompile your user exit programs. Recompile all OPM  
programs and programs that are not thread-safe, to make them ILE  
compliant and thread-safe. See the MQSeries Application Programming Guide  
and the MQSeries Intercommunication book for guidance on how to do this.  
8. Reapply security to your MQSeries objects, using the command  
GRTMQMAUT. As mentioned earlier the authority model has changed in  
this release of MQSeries for AS/ 400. Use the information in the following  
tables as guidance for mapping the old authority to the new.  
28 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Migrating MQSeries  
Note: Any PCF applications must be given explicit access to the queues.  
See the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System Administration book for  
further information about security.  
Table 2. Authorities required to open an object  
Opening MQSeries object MQSeries object authority MQSeries object authority  
with option MQOO_  
required - earlier releases required - V5.1  
*READ and *DLT  
*READ and *DLT  
*READ and *DLT  
Table 3. Authorities for Context and AlternateUserID  
Opening MQSeries object MQSeries object authority MQSeries object authority  
with option MQOO_  
required - earlier releases required - V5.1  
ADM object)  
and *OBJOPR on ADM  
on ADM object)  
and *UPD on ADM object)  
ADM object)  
Verifying the Migration  
Use the following procedure to check that you have migrated to MQSeries for  
AS/ 400, V5.1 successfully:  
1. Make QMQMADM either the primary or a secondary group profile for  
your user profile. To do this, enter one of the following commands:  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 29  
Migration Verification  
2. Ensure that the MQSeries subsystem, QMQM, is active. To do this, issue  
the command:  
If it is inactive, issue the command:  
3. Ensure that the newly-created default queue manager is available. To  
check this, use the command:  
If it is not available, start it by issuing the command:  
4. If applicable, verify that the queue manager and its objects have been  
successfully retained. Some of the commands that you might use to do this  
Display Message Queue Manager (MQM)  
Display MQM object names  
Work with MQM channel  
Work with MQM message  
Work with MQM queue  
5. Use the commands DSPOBJAUT or DSPMQMAUT to review your  
authorizations to all types of MQSeries objects (*MQM, *Q, *ALSQ,  
online help for more information about these commands and how to use  
After Migration  
When you are satisfied that the migration has completed successfully, you  
may delete:  
v MQSeries journals. To do this issue the commands:  
v MQSeries data libraries: To do this issue the commands:  
30 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Deleting MQSeries  
Deleting MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1  
There are two ways of deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400:  
v A standard deletion removes MQSeries product code but preserves user  
v An entire deletion removes both MQSeries product code and user data.  
Standard Deletion  
Perform a standard deletion of the MQSeries for AS/ 400 product if you wish  
to retain your user data, for example, because you intend to reinstall the  
product at a later date.  
To perform this deletion:  
1. Quiesce MQSeries for AS/ 400. (See “Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries for  
2. End the MQSeries subsystem, by entering:  
3. Ensure that no locks are held on the library QMQM.  
4. Use the Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) command to delete the  
base product (and also the samples if you chose to install them). To delete  
the base product and the samples enter:  
To delete only the samples, you could enter:  
Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 in this way deletes only the objects that belong  
to MQSeries. That is, the QMQM library and / QIBM/ ProdData/ mqm and its  
subdirectories. None of the queue manager journal libraries or IFS directories  
is removed.  
Entire Deletion  
You can, if you wish, delete MQSeries entirely, including all user data. If you  
do this, save your user data first. It will not be recoverable.  
To perform this deletion:  
1. Using the WRKMQM command, select option 4 to delete all queue  
managers on the system.  
2. Quiesce MQSeries for AS/ 400. (See “Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries for  
Chapter 4. Installing, Migrating to, and Deleting MQSeries for AS/ 400 31  
Deleting MQSeries  
3. End the MQSeries subsystem, by entering:  
4. Delete the directory / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm and its subdirectories. Do  
this using the EDTF command and then use option 9 for the mqm  
Note: If you do this, you will no longer have any information regarding  
your installation. Use this command with extreme caution. The  
format of the command is:  
EDTF STMF('/QIBM/UserData')  
Alternatively, you can delete / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm and its  
subdirectories by repeated use of the RMVLNK and RMVDIR commands.  
5. Ensure that no locks are held on the library QMQM.  
6. Use the Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) command to delete the  
base product (and also the samples if you chose to install them). To delete  
the base product and the samples enter:  
7. Identify all the users who belong to the QMQMADM group. Use the  
DSPUSRPRF command to display a list of them. You need to remove the  
QMQMADM group profile from their user profiles before you can delete  
the QMQMADM user profile. The format of the command is:  
8. For each of the user profiles QMQM, QMQMADM, and NOBODY, use the  
WRKOBJOWN command to list all the objects owned by the profile. You  
need to alter the ownership or delete the objects before you can delete the  
user profile. The format of the command is:  
32 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1  
This chapter introduces MQSeries command sets and some basic tasks that  
you can perform to get yourself started with MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1.  
Tasks include creating and starting a queue manager, and creating, clearing,  
browsing, and deleting a local queue. The examples given use CL commands,  
but you can select the appropriate command from any of the supplied  
command sets.  
Before you Start  
Before you can use MQSeries for AS/ 400 you must start a subsystem. If you  
have not already done so, issue the command:  
To use MQSeries CL commands, for example CRTMQM (create queue  
manager) or STRMQM (start queue manager), your user profile must be a  
member of the group profile QMQMADM. Use the CHGUSRPRF command to  
change your user profile, and specify QMQMADM against either the group  
profile (GRPPRF) parameter or the supplementary group profile  
(SUPGRPPRF) parameter.  
It is not essential for your user profile to belong to the QMQMADM group  
profile for issuing PCF commands from an administration program or MQI  
calls from an application program.  
If you have installed the samples, ensure that all users have access to the  
QMQMSAMP library. Do this using the GRTOBJAUT command:  
For details of MQSeries Work Management and security, see the MQSeries for  
AS/400 V5.1 System Administration book.  
Introducing Command Sets  
MQSeries provides three command sets for performing administration tasks:  
v Command Language commands (CL commands)  
v MQSC commands  
v PCF commands  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Before you Start  
CL Commands  
The AS/ 400 CL commands for MQSeries can be grouped as follows:  
v Channel commands - used to create, start, and delete channels.  
v Cluster commands - used to work with queue manager clusters.  
v Command server commands - used to display, start, and end the command  
v Data type conversion command - used to convert data types.  
v Dead-letter queue handler command - used to start the dead-letter queue  
v Media recovery commands - used to record and re-create objects.  
v MQSeries command - used to start a batch of MQSeries commands.  
v Name command - used to display object names.  
v Namelist commands - used to work with namelists.  
v Process commands - used to change, copy, and delete processes.  
v Queue commands - used to create, delete, and work with queues.  
v Queue manager commands - used to connect, create, and delete queue  
v Security commands - used to display, grant, and revoke object authority.  
v Trace command - used to trace service jobs.  
v Transaction commands - used to display and resolve transactions.  
v Trigger monitor commands - used to start trigger monitors.  
Using CL Commands  
You can enter CL commands from a command line.  
The following table gives a brief description of each MQSeries CL command.  
To display online help for a CL command, enter the command and press F1.  
To see a full list of MQSeries commands, enter the command GO CMDMQM  
from the MQSeries menu.  
CCTMQM (connect message queue manager)  
supported only for compatibility with previous  
CHGMQM (change message queue manager)  
to change the attributes of a message queue  
CHGMQMCHL (change MQM channel)  
CHGMQMNL (change MQM namelist)  
CHGMQMPRC (change MQM process)  
CHGMQMQ (change MQM queue)  
CLRMQMQ (clear MQM queue)  
to change the attributes of an existing channel.  
to change the attributes of a namelist.  
to change the attributes of a process definition.  
to change the attributes of a queue.  
to delete all messages from a local queue.  
CPYMQMCHL (copy MQM channel)  
to create a copy of an existing channel  
CPYMQMNL (copy MQM namelist)  
CPYMQMPRC (copy MQM process)  
CPYMQMQ (copy MQM queue)  
to create a copy of a namelist.  
to create a copy of a process definition.  
to create a copy of an existing queue definition.  
to create a local queue manager.  
CRTMQM (create message queue manager)  
CRTMQMCHL (create MQM channel)  
to create a new channel definition.  
34 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Before you Start  
CRTMQMNL (create MQM namelist)  
CRTMQMPRC (create MQM process)  
CRTMQMQ (create MQM queue)  
to create a new namelist.  
to create a new process definition.  
to create a queue definition.  
CVTMQMDTA (convert MQM data type  
to create a fragment of code that performs data  
conversion on data type structures.  
DLTMQM (delete message queue manager)  
DLTMQMCHL (delete MQM channel)  
DLTMQMNL (delete MQM namelist)  
DLTMQMPRC (delete MQM process)  
DLTMQMQ (delete MQM queue)  
to delete a local queue manager.  
to delete a channel definition.  
to delete a namelist.  
to delete a process definition.  
to delete a queue.  
DSCMQM (disconnect message queue  
supported only for compatibility with previous  
DSPMQM (display message queue manager)  
to display the attributes of a local queue  
DSPMQMAUT (display MQM object authority) to display a list of authorized users and their  
authorities for a specified object.  
DSPMQMCHL (display MQM channel)  
to display the attributes of a channel definition.  
to display the status of the command server.  
DSPMQMCSVR (display MQM command  
DSPMQMNL (display MQM namelist)  
to display the attributes of a namelist.  
DSPMQMOBJN (display MQM object names)  
to display the AS/ 400 name and type for any  
object name and type.  
DSPMQMPRC (display MQM process)  
DSPMQMQ (display MQM queue)  
ENDMQM (end message queue manager)  
ENDMQMCHL (end MQM channel)  
to display the attributes of a process definition.  
to display the attributes of a queue definition.  
to end the local message queue manager.  
to close a channel.  
ENDMQMCSVR (end MQM command server) to stop the command server for a specified  
local queue manager.  
ENDMQMLSR (end MQM listener)  
to stop the MQSeries listener program.  
GRTMQMAUT (grant MQM object authority)  
to grant specific authority for an object to other  
PNGMQMCHL (ping MQM channel)  
to test a channel.  
RCDMQMIMG (record MQM object image)  
to provide a marker for a selected set of  
RCRMQMOBJ (re-create MQM object)  
RFRMQMCL (refresh cluster)  
to provide recovery for a damaged set of  
to refresh the cluster information that a queue  
manager has stored.  
RSMMQMCLQM (resume cluster queue  
to inform cluster queue managers that the local  
queue manager has become available.  
RSTMQMCHL (reset MQM channel)  
RSTMQMCL (reset queue manager cluster)  
RSVMQMCHL (resolve MQM channel)  
to reset the message sequence number for a  
channel to a specific number.  
to reset the information held in a cluster about  
its queue managers.  
to request a channel to commit or back out  
in-doubt messages.  
RSVMQMTRN (resolve MQSeries transaction)  
RVKMQMAUT (revoke MQM authority)  
to resolve in-doubt MQSeries transactions.  
to remove authority for named objects.  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 35  
Before you Start  
SPDMQMCLQM (suspend cluster queue  
to inform cluster queue managers that the local  
queue manager is not available.  
STRMQM (start message queue manger)  
STRMQMCHL (start MQM channel)  
to start a local queue manager.  
to start a channel.  
STRMQMCHLI (start MQM channel initiator)  
to start a channel initiator.  
STRMQMCSVR (start MQM command server) to start a command server for a queue  
STRMQMDLQ (start MQSeries dead-letter  
queue handler)  
to start the dead-letter queue handler.  
STRMQMLSR (start MQM listener)  
STRMQMMQSC (start MQSeries commands)  
STRMQMTRM (start trigger monitor)  
TRCMQM (trace MQM job)  
to start a message queue manager listener.  
to initiate a set of MQSeries commands.  
to start a trigger monitor.  
to start and stop MQSeries trace.  
to work with queue managers.  
WRKMQM (work with message queue  
WRKMQMCHL (work with MQM channel)  
to work with channel definitions.  
WRKMQMCHST (work with MQM channel  
to work with the status of channel definitions.  
WRKMQMCL (work with clusters)  
to work with clusters.  
WRKMQMCLQ (work with cluster queues)  
WRKMQMMSG (work with MQM messages)  
to work with cluster queues.  
to work with specified messages on a local  
WRKMQMNL (work with MQM namelists)  
WRKMQMPRC (work with MQM process)  
WRKMQMQ (work with MQM queues)  
to work with namelists.  
to work with process definitions.  
to work with queues.  
WRKMQMTRN (work with MQSeries  
to work with in-doubt MQSeries transactions.  
MQSeries (MQSC) Commands  
You use the MQSeries (MQSC) commands to manage queue manager objects,  
including the queue manager itself, channels, queues, and process definitions.  
For example, there are commands to define, alter, display, and delete a  
specified queue.  
When you display a queue, using the DISPLAY QUEUE command, you  
display the queue attributes. For example, the MAXMSGL attribute specifies  
the maximum length of a message that can be put on the queue. The  
command does not show you the messages on the queue.  
For detailed information about each MQSC command, see the MQSeries  
Command Reference.  
Running MQSC Commands  
You run MQSC commands by entering the CL command STRMQMMQSC on  
the command line. This allows you to run a series of commands that you  
have previously entered in a member of a source physical file.  
36 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Before you Start  
PCF Commands  
MQSeries programmable command format (PCF) commands allow you to  
program administration tasks into an administration program. For a complete  
description of the PCF commands and how to use them, see the MQSeries  
Programmable System Management book.  
Working with MQSeries  
If you are new to MQSeries for AS/ 400, you are recommended to set up a test  
system. Then you can verify that you have installed the product correctly and  
perform some basic MQSeries operations.  
To set up a test system you need to create a queue manager and a local  
queue. As an introduction to MQSeries for AS/ 400, create these objects with  
CL commands from the command line, and work through the AS/ 400 panels.  
Creating a Queue Manager  
1. Issue the CRTMQM command from the command line and press F4. The  
screen shown in Figure 1 appears.  
Create Message Queue Manager (CRTMQM)  
Type choices, press Enter.  
Message Queue Manager name . . .  
Text description. . . . . . .  
Trigger interval . . . . . . . .  
Undelivered message queue . . .  
Default Transmission queue . . .  
Maximum handle limit . . . . . .  
Maximum uncommitted messages . .  
Default Queue Manager . . . . .  
*YES, *NO  
F13=How to use this display  
F5=Refresh F12=Cancel  
F24=More keys  
Parameter MQMNAME required.  
Figure 1. CRTMQM panel  
If the screen does not appear, it may be that you have not installed  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 correctly. If this is the case, delete the product as  
reinstall the *BASE product and try the CRTMQM command again.  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 37  
Working with MQSeries  
2. On the CRTMQM panel, type in a Message Queue Manager name, for  
example TEST.QMANAGER and press Enter.  
The name of the queue manager can be a maximum of 48 characters in  
length. Valid characters are detailed in MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1 System  
Administration book.  
The queue manager is then created, along with a set of default objects.  
Starting a Queue Manager  
Start the queue manager from the command line by issuing the command:  
where QMGRNAME is the name of the queue manager that you have just created.  
After a short period you receive the message Message Queue Manager started.  
Creating a Local Queue  
To create a local queue:  
1. Type CRTMQMQ on the command line and press F4. This displays the  
following panel:  
Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)  
Type choices, press Enter.  
Queue name . . . . . . . . . . .  
Queue type . . . . . . . . . . .  
Message Queue Manager name . . .  
*ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT  
F13=How to use this display  
F24=More keys  
Parameter QNAME required.  
Figure 2. CRTMQMQ panel (part 1)  
2. On the Create MQM Queue panel, type the name of the queue you want  
to create in the Queue name field. For example TEST.QUEUE. To specify a  
mixed-case name, enclose the name in apostrophes.  
3. Type *LCL in the Queue type field.  
38 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Working with MQSeries  
4. Fill in the name of your queue manager in the  
Message Queue Manager name field. For example TEST.QMANAGER.  
5. Press Enter.  
There are three more parts to the CRTMQMQ panel. Scroll through them and  
enter values for the other options if you wish, or otherwise just accept all the  
defaults. The panels are shown in Figure 3 through Figure 5.  
Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)  
Type choices, press Enter.  
Queue name . . . . . . . . . . . > TEST.QUEUE_________________________________  
Queue type . . . . . . . . . . . > *LCL  
*ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT  
Message Queue Manager name . . . > TEST.QMANAGER______________________________  
Replace . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Text 'description' . . . . . . .  
Put enabled . . . . . . . . . .  
Default message priority . . . .  
*NO, *YES  
' '________________________________________  
0-9, *SYSDFTQ  
Default message persistence . . *NO  
Process name . . . . . . . . . .  
' '________________________________________  
Triggering enabled . . . . . . .  
Get enabled . . . . . . . . . .  
Sharing enabled . . . . . . . .  
F5=Refresh F12=Cancel  
F13=How to use this display  
F24=More keys  
Figure 3. Create MQM Queue panel (part 2)  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 39  
Working with MQSeries  
Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)  
Type choices, press Enter.  
Default share option . . . . . .  
Message delivery sequence . . . *PTY  
1-999999999, *SYSDFTQ  
0-9, *SYSDFTQ  
Harden backout count . . . . . .  
Trigger type . . . . . . . . . .  
Trigger depth . . . . . . . . .  
Trigger message priority . . . .  
Trigger data . . . . . . . . . .  
' '________________________________________  
Retention interval . . . . . . .  
Maximum queue depth . . . . . .  
Maximum message length . . . . .  
Backout threshold . . . . . . .  
Backout requeue name . . . . . .  
0-999999999, *SYSDFTQ  
0-640000, *SYSDFTQ  
0-4194304, *SYSDFTQ  
0-999999999, *SYSDFTQ  
' '________________________________________  
Initiation queue . . . . . . . . ' '________________________________________  
F5=Refresh F12=Cancel  
F13=How to use this display  
F24=More keys  
Figure 4. Create MQM Queue panel (part 3)  
Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)  
Type choices, press Enter.  
Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . .  
Queue depth high threshold . . .  
0-100, *SYSDFTQ  
Queue depth low threshold . . . 20  
0-100, *SYSDFTQ  
Queue full events enabled . . .  
Queue high events enabled . . .  
Queue low events enabled . . . .  
Service interval . . . . . . . .  
Service interval events . . . .  
0-999999999, *SYSDFTQ  
Distribution list support . . . *NO  
Cluster Name . . . . . . . . . .  
' '________________________________________  
Cluster Name List . . . . . . . ' '________________________________________  
Default Binding . . . . . . . .  
F13=How to use this display  
F5=Refresh F12=Cancel  
F24=More keys  
Figure 5. Create MQM Queue panel (part 4)  
When you have finished reviewing and making changes to the values, press  
Enter to create the queue.  
40 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Working with MQSeries  
Sending a Test Message  
To put a test message on your queue use the supplied sample programs. For  
example, to put messages to a queue called TEST.QUEUE, defined for a queue  
manager called TEST.QMANAGER, enter the command:  
You can now type a message (a simple character string is sufficient) and press  
Enter to send the message to the queue. Press Enter again to return to a  
command line.  
To see the message on the queue, either:  
v Browse the queue (see Browsing Queues”), or  
command line.  
See “Appendix A. Sample MQI Programs” on page 99 for a list of the supplied  
sample programs.  
Browsing Queues  
To browse the messages on a local queue called TEST.QUEUE, defined for a  
queue manager called TEST.QMANAGER, use the following command:  
This command displays all messages on the queue, and allows you to view  
the message contents.  
Clearing a Local Queue  
To delete all the messages on a local queue called TEST.QUEUE, defined for a  
queue manager called TEST.QMANAGER, use the following command:  
Deleting a Local Queue  
To delete a local queue called TEST.QUEUE, defined for a queue manager  
called TEST.QMANAGER, use the following command:  
Note: You must delete all messages from the queue using the CLRMQMQ  
command before you can delete a queue.  
Stopping a Queue Manager  
There are two ways of quiescing a queue manager:  
1. Either use the command ENDMQM MQMNAME(QMGRNAME), where QMGRNAME is the  
name of the queue manager, or  
2. Enter the command WRKMQM *ALL, enter option 6 (end) against the queue  
manager name, and then press F4.  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 41  
Working with MQSeries  
There are 4 options you can use when ending a queue manager:  
1. OPTION (*CNTRLD). This allows current transactions to complete, and all  
applications to disconnect, before ending the queue manager. This option  
is the default.  
2. OPTION (*IMMED). This immediate shutdown allows any current calls to  
complete, but stops any new calls. It does not wait for applications to  
disconnect from the queue manager.  
3. OPTION (*WAIT). This performs the same type of shutdown as the  
(*CNTRLD) option, but gives you confirmation that the queue manager has  
ended. The command prompt does not return until the queue manager has  
4. OPTION (*PREEMPT). This preemptive shutdown ends all queue manager  
code immediately. It can have unpredictable consequences and should not  
be used unless all other options have failed.  
Deleting a Queue Manager  
To delete a queue manager, first stop it, then issue the command:  
Note: When you delete a queue manager you also delete all resources  
associated with that queue manager, including all queues, all messages,  
and all object definitions.  
Checking what Queue Managers you have Running  
Sometimes you may want to remind yourself how many queue managers you  
have running. You can do this using the WRKMQM command. Enter the  
command with no parameters. A list of all configured queue managers will be  
displayed, showing which are active and which are inactive.  
Other Things to Do  
The test system set up in Working with MQSeries” on page 37 allows you to  
manage a single queue manager and queue. In reality you will need many  
more tasks and MQSeries objects to use MQSeries effectively. For example,  
you must also create:  
v A remote queue (that is, a local definition for a queue on a remote queue  
v A transmission queue  
v Sender and receiver channels  
You also need to start a channel listener if you are using TCP, and you may  
want to start a channel initiator too. Refer to the MQSeries for AS/400 V5.1  
System Administration book, for details of how to set up and use these objects.  
42 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
User Exits  
User Exits  
Before using user exits on MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1, relink them with the  
threaded libraries and ensure that they are thread-safe and teraspace enabled.  
See the MQSeries Application Programming Guide and the MQSeries  
Intercommunication book for further information about creating user exit  
Setting the Queue Manager CCSID for MQSeries for AS/400  
When you create a queue manager, its coded character set identifier (CCSID)  
is set by default. It is set to the value of the CCSID of the OS/ 400 job you  
used to create the queue manager.  
You can query the value of this CCSID by entering the DSPMQM CL  
command. This displays the attributes of the local queue manager, including  
the coded character set identifier.  
You can modify the queue managers CCSID by using the CHGMQM CL  
command. Before doing this, make a note of the original CCSID value in case  
you need to reset it at a later date. To change the CCSID, follow this  
1. Issue the DSPMQM command and make a note of the CCSID value.  
2. Change the CCSID to the new CCSID, with the command:  
3. Stop the queue manager with the ENDMQM command.  
4. Restart the queue manager with the STRMQM command and also restart  
any channels that it uses.  
For information about code sets and CCSIDs that are supported by MQSeries  
for AS/ 400 see the AS/400 National Language Support book. See the MQSeries  
Command Reference for more information about MQSeries commands.  
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 43  
44 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients  
This chapter provides a summary of the hardware and software required to  
run the following MQSeries clients:  
v MQSeries client for AIX  
v MQSeries client for DOS  
v MQSeries client for HP-UX  
v MQSeries client for OS/ 2 Warp  
v MQSeries client for Sun Solaris  
v MQSeries client for Windows 3.1  
v MQSeries client for Windows 95 and Windows 98  
v MQSeries client for Windows NT®  
You can install all of these clients from the MQSeries Client CD. The Client  
CD also contains other MQSeries components that you might need to install  
on a workstation other than the server.  
Applications on Version 5 Clients  
A Version 5 client can connect to all queue managers, non-Version 5 as well as  
Version 5. If you are connecting to a non-Version 5 queue manager, you  
cannot use the new Version 5.1 features and structures in your MQSeries  
application on the client.  
AIX Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for AIX.  
An MQSeries client can run on an IBM RISC System/ 6000®, capable of  
running AIX Version 4.2 or later. Any other trademarked AIX system can be  
used, whether from IBM or other vendors such as Bull, Zenith, or Motorola.  
There must be enough random access memory (RAM) and disk storage for  
the programming prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the access  
methods, and the application programs.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on an AIX  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Hardware and Software, AIX  
v AIX Version 4.2 (5765-655 or 5765-C34) or AIX Version 4.3 or later.  
Later levels of some listed products might be required for AIX Version 4.2,  
SMP, and SP. Later levels of operating system might be required to  
support corequisite products.  
For TCP/ IP connectivity:  
v TCP/ IP (in the operating system)  
For SNA LU 6.2 connectivity:  
v IBM eNetworkCommunications Server for AIX, Version 5.0  
Optional software  
v IBM DCE Version 2.2. This must be the U.S. Domestic version supporting  
DES encryption if the user wishes to run the MQSeries-supplied DCE send,  
receive, or message exits.  
MQSeries DCE names and security modules are provided as part of the  
MQSeries for AIX product.  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on AIX Clients  
The following compilers are supported:  
v IBM C for AIX, Version 4.4  
v IBM C Set++ for AIX, Version 3.1 (5765-421)  
v IBM C and C++ compiler, Version 3.6  
v IBM VisualAge C++ Professional for AIX, Version 4.0  
v IBM COBOL Set for AIX, Version 1.1  
v Micro Focus COBOL Compiler for UNIX®, Version 4.0  
v IBM PL/ I Set for AIX, Version 1.1  
v IBM VisualAge Java Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version 2.0  
Components for AIX  
MQSeries Client  
The MQSeries client code for your UNIX platform.  
Sample application programs.  
Support for DCE in Samples  
The DCE samples support. This should be installed only if you are  
going to use DCE.  
Run-time component  
Support for external applications. This does not enable you to write  
your own applications.  
Support to enable you to create and support your own applications.  
Requires the run-time component to be installed.  
46 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Components for AIX  
MQSeries Client for Java  
This allows Java applets running on your client machine to  
communicate with MQSeries. It includes security exits for encryption  
and authentication of messages sent across the Web by the MQSeries  
Client for Java. These exits consist of some Java classes. To use the  
client for Java you need to have Java run-time code on your machine,  
at the following (or later compatible) levels:  
AIX Java version 1.1.1  
HP-UX Java version 1.1.2  
Sun Solaris Java version 1.1.1  
For information about Java run-time see the MQSeries Using Java book.  
Note: If it is possible on your platform, at installation time the  
CLASSPATH environment variable will either be updated if  
already present, or created if not.  
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation  
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation supplied in HTML format.  
MQSeries Internet Gateway  
Provides access to MQSeries applications via HTML and CGI (only  
CGI on the Sun Solaris platform). The MQSeries Internet Gateway  
does not support NSAPI on the HP-UX platform.  
Digital UNIX Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for Digital UNIX (Compaq Tru64 UNIX).  
An MQSeries client can run on any Digital Alpha machine capable of running  
Digital UNIX, Version 4.0.D.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a Digital  
UNIX client.  
Minimum supported levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be supported  
unless otherwise stated.  
v Digital UNIX, Version 4.0.D or later Version 4.0.x  
For TCP/ IP connectivity, any communications hardware supporting TCP/ IP  
in the Digital UNIX environment can be used.  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 47  
Hardware and software, Digital UNIX  
Compilers for MQSeries applications on Digital UNIX clients  
The following compiler is supported:  
v DEC C, Version 5.2 for Digital UNIX  
DOS Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for DOS.  
An MQSeries client can run on DOS, on a personal computer. There must be  
enough random access memory (RAM) and disk storage for the programming  
prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the access methods, and the  
application programs.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a DOS  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v DOS, Version 5.0 or later  
v TCP/ IP (in the operating system)  
v SPX  
Optional software  
v Novell Netware Client for DOS/ Win, Version 1.20 and Version 2.5  
v Novell LAN Workplace, Version 5.1  
v FTP PC/ TCP for DOS, Version 5.0  
The DOS access kit allows clients access to TCP/ IP via programs that run in a  
DOS window under WIN-OS/ 2®.  
The Novell Netware Client for OS/ 2 Warp allows clients access to SPX via  
programs that run in a DOS window under WIN-OS/ 2.  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on DOS Clients  
The following compiler is supported:  
v Microsoft® Visual C++, Version 1.5  
48 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Components for DOS  
Components for DOS  
MQSeries Client  
The MQSeries client code for your platform.  
MQSeries Toolkit  
This includes:  
v Sample programs - some of these are required for verifying the  
installation of the MQSeries client/ server system  
v Header files that you can use when writing applications to run on  
the client  
HP-UX Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for HP-UX.  
An MQSeries client can run on HP-UX on any HP 9000 Series 700 or Series  
800 or Stratus Continuum/ 400 machine, with minimum system disk space of  
20 MB.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running an HP-UX  
Minimum supported levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be supported  
unless otherwise stated.  
v HP-UX, Version 10.20  
v HP-UX, Version 11  
For TCP/ IP connectivity:  
v TCP/ IP (in the operating system)  
For SNA connectivity:  
v HP SNAplusII  
Optional software  
v The HP DCE/ 9000 version appropriate for the level of the HP-UX operating  
system in use.  
v MQSeries DCE names and security modules are provided as part of the  
MQSeries for HP-UX product.  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 49  
Hardware and Software, HP-UX  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on HP-UX Clients  
The following compilers are supported:  
v Micro Focus COBOL for UNIX, Version 4.0  
v HP-UX ANSI C compiler  
v C Softbench, Version 5.0  
v HP CFRONT C++, Version 3.1  
v IBM C and C++ compilers, Version 3.6  
v HP ANSI C++  
Components for HP-UX  
These are identical to those for AIX. See “Components for AIXon page 46.  
OS/2 Warp Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for OS/ 2 Warp.  
An MQSeries client can run on OS/ 2 Warp, on a personal computer. There  
must be enough random access memory (RAM) and disk storage for the  
programming prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the access methods,  
and the application programs.  
The system unit must have a CD-ROM device.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running an OS/ 2  
Warp client.  
This is the minimum supported software level. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v OS/ 2 Warp, Version 4.0 (84H1426) (5622-851)  
v OS/ 2 Warp Server, Version 4.0 (25H8002)  
v OS/ 2 Warp Server Advanced SMP feature, Version 4.0  
v OS/ 2 Workspace-on-Demand  
v IBM eNetwork Communications Server for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 5.0  
v Novell Netware Client for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 1.20 (for direct IPX/ SPX  
v IntraNetWare Client for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 2.12  
v TCP/ IP for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 2.0 base kit plus NetBIOS kit, Version 3.5  
(base kit is essential)  
v NetWare for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 4.11  
50 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Hardware and Software, OS/2 Warp  
Optional software  
v IBM Directory and Security Server for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 4 or later  
compatible versions. This must be the U.S. Domestic version supporting  
DES encryption if the user wishes to run the MQSeries-supplied DCE send,  
receive, or message exits.  
v If used as a DCE server this software is known to run adequately in the  
following environment:  
– On a Pentium® processor running 90 MHz or faster  
– On a machine with 64 MB or more of memory  
– Using OS/ 2 Warp Server, Version 4.0 or later  
v MQSeries DCE names and security modules are provided as part of the  
MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp product.  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on OS/2 Warp Clients  
The following compilers are supported:  
v IBM VisualAge® COBOL for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 1.1 and Version 2.2  
v Micro Focus COBOL compiler, Version 4.0 (32 bit)  
v IBM VisualAge C++ for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 3.0  
v Borland C++ compiler, Version 2.0 and Version 5.02 (C bindings only)  
v IBM C and C++ compilers, Version 3.6  
v IBM PL/ I for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 1.2  
v IBM VisualAge for PL/ I for OS/ 2 Warp  
v IBM VisualAge Java Enterprise Edition for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 2.0  
v IBM VisualAge Java Professional Edition for OS/ 2 Warp, Version 2.0  
Components for OS/2 Warp  
MQSeries Client  
The MQSeries client code for your platform.  
MQSeries Development Toolkit  
This includes:  
v Sample programs  
v Header files that you can use when writing applications to run on  
the client  
MQSeries Client for Java  
This allows Java applets running on your client machine to  
communicate with MQSeries. It includes security exits for encryption  
and authentication of messages sent across the Web by the MQSeries  
Client for Java. These exits consist of some Java classes. To use the  
client for Java you need Java 1.1.1 (or later compatible version)  
runtime code on your machine. On Windows NT, you require  
Microsoft Windows NT Version 4. On OS/ 2 Warp the MQSeries client  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 51  
Components for OS/2 Warp  
for Java must be installed on an HPFS formatted drive. For  
information about Java runtime see “HTML and PDF Books on the  
Note: If it is possible on your platform, at installation time the  
CLASSPATH environment variable will either be updated if  
already present, or created if not.  
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation  
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation supplied in HTML format.  
MQSeries Internet Gateway  
Provides access to MQSeries applications via HTML and CGI.  
Sun Solaris Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for Sun Solaris.  
An MQSeries client can run only on:  
v Sun SPARC desktop or server  
v Sun UltraSPARC desktop or server  
with a minimum system disk space of 25 MB.  
Note: Solaris systems from other manufacturers are not supported.  
For connectivity, any communications hardware supporting SNA LU 6.2 or  
TCP/ IP.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a Sun  
Solaris client.  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v Sun Solaris, Version 2.6 with patches 105210-13 and 105568-10, and Sun  
Solaris 7.  
v SunLink SNA Peer-to-Peer, Version 9.1  
v TCP/ IP as part of the base operating system  
v If token ring is to be used: SunLink Token Ring Interface / SBus, Version  
3.0.2. This requires patch 102463 or Sun TRI/ P Adapter, Version 1.0  
52 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Hardware and Software, Sun Solaris  
Optional software  
Transarc DCE, Version 1.1. This must be the U.S. version supporting DES  
encryption for users to run the MQSeries-supplied DCE send, receive or  
message exits.  
DCE names and security modules for MQSeries are provided as part of the  
MQSeries for Sun Solaris product.  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on Sun Solaris Clients  
The following compilers are supported:  
v SunWorkShop Compiler C, Version 4.2  
v SunWorkShop Compiler C++, Version 4.2  
Components for Sun Solaris  
These are identical to those for AIX. See “Components for AIXon page 46.  
Windows 3.1 Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for Windows 3.1.  
An MQSeries client can run on Windows 3.1, on a personal computer. There  
must be enough random access memory (RAM) and disk storage for the  
programming prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the access methods,  
and the application programs.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a  
Windows 3.1 client.  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v Windows 3.1  
v Windows 95 in 16-bit mode  
v Windows for Workgroups  
v TCP/ IP  
v SPX  
Optional software  
v Novell Netware client for DOS/ Win31, Version 1.20  
v SunPC NSF, Version 5.1  
v OnNet SDK for Windows  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 53  
Hardware and Software, Windows 3.1  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on Windows 3.1 Clients  
The following compiler is supported:  
v Microsoft Visual C++, Version 1.5  
Components for Windows 3.1  
These are identical to those for DOS. See “Components for DOS” on page 49.  
Windows 95 and Windows 98 Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for Windows 95 and Windows 98.  
An MQSeries client can run on Windows 95 or Windows 98 on a personal  
computer. There must be enough random access memory (RAM) and disk  
storage for the programming prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the  
access methods, and the application programs.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a  
Windows 95 and Windows 98 client.  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v Windows 95 or Windows 98  
v TCP/ IP (in the operating system)  
v SPX (in the operating system)  
v NetBIOS (in the operating system)  
Optional software:  
v IBM DCE for Windows 95, Version 1.1  
A DCE security module is provided as part of the MQSeries client for  
Windows 95 and Windows 98. IBM DCE for Windows 98 does not currently  
support DES encryption, so you cannot run the DCE send, receive, or  
message exits supplied by MQSeries.  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on Windows 95 and Windows 98  
The following compilers are supported:  
v Micro Focus COBOL Workbench, Version 4.0  
v IBM VisualAge C++ for Windows, Version 3.5  
v Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows 95/ NT, Version 4.0 and Version 5.0  
54 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Components for Windows 95 and Windows 98  
Components for Windows 95 and Windows 98  
MQSeries Client  
The MQSeries client code for Windows 95 and Windows 98.  
MQSeries Toolkit  
This includes:  
v Sample programs  
v Header files that you can use when writing applications to run on  
the client  
Windows NT Client: Hardware and Software Required  
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries  
client for Windows NT.  
An MQSeries client can run on Windows NT on any Intel® 486 processor  
based IBM PC machine or equivalent (certified as NT compatible). There must  
be enough random access memory (RAM) and disk storage for the  
programming prerequisites (below), the MQSeries client, the access methods,  
and the application programs.  
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a  
Windows NT client.  
Minimum supported software levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be  
supported unless otherwise stated.  
v Microsoft Windows NT, Version 4 compatible, to include TCP/ IP, NetBIOS,  
SNA LU 6.2, and SPX.  
v IBM Communications Server for Windows NT, Version 5.0  
v Attachmate Extra! Personal Client, Version 6.1 and Version 6.2  
v Microsoft SNA Server, Version 2.11 or Version 3  
v TCP/ IP, NetBIOS, and SPX are part of the base operating system  
Optional software  
v IBM DCE, Version 1.1  
Compilers for MQSeries Applications on Windows NT Clients  
The following compilers are supported:  
v IBM VisualAge COBOL for Windows NT, Version 2.1  
v IBM VisualAge COBOL Enterprise, Version 2.2  
v IBM VisualAge C++, Version 3.5  
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 55  
Hardware and Software, Windows NT  
v Microsoft Visual C++ for Windows 95 and Windows NT, Version 4.0 and  
Version 5.0  
v IBM C and C++ compilers, Version 3.6  
v IBM PL/ I for Windows, Version 1.2  
v IBM VisualAge for PL/ I for Windows  
v IBM VisualAge PL/ I Enterprise, Version 2.1  
v IBM Visual Basic for Windows, Version 4.0 (16-bit) and Version 5.0 (32-bit)  
or higher  
v IBM VisualAge for Java, e-Business Edition for Windows 95 and Windows  
v IBM VisualAge Java Enterprise Edition, Version 2.0  
v IBM VisualAge Java Professional Edition, Version 2.0  
Components for Windows NT  
These are identical to those for OS/ 2 Warp. See “Components for OS/ 2 Warp”  
56 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients  
This chapter describes the following:  
Installing MQSeries Clients on the Same Machine as the Server  
To install MQSeries client components on an MQSeries server machine, use  
the MQSeries Server CD-ROM (not the MQSeries Client CD-ROM). Choose  
the client install option to install client components from the MQSeries Server  
Use the MQSeries Client CD-ROM only to install MQSeries client components  
on a machine that is not an MQSeries server.  
You may install client components from the MQSeries Client CD-ROM and  
later decide to install the MQSeries server on the same machine. Before you  
can do this, you must remove all the MQSeries client components from the  
machine. Then use the MQSeries Server CD-ROM to install the server and the  
client. You cannot install the server on a machine that already has client  
components installed from the MQSeries Client CD-ROM.  
Remember that even when your server and client both reside on the same  
machine, you still need to define the MQI channels between them. See the  
MQSeries Clients book for details.  
Installing on AIX  
To install an MQSeries client on an AIX system, use the MQSeries Client  
CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Installing on AIX  
The MQSeries client is installed into the /usr/mqm directory. This cannot be  
changed. However, if you do not have enough space in the /usr/mqm file  
system, follow the procedure given in “Creating Another File System for the  
If you have a previous version of the MQSeries for AIX client installed on  
your system, or if a file system remains from a previous AIX client  
If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same machine, see  
Before Installation  
Before you can install the MQSeries client on your AIX system you are  
advised to create and mount a /var/mqm file system, or /var/mqm,  
/var/mqm/log, and /var/mqm/errors file systems.  
If you create separate partitions, the following directories must be on a local  
file system:  
v /var/mqm  
v /var/mqm/log  
You can choose to NFS mount the /var/mqm/errors directory to conserve  
space on your local system.  
A user ID with the name mqm, whose primary group is mqm, is automatically  
created during installation. You can create the user and group IDs yourself  
do this before installing the client. User ID and group must both be mqm.  
For stand-alone machines, you can create the new user and group IDs locally.  
For machines administered in a network information services (NIS) domain,  
you can create the user and group IDs on the NIS master server machine.  
After installation, the mqm user ID owns the directories and files that contain  
the resources associated with the product. This group and user must be  
defined for any machine on which the MQSeries software is to be installed,  
whether the machine is a client or a server machine.  
58 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on AIX  
Creating Another File System for the Client  
If you do not want to have the client installed in the /usr/mqm file system,  
you can do either of the following things:  
1. Create a new file system and mount it as /usr/mqm.  
2. Create a new directory anywhere on your machine that is large enough to  
contain the client files, and create a symbolic link from /usr/mqm to this  
new directory. For example:  
mkdir /bigdisk/mqm  
ln -s /bigdisk/mqm /usr/mqm  
Whichever of these options you choose, you must do it before installing the  
The file system into which the client is installed can be a remote network  
device, for example NFS, provided that the mount options are defined on that  
device to allow setuid programs (including root access) to be run.  
Creating the mqm User ID and Group  
If you want to create the required IDs yourself, follow this procedure before  
you install the client. You must create both user ID and group as mqm.  
Create the new IDs using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), for  
which you require root authority. The procedure for this, if you use the SMIT  
windows, is:  
1. Create the mqm group. You can display the required window using this  
Security & Users  
Add a Group  
You can take the default values for the attributes of the new group or  
change them as required.  
2. Create the new user, mqm. You can display the window for doing this using  
this sequence:  
Security & Users  
Add a User  
Set the primary group for this user to be mqm. You can take the default  
values for the attributes of the new group or change them if you wish.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 59  
Installing on AIX  
3. Add a password to the new user ID. You can display the window for  
doing this using this sequence:  
Security & Users  
4. Add the newly created group mqm to an existing user ID. You can display  
the window for doing this using this sequence:  
Security & Users  
Change / Show Characteristics of a User  
When the window is displayed, enter the name of the user who is to have  
the mqm group added. In the user details window, add mqm to the Group  
set field, which is a comma-separated list of the groups to which the user  
Note: You need not have your primary group set to mqm. As long as mqm is in  
your set of groups, you can use the commands. If you are running  
applications that use the queue manager only, you do not need mqm  
group authority.  
Easy Installation  
This section describes the Easy Installation’ procedure using the MQSeries  
Client CD-ROM.  
Note: If you have a previous version of the MQSeries for AIX client installed  
on your system, or if a file system remains from a previous AIX client  
1. Log on as root.  
2. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.  
3. Type xinstallm -ez  
Note: xinstallm is part of VSM (Visual System Management), which may  
not be installed on your system. It is part of the xll.vsm.rte fileset.  
You can use SMIT or the underlying installp command as  
The MQSeries Welcome window is displayed.  
4. Make sure you are installing the correct client for your system, as  
displayed in the Welcome window.  
A window is then displayed where you can make some choices.  
5. Choose the software source: CD-ROM.  
6. For Which bundle of software would you like to install? choose:  
60 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on AIX  
7. Click on Install/Update.  
A bundle of software products is created:  
8. Choose the mqm.Client bundle and click on Install/Update again.  
A work in progress window gives information as the installation proceeds.  
9. At the end of installation you can click on the View log button and scroll  
to the bottom of the log to see the filesets that have been installed  
Custom Installation  
This section describes custom installation using the System Management  
Interface Tool (SMIT).  
Note: If you have a previous version of the MQSeries for AIX client installed  
on your system, or if a file system remains from a previous AIX client  
You can use SMIT for a custom installation as follows:  
1. Log on as root.  
2. Go into SMIT and from the shell, type:  
3. Select the device appropriate for your installation, using this sequence of  
Software Installation and Maintenance  
Install and Update Software  
Install and Update from Latest Available Software  
Alternatively, you can use the fastpath command:  
smitty install_latest  
4. Press the List button to display the Single Select List window.  
5. Select /dev/cd0 (CD-ROM Drive)  
6. Press Do to display the parameters for Install Latest Level.  
7. Press F4 to get a list of components to install.  
8. Follow the SMIT instructions to select the components you want to  
9. Press Enter.  
10. If you have a previous version of the product on your machine, change  
the Auto Install prerequisite software to No and Overwrite existing  
version to Yes.  
11. Press Do to install.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 61  
Installing on AIX  
Migrating from an Earlier Version of MQSeries for AIX  
If you want to migrate from an MQSeries for AIX V5.0 client to an MQSeries  
for AIX V5.1 client, you must first end all MQSeries activity on the target  
machine, and remove any shared resources that are used by MQSeries. Do  
this either by shutting down the system and restarting it, or by issuing the  
icprm command to remove the shared resources.  
The migration procedure described in this section applies only to migration  
from MQSeries for AIX V5.0 clients to MQSeries for AIX V5.1 clients. If you  
are migrating from an earlier version of MQSeries for AIX, you are advised to  
uninstall your current version before installing the MQSeries for AIX V5.1  
Migration from MQSeries for AIX V5.0 involves updating any currently  
installed filesets, and installing any new filesets that might be required.  
To update currently installed filesets:  
1. Go into SMIT for root authority. From the shell, enter:  
2. Select the device appropriate for your installation using the following  
sequence of windows:  
Software Installation and Maintenance  
Install and Update Software  
Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)  
Alternatively, you can use the fastpath command to select the appropriate  
smitty update_latest  
3. Select the List button to display the Single Select List window.  
4. Select /dev/cd0 (CD-ROM Drive).  
5. Select OK to display the parameters for Update All.  
6. Update all previously installed software for MQSeries by selecting the  
_update_all option in the Software to update field.  
7. Press Enter.  
8. Select OK in the confirmation window to start updating the software.  
Once all previously installed filesets have been updated to the latest level, you  
can install any additional filesets. See “Custom Installation” on page 61 for  
more information.  
Changes to the Installation Path  
Changes in AIX LPP Version 4 packaging mean that the MQSeries for AIX  
V5.1 client installs into directory /usr/mqm, whereas previous versions of the  
product installed into directory /usr/lpp/mqm.  
62 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on AIX  
Installation of the MQSeries for AIX V5.1 client will fail if a file system  
mounted as /usr/lpp/mqm is detected. If you are migrating from an earlier  
version and a file system exists for this directory, you will need to do one of  
the following things before installing the MQSeries for AIX V5.1 client. Either:  
v Uninstall your existing MQSeries client, and either delete the file system or  
move it to the new install path of /usr/mqm  
v Move the old file system of /usr/lpp/mqm to the new installation path of  
/usr/mqm and create a symbolic link from the old path to the new by  
issuing the following command:  
ln -s /usr/mqm /usr/lpp/mqm  
If you uninstall your existing client and either delete or move your existing  
file system, you can then install the MQSeries for AIX V5.1 client as described  
However, if you move the old file system to the new installation path, you  
should then perform the migration installation described in “Migrating from  
Note: If you have already symbolically linked a file system to /usr/lpp/mqm,  
installation of the MQSeries for AIX V5.1 client will destroy the  
contents of the file system and the symbolic link, leaving an empty file  
system. If this happens, you are advised to uninstall your existing  
MQSeries client and either delete the file system or relink it to the new  
install path of /usr/mqm, before installing the MQSeries for AIX V5.1  
The installation process for the MQSeries for AIX V5.1 client creates a  
symbolic link from the old install path (/usr/lpp/mqm) to the new install path  
(/usr/mqm). Therefore any existing scripts or makefiles that reference the old  
path are still valid.  
Changing the National Language  
The easy installation and the custom installation default to the national  
language that was specified when your operating system was installed.  
It is possible to install the MQSeries client software so that the online help  
and messages are in another national language. Use SMIT as follows to install  
the message catalog for another national language:  
1. Type smit  
2. Follow this sequence of windows:  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 63  
Installing on AIX  
Software Installation and Maintenance  
Install and Update Software  
Install and Update from ALL Available Software  
3. Press the List button to display the Single Select List window.  
4. Select:  
/dev/cd0 (CD-ROM Drive)  
5. Press the List button on the Software to Install field.  
6. Select the message catalog that you want to install.  
7. Press Do to install the chosen message catalog or catalogs.  
To check the initial locale setting for your machine type:  
smitty mle_cc_cust_hdr  
and press Enter. If this is not one of the national languages provided by  
MQSeries, you must select a national language, otherwise you will not get a  
message catalog installed on your system.  
Translated Messages  
Messages in U.S. English are always available. If you require one of the other  
languages that is supported by MQSeries for AIX, you must ensure that your  
NLSPATH environment variable includes the appropriate directory.  
For example, to select messages in German use the following:  
export LANG=de_DE  
export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N  
Removing an MQSeries Client from AIX  
Use SMIT as usual to remove all the MQSeries client files that were installed.  
Installing on DOS  
To install an MQSeries client on a DOS system you use the MQSeries Client  
CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
Using Setup  
1. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.  
2. Change to the DOS directory on the CD-ROM drive.  
3. Copy the setup.exe file from the DOS directory to the directory where you  
want to install the MQSeries client, for example c:\ mqmdos.  
4. Change directory to c:\ mqmdos and type the command:  
setup -d  
This results in a self-exploding file being run to generate a tree of  
subdirectories containing the DOS client.  
64 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on DOS  
5. Edit the autoexec.bat file using a suitable editor. If the PATH statement  
exists, add the following to it:  
If the PATH statement does not exist, add the following line to the  
autoexec.bat file.  
SET PATH=c:\mqmdos;c:\mqmdos\bin;c:\mqmdos\en_us  
Removing an MQSeries Client from DOS  
Delete all the files in the directory where you installed the MQSeries client,  
and then remove the directory.  
Installing on HP-UX  
To install an MQSeries client on an HP-UX system you use the MQSeries  
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
Note: If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same  
The MQSeries client is installed into the /opt/mqm directory. This cannot be  
Before Installation  
Before you can install an MQSeries client on your HP-UX system you:  
v Must create a group with the name mqm.  
v Must create a user ID with the name mqm.  
v Are recommended to create and mount a /var/mqm file system, or /var/mqm,  
/var/mqm/log, and /var/mqm/errors file systems.  
If you create separate partitions, the following directories must be on a local  
file system:  
You can choose to NFS mount the /var/mqm/errors and /var/mqm/trace  
directories to conserve space on your local system.  
After installation, this user ID (mqm) owns the directories and files that  
contain the resources associated with the product. This group and user must  
be defined for any machine on which the MQSeries software is to be installed,  
whether the machine is a client or a server machine.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 65  
Installing on HP-UX  
For stand-alone machines, you can create the new user and group IDs locally.  
For machines administered in a network information services (NIS) domain,  
you can create the user and group IDs on the NIS master server machine.  
Use the HP-UX swinstall program, or use SAM, after mounting the CD-ROM.  
For further details, see the appropriate HP-UX documentation.  
If you are using HP-UX V10.x, the depot to use is in the  
HPUX10/MQS510.000.V10 file under the mount point. If you are using HP-UX  
V11.x, the depot to use is in the HPUX11/MQS510.000.V11 file under the mount  
If the files on your CD-ROM appear in uppercase with a “;1” suffix, use this  
name for the depot.  
Kernel Configuration  
See the MQSeries family Web site for a SupportPacthat gives additional  
performance information - see “HTML and PDF Books on the World Wide  
Translated Messages  
Messages in U.S. English are always available. If you require one of the other  
languages that is supported by MQSeries for HP-UX, you must ensure that  
your NLSPATH environment variable includes the appropriate directory.  
For example, to select messages in German use the following:  
export LANG=de_De.iso88591  
export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/nls/msg/%L/%N  
Removing an MQSeries Client from HP-UX  
To remove an MQSeries client from your HP-UX system, use the swremove  
command, or use SAM. You can then delete the / var/ mqm directory tree.  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
To install an MQSeries client on an OS/ 2 Warp system you use the MQSeries  
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
Note: If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same  
Server” on page 57. If you currently have a manually installed  
MQSeries client on your OS/ 2 Warp system from a previous release of  
MQSeries, you must delete it manually before attempting to install the  
Version 5.1 client. Before you delete the previous version, save your  
MSQ.INI file because the deletion process will delete this file.  
66 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
You can install the version of the MQSeries client software specific to your  
national language. This means that the installation program, online help and  
messages will be in your national language.  
Online help is available by selecting the Help push button or by pressing PF1.  
Before you start, make sure that you have at least 150 KB of free space on the  
drive containing the operating system. This is required by the installation  
1. Open an OS/ 2 Warp window (or start a full-screen session).  
2. Insert the CD-ROM and change to the CD-ROM drive. Access the drive  
and directory containing the installation program if you are installing  
from a remote drive.  
3. At the command prompt, in the root directory, type INSTALL, then press  
4. On the MQSeries Language Selection panel, select the language of your  
choice, and click on the OK button or press Enter.  
The MQSeries Welcome panel is displayed. Make sure you are installing  
the correct client for your system, OS/ 2 Warp, as displayed in the  
Welcome panel.  
5. The install panel is then displayed. Select the Update CONFIG.SYS  
check box if you want your CONFIG.SYS file updated automatically as  
part of the installation process. Your original CONFIG.SYS file is renamed  
to CONFIG.BAK and is stored in the same directory. If you do not select  
this check box, a CONFIG.ADD file is generated. This file is a copy of  
CONFIG.SYS with the necessary updates to the LIBPATH and PATH  
statement. You can rename the CONFIG.ADD file to CONFIG.SYS.  
6. Select the OK push button to continue. The Install - directories panel is  
7. The list box shows the installation options that you can select. When you  
select one or more of these options, the Bytes needed field shows the  
amount of disk space required for installation.  
The component MQSeries Client for Java should be installed only if you  
have Java 1.1.1 (or later compatible) runtime code on your machine. This  
component must be installed on an HPFS formatted drive.  
8. If there is not enough space on your hard disk to install all the  
components, select an option that uses less disk space. If there is too little  
space on your hard disk for any of the MQSeries for OS/ 2 installation  
options, a dialog box appears before the Install - directories panel. In  
this case, cancel the installation by selecting the OK push button. Find  
out which of your existing files you can archive or delete to make more  
space before proceeding further.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 67  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
Use the push buttons as necessary:  
v To display descriptions of the selected options, select Descriptions.  
v To select all of the options, select Select all.  
v To deselect all of the options, select Deselect all.  
The Work and File Directory field allows you to specify a drive and  
directory other than the default for the installation files (File directory)  
and for the working files that might be created when you use the  
MQSeries client (Working directory).  
Select a drive from the list box if required. When you return to the  
Install - directories panel, your selected drive is shown. Select the OK  
push button to return to the Install - directories panel.  
9. Select the Install push button to continue. The Install-progress panel is  
displayed. This panel shows:  
v The file currently being installed (source) and the drive and directory  
to which it is being installed (target).  
v A progress bar, indicating the percentage of files already unpacked and  
v The elapsed time.  
v The status; for example, unpacking, processing, or transferring.  
If you select the Stop push button, you are asked whether you want to  
delete the partial system you have installed. Select Yes to delete the files  
already installed and return to the introductory panel. Select Start install  
from the File menu to start the installation again.  
10. A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is performed on the installed software  
and any errors are written to a log file. This is the file specified by the  
/ L1 parameter of the INSTALL command by default. If / L1 is not  
specified, the log file is MQMERR.LOG in the high-level directory chosen  
for installation.  
Note: The log files must be on a local drive. If the product has been  
installed on a remote drive, change the path of the log files in the  
mqs.ini file.  
11. When installation is complete, the Installation and Maintenance panel is  
displayed. Select OK. The introductory MQSeries for OS/ 2 panel is then  
displayed. Leave the installation program by selecting the Exit push  
12. When the installation process is complete, a folder is created on the OS/ 2  
Warp desktop, containing objects as follows:  
MQSeries Installation and Maintenance  
MQSeries Information  
68 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
Note that the MQSeries client is a set of services and it does not have to  
be explicitly run. Therefore the folder does not have an object called a  
13. Remove the installation CD-ROM from the drive.  
14. If your CONFIG.SYS file has been updated, shut down the system and  
restart. If the CONFIG.SYS file was not updated, rename the  
CONFIG.ADD file to CONFIG.SYS before shutting down the system  
(CONFIG.ADD will be in the same directory as CONFIG.SYS).  
15. To obtain MQSeries messages in the correct language two environment  
variables must be set correctly. The installation process sets the  
environment variable NLSPATH including <installation  
directory>\ LOCALE\ %L\ %N, where <installation directory> is the  
directory in which you choose to install the product. You must set the  
environment variable LANG=<lang>, where <lang> is the subdirectory in  
which the message catalog for your language is installed, selecting a  
language from the list below:  
U.S. English  
Brazilian Portuguese  
Simplified Chinese  
Traditional Chinese  
Unattended Installation on OS/2 Warp  
You can install MQSeries clients on OS/ 2 Warp workstations without user  
interaction being required at the workstation. You can perform this  
unattended installation using response files. The sample response file  
AMQISMC2.RSP shows an example of unattended client installation.  
This kind of automatic installation is particularly useful for installing clients  
over a network because installation can be performed from a redirected drive  
on a LAN server.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 69  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
Note that the INSTALL.EXE file in the root directory of the CD-ROM  
must not be used to perform unattended installations.  
You must instead invoke the INSTALL.EXE file located in the directory  
corresponding to the language version of the product that you want to  
Starting Unattended Installation  
The following steps describe how to perform an unattended installation:  
1. Connect to the drive containing the MQSeries product software. This can  
be a local CD-ROM drive containing the MQSeries client CD, or a remote  
network drive. For example, F:.  
2. Change to the directory appropriate to your language. The directories are  
as follows:  
\ OS2\ En_Us  
\ OS2\ Pt_BR  
\ OS2\ Fr_FR  
\ OS2\ De_DE  
\ OS2\ It_IT  
U.S. English  
Brazilian Portuguese  
\ OS2\ Ja_JP  
\ OS2\ Ko_KR  
\ OS2\ Es_ES  
\ OS2\ Zh_CN  
\ OS2\ Zh_TW  
Simplified Chinese  
Traditional Chinese  
3. Change to the subdirectory samples.  
4. Edit the supplied response file, AMQISMC2.RSP for client installation, or  
create a new response file. The supplied response file can be used for  
install and delete actions.  
5. Type install together with the required parameters (described in  
This example uses U.S. English. To use another language, substitute en_us  
with the directory appropriate to your language. When you issue this  
70 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
command, you must type it as one continuous line. In the example above,  
for clarity, the command is spread over several lines.  
In this example, the MQSeries client is installed from the redirected drive J: on  
the server, according to the options supplied in the response file  
AMQISMC2.RSP. Note that drive J: must be a writeable drive that you must  
create, and the .RSP file must be put on that drive. The installation log files  
will also be created on the J: drive. The response file specifies the drive and  
directory in which to install the client. Errors are logged in MQM.OUT and  
the history log is contained in MQM.HIS. The / X parameter specifies that the  
installation is non-interactive.  
The example also shows that you must have the INSTALL.EXE available to  
your system. This file is supplied on the client CD-ROM, but is not installed  
onto your system. You must make a copy of this file available when you  
perform maintenance updates on your system.  
Installation and Maintenance Parameters  
The installation and maintenance parameters are as follows:  
INSTALL /A:action  
/G:include path  
/L1:error log  
/L2:history log  
/R:response file  
/S:source location  
/T:install target directory  
/TU:update CONFIG.SYS directory  
Note: You can enter the parameters in any order. Equals signs (=) can be used  
instead of colons (:) in the parameters. Values can be upper or lower  
Specifies the action to be performed by the installation program. If you  
specify this parameter, the main window of the installation program is not  
displayed. Valid values for action are:  
Delete an installed MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp system  
Install a new MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp system  
Restore a backed up MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp system  
Update an installed MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp system  
Note: The installation program is not supplied with a corrective service  
medium. Therefore, if you are updating, restoring, or deleting an  
MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp system, you must have access to the  
installation program used to install it.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 71  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
/G:include path  
Specifies the drive and path of a general response file to be included by  
the specific response file. For more information about response files, see  
/L1:error log  
Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the error log file. The error log  
contains messages associated with installation, including confirmations  
and error messages. Messages are written to the error log if you specify  
the / X parameter.  
You should specify the drive and path where the installation program is  
running. If you do not specify the / L1 parameter, no error log is  
maintained. If the error log already exists, it is appended to.  
/L2:history log  
Specifies the drive, path, and file name of the history log file. The history  
log contains an entry for each file transferred, each object created, and  
each installation exit run.  
You should specify the drive and path where the install program is  
running. If you do not specify the / L2 parameter, no history log is  
maintained. If the history log already exists, it is appended to.  
/R:response file  
Specifies the drive, path, and file name of a response file; see “Installation  
/S:source location  
Specifies the drive and path containing the source files to be installed or  
/T:install target directory  
Specifies the drive and path that MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp files are  
installed on to. If you specify this parameter, it overrides the FILE path,  
which must be specified in the response files.  
/TU:update CONFIG.SYS directory  
Specifies the drive and path of the target CONFIG.SYS to be updated.  
/X Specifies that the installation is fully automatic.  
72 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
When you specify this parameter, no progress indicator panel is shown  
and error messages are logged in the error log file. (You specify the path  
name of the error log file using the / L1 parameter.) If you do not specify  
all of the information required for the action to complete, an error occurs.  
If you do not specify the / X parameter, the user is prompted for any  
information that the install program needs to complete the action. In this  
interactive mode of operation, progress indication is shown and error  
messages are displayed in secondary windows.  
Installation Response Files  
An installation response file is an ASCII text file containing answers to the  
options that you select when you install or maintain an MQSeries for OS/ 2  
Warp system. This allows installation and maintenance to be performed  
automatically, without interaction.  
In an installation response file you can specify:  
v Whether CONFIG.SYS should be updated automatically  
v The MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp components to be installed  
v The path for installation or maintenance  
v Whether existing files should be overwritten  
v Whether only backup versions of MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp should be  
The installation response file supplied with MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp can be  
found as a sample file on the installation media. You can use this file to install  
or delete MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp. To perform other actions you must  
prepare your own installation response files using a suitable editor.  
Normally you have only one response file, specified by the / R parameter of  
the installation program. However, if you need to install or update MQSeries  
for OS/ 2 Warp on a workstation with different options, you can use two files.  
One would be a specific response file that contains options specific to a  
particular workstation, and the other a general installation response file that  
contains options common to all workstations.  
For example, you might use a general and a specific response file to install a  
particular component only on some workstations.  
You use the / R parameter to specify the specific installation response file, and  
the / G parameter to specify the location of the general response file.  
Keywords for Response Files  
The following keywords are supported in response files for MQSeries for  
OS/ 2 Warp:  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 73  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
Specifies whether CONFIG.SYS is updated automatically. Valid values  
for this keyword are:  
AUTOAutomatically updates CONFIG.SYS  
MANUALDoes not update CONFIG.SYS  
Specifies the name of a component on which to perform an action. See  
the server or client component lists for valid values.  
You do not need to enclose the product names within quotes.  
Actions: ALL actions.  
Specifies whether to delete only the backup version of MQSeries for  
OS/ 2 Warp or the entire product. Valid values are YES and NO.  
When you remove MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp, none of your  
user-supplied information, for example queue manager data, is  
deleted. This is particularly important if you intend to delete and  
reinstall the product, because your previous queue manager data will  
This can lead to an unexpected directory and file structure, if you  
attempt to recreate queue managers with identical names to those  
used in the previous installation, because such data might already be  
Actions: DELETE.  
FILE Specifies the drive and directory for MQSeries for OS/ 2 Warp code.  
For example the C:\ MQM directory.  
Actions: INSTALL.  
Specifies the drive and directory for MQSeries data files. For example  
the C:\ MQM directory.  
Actions: INSTALL.  
Specifies which general response files to include with a specific  
response file. The format of this keyword is:  
INCLUDE = filespec  
Where filespec specifies the general response file to be included. If  
the file specification contains any global characters (* or ?), the first  
74 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on OS/2 Warp  
file found that matches the specification is included. If the  
specification is not valid, no general response file is included.  
Note: You should not have more than five levels of included response  
Actions: All actions.  
Specifies whether to overwrite files automatically during installation.  
Valid values for this keyword are YES and NO.  
Specifies whether to save a backup version of MQSeries for OS/ 2  
Warp when it is updated. Valid values for this keyword are YES and  
Actions: UPDATE.  
Response File Structure  
There are two kinds of line in a response file:  
v Comment lines  
Comment lines are either blank or start with an asterisk (*) or a semicolon  
v Response lines  
Response lines are used to determine the options and configurations to  
install on the target system. Response lines have the following syntax:  
keyword = value  
Keyword-value pairs can be in any order. However, there can be only one  
pair per line. You can enter keywords in upper or lower case letters. You  
cannot include spaces within keywords.  
The maximum line length in a response file is 255 characters.  
Removing an MQSeries Client from OS/2 Warp  
Use the MQSeries Installation and Maintenance icon in the MQSeries Client  
folder on the desktop, and select Actions/ Delete. All the MQSeries client files  
that were there at the time of installation are deleted.  
Installing on Sun Solaris  
To install an MQSeries client on a Sun Solaris system you use the MQSeries  
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 75  
Installing on Sun Solaris  
Note: If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same  
The MQSeries product is installed into the /opt/mqm directory. This cannot be  
Before Installation  
Before you can install an MQSeries client on your Sun Solaris system you:  
v Must create a group with the name mqm.  
v Must create a user ID with the name mqm.  
v Are recommended to create and mount a /var/mqm file system, or /var/mqm,  
/var/mqm/log, and /var/mqm/errors file systems.  
If you create separate partitions, the following directories must be on a local  
file system:  
You can choose to NFS mount the /var/mqm/errors and /var/mqm/trace  
directories to conserve space on your local system.  
After installation, this user ID (mqm) owns the directories and files that contain  
the resources associated with the product. This group and user must be  
defined for any machine on which the MQSeries software is to be installed,  
whether the machine is a client or a server machine.  
For stand-alone machines, you can create the new user and group IDs locally.  
For machines administered in a network information services (NIS) domain,  
you can create the user and group IDs on the NIS master server machine.  
Carry out the following procedure:  
1. Check whether Volume Manager is running on your system by typing the  
following command:  
/usr/bin/ps -ef | /bin/grep vold  
If it is running, the CD is mounted on / cdrom/ mqclient automatically. If it  
is not running, mount the CD by typing the following commands:  
mkdir -p /cdrom/mqclient  
mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/cntndnsn /cdrom/mqclient  
substituting cntndnsn with the name of your CD-ROM device.  
2. Use the Sun Solaris pkgadd program to install the MQSeries client  
software by carrying out the following procedure:  
a. Type pkgadd -d /cdrom/mqclient/solaris/mqs510.img.  
76 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Sun Solaris  
b. You are prompted for a list of components to be installed. Select the  
ones you require - if you want to install all the components, select all.  
The component MQSeries Client for Java should be installed only if  
you have Java 1.1.1 (or later compatible) runtime code on your  
machine. You also require Version 2.6 or later of the Sun Solaris  
operating system.  
c. Press the Enter key.  
For further information on using pkgadd to install software packages, see the  
Sun Solaris documentation.  
Kernel Configuration  
See the MQSeries family Web site for a SupportPac that gives additional  
performance information - see “HTML and PDF Books on the World Wide  
Translated Messages  
Messages in U.S. English are always available. If you require one of the other  
languages supported by MQSeries for Sun Solaris, you must ensure that your  
NLSPATH environment variable includes the appropriate directory.  
For example:  
export LANG=de  
export NLSPATH=/usr/lib/locale/%L/LC_MESSAGES/%N  
Removing an MQSeries Client from Sun Solaris  
If you have previously installed MQSeries on your system, you must remove  
the product using the pkgrm program.  
If the product is present, but not installed correctly, you might need manually  
to delete the files and directories contained in:  
Installing on Windows 95 or Windows 98  
To install an MQSeries client on a Windows 95 or a Windows 98 system you  
use the MQSeries Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same machine, see  
Note: The client installation will fail if the PATH variable that has been set up  
is greater than 267 characters long.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 77  
Installing on Windows 95 or 98  
1. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.  
2. The installation automatically starts and an MQSeries Language Selection  
window is displayed.  
Note: If you have disabled auto-playing of CD-ROMs, run SETUP  
instead, from the root directory.  
This window presents you with a list of the national languages that are  
3. On the MQSeries Language Selection window select the language of your  
choice, and click on the Next button or press Enter.  
The MQSeries Welcome window is displayed.  
4. Make sure you are installing the correct client for your system, as  
displayed in the Welcome window.  
5. Select Destination Directory requires a destination directory into which  
the MQSeries files will be installed.  
You can change the default shown by selecting the browse button and  
choosing a different drive and directory, then click on OK. Click on the  
Next button or press Enter to continue.  
6. Choose MQSeries Components displays a list of components from which  
you can select the ones you want to be installed.  
To select a component, click in the box next to it so that a check mark  
appears (just highlighting the line does not select it). The space needed  
for each component is shown here, and the space available on the drive  
you have selected.  
Click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.  
7. Select Program Folder prompts you for a folder name to contain the  
MQSeries objects. The default name is MQSeries Client for MQSeries  
client for Windows 95 and Windows 98. You can rename the default or  
choose an existing folder.  
8. Start Copying Files displays all the selections you have made. Click on  
the Back button if you want to return to a previous window to change  
any of your choices.  
When you have checked your choices, click on the Next button or press  
Enter to start the file copying process.  
The progress indicator shows which components are being copied and  
the percentage of copying completed.  
9. The next window presents you with the opportunity to view the  
README file. If you do not want to view the README file at this point,  
it will be available in the MQSeries client folder.  
78 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows 95 or 98  
If you view the README file, close the window of the README to  
continue the installation process.  
10. The installation of the MQSeries client is now complete, and a window is  
displayed giving you the option of restarting your computer now or  
leaving it until later. It is recommended that you restart your computer  
now. Close all the other applications that are running before continuing  
with this step.  
Once this has been done, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now  
and click on the Finish button to complete the setup.  
11. When setup is complete, the MQSeries Client folder is added to the  
desktop, or the location you specified. Note that the MQSeries client is a  
set of services and it does not have to be explicitly run, so the folder does  
not have an object called a “client”.  
Unattended Installation on Windows 95 and Windows 98  
You can install a Windows client on a remote machine without interaction.  
This process is known as unattended installation, sometimes referred to as silent  
installation, and uses response files.  
An installation response file is an ASCII text file containing values for the  
options that you select when you install an MQSeries for Windows system.  
For unattended installation, you must:  
1. Carry out an installation on a machine and record the actions performed  
to install the product.  
In this example, the machine is being used as a server – see “Setting up  
2. Use the recording you have created to install the product on a remote  
Setting up the Server  
To set up your server, follow these steps:  
1. Load the MQSeries client CD-ROM. When the Language Selection window  
appears, select Cancel.  
2. Copy the win95 or win98 subdirectory, and all of its subdirectories, from  
the client CD-ROM to a shared-resource image directory.  
3. Select one of the following language directories:  
v SetupCn – Simplified Chinese  
v SetupDe – German  
v SetupEn – English  
v SetupEs – Spanish  
v SetupFr – French  
v SetupIt – Italian  
v SetupJp – Japanese  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 79  
Installing on Windows 95 or 98  
v SetupKo – Korean  
v SetupPt – Brazilian Portuguese  
v SetupTw – Traditional Chinese  
4. From the selected language directory, run setup.exe, with the -r option to  
create a response file.  
This can be done by:  
a. Highlighting setup.exe  
b. Dragging it to the Start, Run dialog  
c. Adding -r to the end of the fully-qualified file name  
d. Selecting OK to start the process  
e. Selecting the components that you want to install  
a. When the installation has ended, a response file will have been  
automatically generated that can be used as the basis for unattended  
b. The response file SETUP.ISS will be generated in the WINDOWS  
directory for Windows 95 or Windows 98.  
5. When the response file has been generated, you can copy it to the  
language dependent directory in the shared-resource image directory for  
your national language.  
For example, to copy the SETUP.ISS file from the WINNT35 directory to  
\ IMAGE\ SETUPEN, type:  
where SETUPEN is the appropriate language directory for your system.  
This assumes that the Windows 95 or 98 operating system was installed to  
the C drive and that the MQSeries installation image on the server resides  
on M:\ INSTMQS.  
Now you have set up your server, you can go on to install on the remote  
Installing on the Remote Machine  
Unattended installation is particularly useful for installing a client over a  
network because you can do it from a redirected drive on a LAN server.  
The remote machine must have access to the shared-resource image directory,  
which includes the:  
v Appropriate language subdirectory  
v Disk subdirectories  
To connect the workstation to the redirected drive on the server, follow these  
80 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows 95 or 98  
1. Use the NET USE command as follows:  
NET USE devicename \\servername\netname  
For example:  
v J: is the logical drive name to be connected to the shared resource  
v MQMSHARE is the netname for M:\ INSTMQS.  
2. Go to the language directory that contains the SETUP.EXE and SETUP.ISS  
files and run SETUP -s.  
1. The -s parameter indicates that the installation is to be carried out in silent  
mode. This parameter is mandatory for an unattended installation.  
2. SETUP.EXE uses the SETUP.ISS file in the current directory to silently  
install the product.  
Removing an MQSeries Client from Windows 95 and Windows 98  
If you want to remove the MQSeries client files from your machine, use  
Settings/ Control Panel/ Add-Remove Programs. First select MQSeries Client,  
which launches the uninstall program. Then select the components you want  
to remove and click Remove.  
If you choose to remove all MQSeries components and are then likely to  
reinstall MQSeries, you should restart your computer to complete the  
uninstall process. You cannot reinstall any components until you have  
All the MQSeries client files that were created at installation time are removed  
by the process.  
Installing on Windows 3.1  
To install an MQSeries client on a Windows 3.1 system you use the MQSeries  
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
1. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.  
2. Open the directory WIN31.  
3. Change to the appropriate language subdirectory for the language you  
wish to install:  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 81  
Installing on Windows 3.1  
setupen - English  
setuppt - Brazilian Portuguese  
setupfr - French  
setupde - German  
setupit - Italian  
setupjp - Japanese  
setupko - Korean  
setupes - Spanish  
setupcn - Simplified Chinese  
setuptw - Traditional Chinese  
4. Run setup.exe  
The MQSeries Welcome window is displayed.  
5. Make sure you are installing the correct client for your system, Windows  
3.1, as displayed in the Welcome window.  
6. Select Destination Directory requires a destination directory into which  
the MQSeries files will be installed.  
You can change the default directory by selecting the browse button and  
choosing a different drive and directory, then click on OK. Click on the  
Next button or press Enter to continue.  
7. Choose MQSeries Components displays a list of components from which  
you can select the ones you want to be installed.  
To select a component, click in the box next to it so that a check mark  
appears (just highlighting the line does not select it). The space needed  
for each component is shown here, and the space available on the drive  
you have selected. Click on the Next button or press Enter to continue.  
8. Select Program Folder prompts you for a folder name to contain the  
MQSeries objects. The default name is MQSeries Client for Windows 3.1.  
You can rename the default or choose an existing folder.  
9. Start Copying Files displays the selection you have made. Click on the  
Back button if you want to return to change your choice.  
Now click on the Next button or press Enter to start the file copying  
The progress indicator shows what components are being copied and the  
percentage of copying completed.  
10. The next window presents you with the opportunity to view the  
README file. If you do not want to view the README file at this point,  
it will be available in the MQSeries client folder.  
If you view the README file, close the window of the README to  
continue the installation process.  
11. The installation of the MQSeries client is now complete, and a window is  
displayed giving you the option of restarting your computer now or  
leaving it until later. It is recommended that you restart your computer  
now. Close all the other applications that are running before continuing  
with this step.  
82 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows 3.1  
Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now and click on the Finish  
button to complete the setup.  
12. When setup is complete, the MQSeries Client folder is added to the  
Program Manager. Note that the MQSeries client is a set of services and  
it does not have to be explicitly run, so the folder does not have an object  
called a “client”.  
Removing an MQSeries Client from Windows 3.1  
If you want to remove the MQSeries client files from your machine, use the  
process provided to do this efficiently.  
Run Uninstall from the MQSeries client folder. You are prompted before  
All the MQSeries client files that were created at installation time are removed  
by the process.  
Installing on Windows NT  
To install an MQSeries client on Windows NT, use the MQSeries Client  
CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.  
Note: If you plan to install an MQSeries client and server on the same  
To install an MQSeries client for Windows NT, you must be logged on to  
Windows NT as an administrator.  
MQSeries checks for any existing MQSeries configuration files (MQS.INI). If it  
finds any, it automatically migrates configuration information to the Windows  
NT registry. Otherwise, MQSeries automatically puts its configuration  
information directly into the Windows NT registry.  
Installation Procedure  
1. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.  
2. The installation automatically starts and an MQSeries Language Selection  
window is displayed.  
Note: If you have disabled auto-playing of CD-ROMs, run SETUP  
instead, from the root directory.  
This window presents you with a list of the national languages that are  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 83  
Installing on Windows NT  
3. On the MQSeries Language Selection window select the language of your  
choice, and click on the OK button or press Enter.  
The MQSeries Welcome window is displayed.  
4. Make sure you are installing the correct client for your system, as  
displayed in the Welcome window.  
5. Choose Installation Folders lets you choose folders into which the  
MQSeries program files and data files will be installed.  
You can change the default shown by selecting the browse button and  
choosing a different drive and directory, then click on OK. Click on the  
Next button or press Enter to continue.  
6. Select Components displays a list of components from which you can  
select the ones you want to be installed.  
The component Java Client should be installed only if you have Java  
1.1.1 (or later compatible) runtime code on your machine.  
To select a component, click in the box next to it so that a check mark  
appears (just highlighting the line does not select it). The space needed  
for each component is shown on the panel, and the space available on  
the drive you have selected.  
If you deselect a previously installed component it is removed. Click on  
the Next button or press Enter to continue.  
7. Select Program Folder prompts you for a folder name to contain the  
MQSeries objects. The default name is IBM MQSeries Client. You can  
rename the default or choose an existing folder.  
8. Ready to Copy Files displays all the selections you have made. Click on  
the Back button if you want to return to a previous window to change  
any of your choices.  
When you have checked your choices, click on the Next button or press  
Enter to start the file copying process.  
The progress indicator shows which components are being copied and  
the percentage of copying completed.  
9. The Setup Complete window appears when the selected components  
have been installed. Click the Finish button or press Enter to close the  
window (after optionally selecting Launch Notepad to View the Release  
10. The installation of the MQSeries client is now complete.  
11. When setup is complete, the IBM MQSeries folder is added to the Start  
menu. Note that MQSeries Clients are sets of services and do not have to  
be explicitly run, so the folder does not have an object called “client”.  
84 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows NT  
Installing from a LAN  
There are two ways to put MQSeries installation files on a LAN file server for  
easier access: you can make the MQSeries for Windows NT Client CD-ROM  
drive shareable, or you can copy the installation files from the CD-ROM to a  
file server, by following these steps:  
1. Create a folder on the LAN file server to store the installation files. For  
md m:\instmqs  
2. Load the MQSeries for Windows NT client CD-ROM. If you have autorun  
enabled, the language selection panel will appear. Cancel this panel.  
3. Copy the Winnt directory structure from the CD-ROM to the m:\ instmqs  
folder. For example:  
xcopy e:\Winnt\*.* m:\instmqs /e  
You can save space on the hard drive by copying only the subfolders for  
the languages that you require. The language subfolders are:  
Simplified Chinese  
U.S. English  
Brazilian Portuguese  
Traditional Chinese  
4. Give all licensed users access to the folder that now contains the CD-ROM  
image (in this example, the m: drive).  
5. From a command prompt on the target machine, connect to the  
appropriate drive and folder using the net use command:  
net use devicename \\servername\netname  
For example:  
net use x: \\mqmnt\instmqs  
where x: is the required mapped drive on the target machine.  
Alternatively, use Windows NT Explorer or another method to map the  
shared resource to a drive letter.  
6. Change to the installation directory (in this example x), type Setup and  
press Enter.  
7. Follow the prompts.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 85  
Installing on Windows NT  
Using the System Management Server with MQSeries for Windows NT  
This section describes how to install, or remove, an MQSeries for Windows  
NT client using the System Management Server (SMS).  
Creating SMS Packages and Jobs for MQSeries  
You must create:  
v An SMS software package containing the MQSeries software.  
v An SMS job to distribute and install the software package (see “Creating the  
For more detailed information on how to create a software package and a job,  
refer to the Microsoft System Management Server documentation.  
Creating the MQSeries SMS Software Package  
To create the SMS software installation package:  
1. From the Microsoft SMS Administrator application, open the Packages  
folder and then create a new package.  
2. In the SMS Package Properties dialog click on the Import button to  
create the software package by importing a Package Definition File (PDF).  
3. In the File Browser dialog, select the drive where the IBM MQSeries  
client CD-ROM is located.  
4. Select the Winnt directory, which contains the package definition file  
You can also find the MQSERIES.PDF file in the local drive, or shared  
network drive where you copied the MQSeries Installation software.  
5. Select the MQSERIES.PDF file and click on the OK button.  
6. Click on the Workstation button. In the Source Directory entry field,  
specify the fully-qualified path name to the MQSeries root directory that  
contains the MQSeries installation software.  
7. Select the appropriate Workstation Command Line:  
v Automated Uninstallation of IBM MQSeries - Windows NT client  
v Automated Installation of IBM MQSeries - Windows NT client (US  
8. Click on the Properties button for each process and review the  
Command Line entry field to ensure that the parameters are correct.  
Note: The -i<miffilepath> parameter specifies the full path and file  
name of a Management Information Format (.mif) file that  
installation and uninstallation can generate. Remove the parameter  
if you do not want to generate a .mif file.  
9. Click on the Close button to close the Workstation Properties dialog.  
86 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows NT  
Note: If you specified a local path in the Source Directory entry field,  
you get a pop-up dialog warning you that the local path you  
specified might not be accessible to SMS components running on  
another machine. Click on the OK button to continue.  
10. Click on the OK button to close the Package Properties window.  
A pop-up dialog appears indicating that SMS will update the software  
package at all sites. Click the OK button to continue.  
The software package has been created and can be installed by creating an  
SMS job.  
Creating the MQSeries SMS Job  
You must now create an SMS job to distribute and install the software  
packages you created that contain the MQSeries installation software.  
Refer to the Microsoft System Management Server documentation for detailed  
information on how to create and run a job.  
1. You must be logged onto the target machine with Administrator authority  
in order to install the MQSeries Server.  
2. When creating an SMS Job to distribute and install the software package,  
ensure that you select the appropriate workstation command. The  
workstation commands are displayed on the Job Details dialog in the Run  
Phase section and appear in a drop-down list box.  
Unattended Installation on Windows NT  
You can install MQSeries for Windows NT on a remote machine without  
interaction, provided that the remote machine can share the client CD-ROM,  
or a copy of the files on it, and that you can execute a command on the  
remote machine. This process is called unattended (or silent) installation, and  
is particularly useful for installing MQSeries for Windows NT clients over a  
network because you can do it from a shared drive on a LAN file server.  
Because there is no user interaction, unattended installation uses a response  
file. A response file is an ASCII text file containing values for the installation  
options you want to select. For information on the format of response files,  
see the MQSeries Clients book.  
There are three ways to generate a response file:  
1. Edit the response file (setup.iss) supplied in the Winnt directory on the  
MQSeries for Windows NT client CD-ROM, using an ASCII file editor.  
2. Generate your own response file using an ASCII file editor.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 87  
Installing on Windows NT  
3. Carry out an installation on a machine and record the options selected to  
install the product in a response file. To do this you must run setup.exe  
with the -r parameter, and optionally, the -noinst parameter:  
a. Load the MQSeries for Windows NT client CD-ROM. If you have  
autorun enabled, the language selection panel will appear. Cancel this  
b. Run setup.exe from the root folder of the CD-ROM, with the -r  
parameter. This can be done by dragging setup.exe from Windows NT  
Explorer to the Run dialog in the start menu and adding -r to the end  
of the file name, or by typing the fully-qualified path to setup.exe into  
the Run dialog, followed by -r.  
c. The language selection dialog reappears. Perform an installation as you  
want it performed on the remote machine.  
d. If you are asked to restart the system, you do not need to do so if you  
are only generating a response file.  
The -noinst parameter (which, if present, must precede the -r parameter)  
suppresses the MQSeries installation; Setup generates only a response file.  
The installation creates a response file called setup.iss in the Windows  
directory, normally c:\ winnt. Save this file; you can edit it if necessary.  
Use the response file you have created to install the product on a remote  
Installing on the Remote Machine  
The remote machine must have access to a shared resource or drive on a file  
server that contains the client CD-ROM or a copy of it. Perform the procedure  
described in “Installing from a LAN” on page 85 up to the point where you  
run Setup. Copy your response file to a location on the file server that is  
accessible from the remote machine. You can now start the installation on the  
remote machine:  
1. On the remote machine, go to the Setupxx folder on the shared resource.  
2. Substitute Setupxx with the name of the language subfolder for the  
language that you require.  
3. Run setup.exe:  
setup -g<logfile> -f1<responsefile> -f2<secondarylogfile> -s  
This installs in the language specified by Setupxx.  
In the above command:  
The full path to an installation log file. Setup creates a U.S. English  
ASCII text log file containing details of what happens during  
installation. You should check this file to see if any errors occurred. If  
88 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Installing on Windows NT  
you omit the -g<logfile> parameter, Setup creates a file called  
amqilogn.txt in the data-files folder on the machine running the  
installation. In this case, any messages generated before the data-files  
folder is created are lost. The -g<logfile> parameter must be placed  
before the -f1 and the -s parameters, otherwise it is ignored.  
The full path to the response file you prepared. If you omit the  
-f1<responsefile> parameter, the response file must be in the Setupxx  
language subdirectory.  
The full path to a secondary installation log file. This file contains less  
detail than the other log file and should not be used as the primary  
source for information about the success of the installation. If you  
omit the -f2<secondarylogfile> parameter, Setup attempts to create a  
file called setup.log in the language subdirectory (Setupxx), which is  
not possible if the installation is being performed from a CD-ROM.  
The -f2<secondarylogfile> parameter must be placed after the -f1  
This parameter tells Setup to run in silent mode.  
Enclose the long path name and file name expressions in double quotes.  
Removing an MQSeries Client from Windows NT  
If you want to remove the MQSeries client files from your machine, use  
Settings/ Control Panel/ Add-Remove. First select IBM MQSeries Client,  
which launches the install program. Alternatively, choose MQSeries  
Uninstallation from the IBM MQSeries client folder. You can choose to  
uninstall one or more components or the whole of the MQSeries client,  
including or excluding data.  
For more information on uninstalling an MQSeries for Windows NT client, see  
the MQSeries Clients book.  
Classes for Java  
MQSeries classes for Java version 5.1.1 are available as a SupportPac from  
http:/ / software/ ts/ mqseries/ txppacs/ ma88  
Instructions for installing the classes are given in the readme that accompanies  
the SupportPac.  
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 89  
Configuring a Client  
Configuring and Verifying a Client  
After you have installed the client, you need to configure your  
communications and verify the installation. For information on how to do  
this, see the MQSeries Clients book.  
90 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information  
This chapter describes the documentation for MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1. It  
starts with a list of the publications, and then discusses:  
MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 is described in the following books:  
Table 4. MQSeries for AS/400 books  
AS/400 Specific Books  
MQSeries for AS/400  
Quick Beginnings  
Gives a brief overview of MQSeries for  
AS/ 400, and provides information on  
planning for, installing, and getting started  
with the product.  
MQSeries for AS/400  
V5.1 System  
Supports day-to-day management of local  
and remote MQSeries objects. It includes  
topics such as security, recovery and restart,  
transactional support, problem  
determination, and the dead-letter queue  
MQSeries for AS/400  
V5.1 Application  
Programming Reference data-type descriptions; MQI call syntax;  
Provides comprehensive reference  
information for users of the MQI. It includes:  
attributes of MQSeries objects; return codes;  
constants; and building information for RPG.  
MQSeries Family Books  
MQSeries Planning  
Describes some key MQSeries concepts,  
identifies items that need to be considered  
before MQSeries is installed, including  
storage requirements, backup and recovery,  
security, and migration from earlier releases,  
and specifies hardware and software  
requirements for every MQSeries platform.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Additional Information  
Table 4. MQSeries for AS/400 books (continued)  
Defines the concepts of distributed queuing,  
and explains how to set up a distributed  
queuing network in a variety of MQSeries  
environments. In particular, it demonstrates  
how to (1) configure communications to and  
from a representative sample of MQSeries  
products, (2) create required MQSeries  
objects, (3) create and configure MQSeries  
channels, and (4) establish MQSeries  
client/ server connections. The use of channel  
exits is also described.  
MQSeries Queue  
Manager Clusters  
Explains the concepts and terminology of  
MQSeries clustering, and shows how you  
can benefit by taking advantage of cluster  
support. It summarizes the syntax of new  
and changed commands and shows a  
number of examples of tasks you can  
perform to set up and maintain clusters of  
queue managers.  
MQSeries Clients  
Describes how to install, configure, use, and  
manage MQSeries client systems.  
MQSeries Command  
Contains the syntax of the MQSC  
commands, which are used by MQSeries  
system operators and administrators to  
manage MQSeries objects.  
Programmable System  
Provides both reference and guidance  
information for users of MQSeries events,  
programmable command formats (PCFs),  
and installable services.  
Provides both guidance and reference  
Administration Interface information for users of the MQSeries  
Programming Guide and Administration Interface.  
MQSeries Application  
Programming Guide  
Provides guidance information for users of  
the message queue interface (MQI). It  
describes how to design, write, and build an  
MQSeries application. It also includes full  
descriptions of the sample programs  
supplied with MQSeries.  
92 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Additional Information  
Table 4. MQSeries for AS/400 books (continued)  
MQSeries Application  
Provides comprehensive reference  
Programming Reference information for users of the MQI. It includes:  
data-type descriptions; MQI call syntax;  
attributes of MQSeries objects; return codes;  
constants; and code-page conversion tables.  
MQSeries Application  
Programming Reference Application Programming Reference manual.  
Summarizes the information in the MQSeries  
MQSeries Using C++  
Provides both guidance and reference  
information for users of the MQSeries C++  
programming-language binding to the MQI.  
Hardcopy Books  
The book that you are reading now is MQSeries for AS/400 Quick Beginnings.  
This is the only book that is supplied in hardcopy with the product. However,  
all books listed in Table 4 on page 91 are available for you to order or print.  
You can order publications from the IBMLinkWeb site at:  
In the United States, you can also order publications by dialing  
In Canada, you can order publications by dialing 1-800-IBM-4YOU  
For further information about ordering publications contact your IBM  
authorized dealer or marketing representative.  
For information about printing books, see “PDF” on page 94.  
Online Information  
This section describes:  
Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information 93  
Online Information  
Publications CD-ROM  
Included with the product is a publications CD-ROM. On this CD-ROM there  
are three directories; books, amqaa60w, and readme.  
CD-ROM books directory  
The books directory contains the MQSeries for AS/ 400 books in HTML and  
PDF formats. To access them point you Web browser to books/start.htm.  
HTML: You can view the MQSeries online documentation in HTML format  
directly from the publications CD-ROM. All books except for the MQSeries  
Application Programming Reference Summary are available in U.S. English and  
also in some or all of the following national languages:  
v French  
v German  
v Italian  
v Japanese  
v Korean  
v Spanish  
v Simplified Chinese  
When you read the books in HTML, you can follow hypertext links from one  
book to another. If you are reading translated books and link to a book that is  
not available in your national language, the U.S. English version of the book  
will be opened instead.  
PDF: A PDF (Portable Document Format), corresponding to each hardcopy  
book, is available on the publications CD-ROM. You can read PDFs using  
Adobe Acrobat Reader. Also, you can download them to your own file  
system, or you can print them on a PostScript printer. If you have a Web  
browser, you can access the PDFs on the publications CD-ROM by pointing  
your browser to books/start.htm.  
The PDFs are available in U.S. English and also in some or all of the following  
national languages:  
v French  
v German  
v Italian  
v Japanese  
v Korean  
v Spanish  
v Simplified Chinese  
94 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Online Information  
To find out which ones are available in your language, look for the  
appropriate directory on the CD-ROM. The PDFs are in the directory  
BOOKS/ PDF/ ll_LL, where ll_LL is one of the following:  
v en_US (English)  
v fr_FR (French)  
v de_DE (German)  
v it_IT (Italian)  
v ja_JP (Japanese)  
v ko_KR (Korean)  
v es_ES (Spanish)  
v zh_CN (Simplified Chinese)  
Within these directories, you can find the complete set of PDFs that are  
available. Table 5 shows the file names used for the PDF files.  
Table 5. MQSeries publications – file names  
File Name  
MQSeries for AS/400 Quick Beginnings  
MQSeries for AS/400 System Administration  
MQSeries for AS/400 Application Programming Reference (ILE  
MQSeries Planning Guide  
MQSeries Intercommunication  
MQSeries Clients  
MQSeries Command Reference  
MQSeries Programmable System Management  
MQSeries Application Programming Reference  
MQSeries Application Programming Guide  
MQSeries Application Programming Reference Summary  
MQSeries Using C++  
MQSeries Administration Interface Programming Guide and  
MQSeries Queue Manager Clusters  
Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information 95  
Online Information  
CD-ROM amqaa60w directory  
The amqaa60w directory contains a package of searchable PDF files. The  
package comprises a set of panels, books, and index files and provides a  
method of searching the MQSeries library on your workstation using Adobe  
Acrobat Reader with Search. The package is available in U.S. English only.  
In addition to providing a search facility, the package offers the following  
v Full cross-referencing within books that allows you to jump to other parts  
of the same document  
v Hyperlinked URLs to enable transparent integration with the Web  
v Thumbnail images of all pages in the book to allow you to scan for  
diagrams, tables and so on  
To take advantage of the usability enhancements provided in this package,  
you need Adobe Acrobat Reader with Search Version 4.  
To use the package, start Adobe Acrobat Reader and open the file  
amqaa60w.pdf located in the amqaa60w/ panels directory on the publications  
The package is also supplied in a zip file and a tar file. If you wish, you can  
unpack these onto your own file system and access them from there instead of  
directly from the CD-ROM.  
CD-ROM readme directory  
The readme directory contains, in each national language, a file of up-to-date  
product information that you should read before installing or using this  
There might also be a file of latest information (in U.S. English only) that  
became available after the readme files were translated.  
HTML and PDF Books on the World Wide Web  
The MQSeries for AS/ 400 books are available on the World Wide Web as well  
as on the publications CD-ROM. They are available in PDF and HTML  
format. The MQSeries product family Web site is at:  
By following links from this Web site you can:  
v Obtain latest information about the MQSeries product family.  
v Access the MQSeries books in HTML and PDF formats.  
v Download MQSeries SupportPacs.  
96 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Online Information  
BookManager CD-ROMs  
The MQSeries library is supplied in IBM BookManager® format on a variety  
of online library collection kits, including the Transaction Processing and Data  
collection kit, SK2T-0730. You can view the softcopy books in IBM  
BookManager format using the following IBM licensed programs:  
BookManager READ/ 2  
BookManager READ/ 6000  
BookManager READ/ DOS  
BookManager READ/ MVS  
BookManager READ/ VM  
BookManager READ for Windows  
Online Help  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 provides context-sensitive help. If you place your cursor  
on a command or panel field and press PF1, you are presented with relevant  
help information.  
Chapter 8. Obtaining Additional Information 97  
98 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Appendix A. Sample MQI Programs  
MQSeries for AS/ 400 provides a set of short sample MQI programs. You can  
choose to install these when you install the base product. If you do install  
them, you get them in both source form and object form. You can use the  
objects as they are or you can modify and recompile the source for  
experimental purposes.  
C, COBOL, and RPG Program Samples  
Table 6 lists the sample MQI source files. By default, the source files are in the  
QMQMSAMP library, which is available as an installable option. To find out  
more about what the programs do and how to use them, see the MQSeries  
Application Programming Guide.  
Table 6. Sample programs – source files  
Putting messages using MQPUT AMQSPUT0  
Putting messages from a data  
file using MQPUT  
Putting a single message using  
Putting messages to a  
distribution list  
Replying to a request message  
Getting messages (no wait)  
Getting messages (wait with  
time limit)  
Getting messages (unlimited  
Getting messages (with data  
Putting reference messages to a AMQSPRM4  
Getting reference messages from AMQSGRM4  
a queue  
Using reference message  
channel exit  
Using message exit  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
Table 6. Sample programs – source files (continued)  
Browsing first 20 characters of a AMQSGBR4  
Browsing complete messages  
Using a shared input queue  
Using an exclusive input queue AMQSREQ4  
Using the MQINQ call  
Using the MQSET call  
Using a reply-to queue  
Requesting message exceptions AMQSREQ4  
Accepting a truncated message  
Using a resolved queue name  
Triggering a process  
Using a trigger server  
Using a trigger server (including AMQSERV4  
CICS® transactions)  
Using data conversion  
1. Source for the ILE C samples is in QMQMSAMP/ QCSRC. Include files  
exist as members in the file QMQM/ H.  
2. Source for the COBOL samples is in QMQMSAMP/ QCBLSRC for the  
OPM compiler, and QMQMSAMP/ QCBLLESRC for the ILE compiler.  
Copy members exist in QMQM/ QCBLSRC and QMQM/ QCBLLESRC  
respectively. The members are named AMQ0xxx4 for OPM, and  
AMQ5xxx4 for ILE. xxx indicates the sample function.  
3. There are three sets of RPG sample programs:  
a. OPM RPG programs. The source for these is in  
QMQMSAMP/ QRPGSRC. The members are named AMQ1xxx4, where  
xxx indicates the sample function. Copy members exist in  
b. ILE RPG programs using the MQI through a call to QMQM. The  
source for these is in QMQMSAMP/ QRPGLESRC. The members are  
named AMQ2xxx4, where xxx indicates the sample function. Copy  
members exist in QMQM/ QRPGLESRC. Each member name has a  
suffix of ’R’.  
100 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
c. ILE RPG programs using prototyped calls to the MQI. The source for  
these is in QMQMSAMP/ QRPGLESRC. The members are named  
AMQ3xxx4, where xxx indicates the sample function. Copy members  
exist in QMQM/ QRPGLESRC. Each member name has a suffix of G.  
If the objects required by the sample programs are missing from your system,  
you can create them. Use the program in member AMQSCOMA in the source  
physical file QMQMSAMP/ QMQSC. You can also use this program to reset  
the attributes of default system objects.  
Appendix A. Sample MQI Programs 101  
102 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Appendix B. Applying Maintenance to MQSeries for AS/400  
This appendix tells you how to apply maintenance to MQSeries for AS/ 400.  
Service updates for MQSeries for AS/ 400 are supplied as PTFs (Program  
Temporary Fixes). They may be supplied on a CD-ROM, or you may obtain  
them electronically as save files, which are normally stored in the QGPL  
library. For details of how to load and apply PTFs and read their cover letters,  
see the AS/400 Basic System Operation, Administration, and Problem Handling  
manual, SC41-5206.  
Before loading and applying a PTF:  
v Read the cover letter carefully to see if you need to take any special actions.  
v Quiesce all queue managers, as described in “Quiescing V5.1 of MQSeries  
Reinstalling MQSeries for AS/400  
You can reinstall MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 without losing any of your data.  
When you reinstall MQSeries for AS/ 400, the system checks whether the  
MQSeries configuration file (mqs.ini) exists. If the file exists, it is kept and  
used with the newly installed system. If the file does not exist, an empty  
mqs.ini file is placed in the directory / QIBM/ UserData/ mqm.  
All data that you have in the UserData directory is transferred to the newly  
installed system. In addition, all the queue manager-associated libraries  
containing journal and receiver information are transferred to the new system.  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
104 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Appendix C. Notices  
This information was developed for products and services offered in the  
United States. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed  
in this information in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative  
for information on the products and services currently available in your area.  
Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state  
or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any  
functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe  
any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the  
users responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM  
product, program, or service.  
IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter  
described in this information. The furnishing of this information does not give  
you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to:  
IBM Director of Licensing  
IBM Corporation  
North Castle Drive  
Armonk, NY 10504-1785  
For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the  
IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in  
writing, to:  
IBM World Trade Asia Corporation  
2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku  
Tokyo 106, Japan  
The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any  
other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law:  
OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow  
disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore  
this statement may not apply to you.  
This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.  
Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will  
be incorporated in new editions of the information. IBM may make  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
improvements and/ or changes in the product(s) and/ or the program(s)  
described in this information at any time without notice.  
Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for  
convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those  
Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for  
this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk.  
IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it  
believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you.  
Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the  
purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently  
created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual  
use of the information which has been exchanged, should contact:  
IBM United Kingdom Laboratories,  
Mail Point 151,  
Hursley Park,  
SO21 2JN.  
Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and  
conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee.  
The licensed program described in this information and all licensed material  
available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer  
Agreement, IBM International Programming License Agreement, or any  
equivalent agreement between us.  
Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of  
those products, their published announcements or other publicly available  
sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy  
of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM  
products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be  
addressed to the suppliers of those products.  
106 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
The following are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation  
in the United States, or other countries, or both:  
OS/ 2  
RISC System/ 6000  
WIN-OS/ 2  
AS/ 400  
OS/ 390  
OS/ 400  
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered  
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and/ or other  
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of  
Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.  
Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States  
and/ or other countries. (For a complete list of Intel trademarks see tradmarx.htm)  
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States, other countries, or both  
and is licensed exclusively through X/ Open Company Limited.  
Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service  
marks of others.  
Appendix C. Notices 107  
108 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
events (continued)  
administration command sets  
groups, creating  
AIX client  
hardware requirements  
custom installation  
HP-UX client  
CCSID (coded character set  
Digital UNIX client  
DOS client  
error log  
response files  
coded character set identifier  
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000  
MQSeries calls  
program samples  
programmable command format  
instrumentation events  
MQSeries for AS/ 400  
queue manager  
local queues  
queue managers  
OS/ 2 Warp client  
removing clients  
110 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Removing clients  
translated messages  
response files  
unattended installation  
sample programs  
user ID, creating  
silent install  
software requirements  
Windows 3.1 client  
Sun Solaris client  
Windows 95 and Windows 98 client  
Windows NT client  
System Management Interface Tool  
Index 111  
112 MQSeries for AS/ 400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings  
Sending your comments to IBM  
If you especially like or dislike anything about this book, please use one of  
the methods listed below to send your comments to IBM.  
Feel free to comment on what you regard as specific errors or omissions, and  
on the accuracy, organization, subject matter, or completeness of this book.  
Please limit your comments to the information in this book and the way in  
which the information is presented.  
To request additional publications, or to ask questions or make comments  
about the functions of IBM products or systems, you should talk to your IBM  
representative or to your IBM authorized remarketer.  
When you send comments to IBM, you grant IBM a nonexclusive right to use  
or distribute your comments in any way it believes appropriate, without  
incurring any obligation to you.  
You can send your comments to IBM in any of the following ways:  
v By mail, to this address:  
Information Development Department (MP095)  
IBM United Kingdom Laboratories  
Hursley Park  
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Spine information:  
MQSeries® for AS/400®  
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings V5.1  

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